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2023国际水果展 - International Fruit Expo

都乐中国派出庞大代表团出席。展位上方清晰可见该公司理念“Sunshine for All”。/ Dole China was present with a large delegation. The company's slogan Sunshine for All visible above the stand.
都乐中国派出庞大代表团出席。展位上方清晰可见该公司理念“Sunshine for All”。/ Dole China was present with a large delegation. The company's slogan Sunshine for All visible above the stand.
今年是鑫荣懋集团25周年庆典。公司携大型代表团参加展会。 / Joy Wing Mau is celebrating it's 25th anniversary this year.  The company was present with a large delegation.
今年是鑫荣懋集团25周年庆典。公司携大型代表团参加展会。 / Joy Wing Mau is celebrating it's 25th anniversary this year.  The company was present with a large delegation.
绿萌团队在公司最新的 Fruscan S7 Pro 分选机前。过去几年,该公司在国际上快速扩张,目前已在澳大利亚、印度、南非、智利和墨西哥安装了生产线。/ Reemoon's team in front of the company's latest Fruscan S7 Pro sorting machine. The company has been expanding fast internationally over the last few years, with now lines installed in Australia, India, South Africa, Chile and Mexico.
绿萌团队在公司最新的 Fruscan S7 Pro 分选机前。过去几年,该公司在国际上快速扩张,目前已在澳大利亚、印度、南非、智利和墨西哥安装了生产线。/ Reemoon's team in front of the company's latest Fruscan S7 Pro sorting machine. The company has been expanding fast internationally over the last few years, with now lines installed in Australia, India, South Africa, Chile and Mexico.
陶朗中国团队在公司的分选机前。图片右二是陶朗新鲜食品中国区总经理蓝云清。陶朗食品团队设备:陶朗KATO LUCAi™ 人工智能分选机,该设备基于超过250000张蓝莓图片的数据库,使用人工智能技术对蓝莓进行精准地分选和分级,每秒可以处理多达2400张图像。Tomra China's team in front of one of the company's sorting line. In the middle is Jim Lan, General Manager China, Tomra Food.TOMRA Food teamMachine: KATO LUCAi™The machine uses artificial intelligence techniques to classify and grade blueberry to precise market demands. The classification is derived from a learning set generated by more than a 250,000 individually classified images. LUCAi™ can process up to 2,400 individual images of fruit each second.


设备:陶朗KATO LUCAi™ 人工智能分选机,


Tomra China's team in front of one of the company's sorting line. In the middle is Jim Lan, General Manager China, Tomra Food.

TOMRA Food team

Machine: KATO LUCAi™

The machine uses artificial intelligence techniques to classify and grade blueberry to precise market demands. The classification is derived from a learning set generated by more than a 250,000 individually classified images. LUCAi™ can process up to 2,400 individual images of fruit each second.
2023国际水果展盛大的开幕式 / The grand opening of the 2023 International Fruit Expo.
2023国际水果展盛大的开幕式 / The grand opening of the 2023 International Fruit Expo.
都乐中国 / Dole China
都乐中国 / Dole China
佳农携大型代表团参展。佳农致力于为中国市场消费者提供优质水果,以高端、稳定、保质为重点。/ GoodFarmer was present with a large delegation. The company focuses on premium fruit for the Chinese domestic market, branded under the GoodFarmer brand. High, and stable, quality is key.
佳农携大型代表团参展。佳农致力于为中国市场消费者提供优质水果,以高端、稳定、保质为重点。/ GoodFarmer was present with a large delegation. The company focuses on premium fruit for the Chinese domestic market, branded under the GoodFarmer brand. High, and stable, quality is key. 
今年是鑫荣懋集团25周年庆典。公司与各合作伙伴签署战略合作协议。/ Joy Wing Mau is celebrating it's 25th anniversary this year.  The company hosted a Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony with different partners.
今年是鑫荣懋集团25周年庆典。公司与各合作伙伴签署战略合作协议。/ Joy Wing Mau is celebrating it's 25th anniversary this year.  The company hosted a Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony with different partners.
盒马与其国际合作伙伴签署战略合作协议,为中国市场消费者提供新鲜水果。/ Strategic Signing cooperation between Hema and its international partners supplying fresh fruits to the Chinese market.
盒马与其国际合作伙伴签署战略合作协议,为中国市场消费者提供新鲜水果。/ Strategic Signing cooperation between Hema and its international partners supplying fresh fruits to the Chinese market.
盒马与其国际合作伙伴签署战略合作协议,为中国市场消费者提供新鲜水果。/ Strategic Signing cooperation between Hema and its international partners supplying fresh fruits to the Chinese market.
盒马与其国际合作伙伴签署战略合作协议,为中国市场消费者提供新鲜水果。/ Strategic Signing cooperation between Hema and its international partners supplying fresh fruits to the Chinese market.
在佳沃鑫荣懋展柜,展示新鲜的蓝莓和香蕉。/ Fresh blueberries and bananas on display under the Joy Wing Mau Joyvio brand.
在佳沃鑫荣懋展柜,展示新鲜的蓝莓和香蕉。/ Fresh blueberries and bananas on display under the Joy Wing Mau Joyvio brand.
佳沃鑫荣懋展柜,展示出榴莲。/ Durian on display under the Joy Wing Mau Joyvio brand.
佳沃鑫荣懋展柜,展示出榴莲。/ Durian on display under the Joy Wing Mau Joyvio brand.
Imei Max, 东港市原乡草莓专业合作社,来自杭州的草莓种植及品牌策划企业。图为张佳女士,捧着公司设计的草莓礼盒。/ Imei Max, branding company and strawberry grower from HangZhou. On the photo is Zhang Jia. She is holding a box created for strawberries as a gift box. 
Imei Max, 东港市原乡草莓专业合作社,来自杭州的草莓种植及品牌策划企业。图为张佳女士,捧着公司设计的草莓礼盒。/ Imei Max, branding company and strawberry grower from HangZhou. On the photo is Zhang Jia. She is holding a box created for strawberries as a gift box. 
华圣鲜果在陕西种植苹果,今年产季从十月开始。预计今年甘肃苹果产量较低,陕西苹果产量持平。/ Huash grows appels in Shaanxi. This year’s harvest starts in October. This year’s apple volumes are expected to be lower in Gansu, Shaanxi volumes are the same. 
华圣鲜果在陕西种植苹果,今年产季从十月开始。预计今年甘肃苹果产量较低,陕西苹果产量持平。/ Huash grows appels in Shaanxi. This year’s harvest starts in October. This year’s apple volumes are expected to be lower in Gansu, Shaanxi volumes are the same. 
都乐中国与标果工厂签订战略合作协议。图为来自标果工厂的刘显付。标果工厂是中国的一家互联网零售企业,同时拥有实体门店。/ Dole China Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony between Dole China and BiaoGuo Works. On the photo is Liu Xian Fu from BiaoGuo Works. BiaoGuo works is an online retailer which also has physical stores in China. 
都乐中国与标果工厂签订战略合作协议。图为来自标果工厂的刘显付。标果工厂是中国的一家互联网零售企业,同时拥有实体门店。/ Dole China Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony between Dole China and BiaoGuo Works. On the photo is Liu Xian Fu from BiaoGuo Works. BiaoGuo works is an online retailer which also has physical stores in China. 
都乐中国与标果工厂签订战略合作协议。图为来自标果工厂的刘显付。标果工厂是中国的一家互联网零售企业,同时拥有实体门店。/ Dole China Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony between Dole China and BiaoGuo Works. On the photo is Liu Xian Fu from BiaoGuo Works. BiaoGuo works is an online retailer which also has physical stores in China. 
都乐中国与标果工厂签订战略合作协议。图为来自标果工厂的刘显付。标果工厂是中国的一家互联网零售企业,同时拥有实体门店。/ Dole China Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony between Dole China and BiaoGuo Works. On the photo is Liu Xian Fu from BiaoGuo Works. BiaoGuo works is an online retailer which also has physical stores in China. 
都乐中国展位上的甜椒 / Sweet Palermo at the stand of Dole China.
都乐中国展位上的甜椒 / Sweet Palermo at the stand of Dole China.
都乐正在展位上进行直播 / Dole Live streaming from the stand.
都乐正在展位上进行直播 / Dole Live streaming from the stand.
今年是鑫荣懋集团25周年庆典。公司与各合作伙伴签署战略合作协议。/ Joy Wing Mau is celebrating it's 25th anniversary this year.  The company hosted a Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony with different partners.
今年是鑫荣懋集团25周年庆典。公司与各合作伙伴签署战略合作协议。/ Joy Wing Mau is celebrating it's 25th anniversary this year.  The company hosted a Strategic Cooperation Signing Ceremony with different partners.
陕西水果展厅里的大型苹果展示塔。苹果是当地的主要水果品类。/ Large apple pagoda on display at the Shaanxi Fruits Pavillion. Appels are a major fruit from the region.
陕西水果展厅里的大型苹果展示塔。苹果是当地的主要水果品类。/ Large apple pagoda on display at the Shaanxi Fruits Pavillion. Appels are a major fruit from the region.
陕西黄土高坡农林畜发展有限公司,是一家延安苹果农民合作社。八月起早熟品种已上市,十月将上市更多品种。图为蔡青总经理和唐先生。今年苹果收成预计和去年持平。/ Shaanxi Huangtugaopo Company, a YanAn apple cooperative. There is one early apple variety already on the market from August. On the photo are Cai Qing and Tang Zhongzin. The other apples arrive in October. The harvest is expected to be same as last year.
陕西黄土高坡农林畜发展有限公司,是一家延安苹果农民合作社。八月起早熟品种已上市,十月将上市更多品种。图为蔡青总经理和唐先生。今年苹果收成预计和去年持平。/ Shaanxi Huangtugaopo Company, a YanAn apple cooperative. There is one early apple variety already on the market from August. On the photo are Cai Qing and Tang Zhongzin. The other apples arrive in October. The harvest is expected to be same as last year.
南京来富果业是国产与进口水果的批发商和经销商,是南京最大的批发商之一。公司并经营不同品牌的进口车厘子和柑橘类水果。图为市场部的王朝先生和陶炯良先生。/ NanJing Laifu Fruit is a distributor of fruits and imported fruit. The company services different brands on cherries and citrus. They are also one of the biggest wholesalers in NanJing. In the photo is Chao Wang, Market Manager, and Jiongliang Tao.
南京来富果业是国产与进口水果的批发商和经销商,是南京最大的批发商之一。公司并经营不同品牌的进口车厘子和柑橘类水果。图为市场部的王朝先生和陶炯良先生。/ NanJing Laifu Fruit is a distributor of fruits and imported fruit. The company services different brands on cherries and citrus. They are also one of the biggest wholesalers in NanJing. In the photo is Chao Wang, Market Manager, and Jiongliang Tao.
南京来富果业是国产与进口水果的批发商和经销商,是南京最大的批发商之一。公司并经营不同品牌的进口车厘子和柑橘类水果。/ NanJing Laifu Fruit is a distributor of fruits and imported fruit.The company services different brands on cherries and citrus.They are also one of the biggest wholesaler in NanJing. 
南京来富果业是国产与进口水果的批发商和经销商,是南京最大的批发商之一。公司并经营不同品牌的进口车厘子和柑橘类水果。/ NanJing Laifu Fruit is a distributor of fruits and imported fruit.The company services different brands on cherries and citrus.They are also one of the biggest wholesaler in NanJing. 
AgroFresh自2016年首次返回中国市场,并携大型公司团队参展。公司为中国市场的采后领域作保证,并很高兴能参加展会。图为(由左至右)孙希生、毕岚、姜丹、白奎宁、段雨苇。/ First time for AgroFresh to be back in China since 2016 with a large presence at a trade show. The company made a big commitment to the post-harvest Chinese market and is very happy to be present. On the photo are (from left to right):Xisheng Sun, Lan Bi, Angela Jiang, Kuining Bai, Patrick Duan.
AgroFresh自2016年首次返回中国市场,并携大型公司团队参展。公司为中国市场的采后领域作保证,并很高兴能参加展会。图为(由左至右)孙希生、毕岚、姜丹、白奎宁、段雨苇。/ First time for AgroFresh to be back in China since 2016 with a large presence at a trade show. The company made a big commitment to the post-harvest Chinese market and is very happy to be present. On the photo are (from left to right):Xisheng Sun, Lan Bi, Angela Jiang, Kuining Bai, Patrick Duan.
大唐农业展位的传统舞蹈。陕西大唐现代农业作为国产与进口水果品牌的经销商,以批发市场为销售渠道。公司以“唐美”为品牌销售陕西果品,如猕猴桃、苹果等。/ Traditional Dance at the booth of DaTang Agriculture. Shaanxi DaTang Modern Agriculture is active on the wholesale market as distributor of Chinese and international brands. The company also markets Shaanxi products like kiwi fruit and apples under the Tang Mei brand.
大唐农业展位的传统舞蹈。陕西大唐现代农业作为国产与进口水果品牌的经销商,以批发市场为销售渠道。公司以“唐美”为品牌销售陕西果品,如猕猴桃、苹果等。/ Traditional Dance at the booth of DaTang Agriculture. Shaanxi DaTang Modern Agriculture is active on the wholesale market as distributor of Chinese and international brands. The company also markets Shaanxi products like kiwi fruit and apples under the Tang Mei brand.
深圳的道创智能公司展台。公司以SpekSense和SpekVision为核心技术,并以人工智能科技赋能,于分选线上为水果进行质量检测。图为来自该公司的Ria。/ The stand of Deltron from Shenzhen. Their technology SpekSense and SpekVision does quality testing through scan technology and the entire sorting line, powered by AI technology. On the photo is Ria.
深圳的道创智能公司展台。公司以SpekSense和SpekVision为核心技术,并以人工智能科技赋能,于分选线上为水果进行质量检测。图为来自该公司的Ria。/ The stand of Deltron from Shenzhen. Their technology SpekSense and SpekVision does quality testing through scan technology and the entire sorting line, powered by AI technology. On the photo is Ria.
深圳酷川冷链物流。公司正着重开发东南亚市场,去年于泰国及越南设立办公室。公司活跃于全球市场。图为副总经理王燕程。/ Shenzhen Cool Chain Logistics. The big opportunities are in Southeast Asia, and the company last year opened an office in Thailand and Vietnam. They are globally active. On the photo is Thomas Vance, Deputy General Manager.
深圳酷川冷链物流。公司正着重开发东南亚市场,去年于泰国及越南设立办公室。公司活跃于全球市场。图为副总经理王燕程。/ Shenzhen Cool Chain Logistics. The big opportunities are in Southeast Asia, and the company last year opened an office in Thailand and Vietnam. They are globally active. On the photo is Thomas Vance, Deputy General Manager.
“路路鲜”致力于为水果供应链企业开发管理软件。/ TrackerFresh develops software for the fruit industry that tracks and analysis the full distribution. 
“路路鲜”致力于为水果供应链企业开发管理软件。/ TrackerFresh develops software for the fruit industry that tracks and analysis the full distribution. 
陕西大唐现代农业作为国产与进口水果品牌的经销商,以批发市场为销售渠道。公司以“唐美”为品牌销售陕西果品,如猕猴桃、苹果等。/ Shaanxi DaTang Modern Agriculture is active on the wholesale market as distributor of Chinese and international brands. The company also markets Shaanxi products like kiwi fruit and apples under the Tang Mei brand.
陕西大唐现代农业作为国产与进口水果品牌的经销商,以批发市场为销售渠道。公司以“唐美”为品牌销售陕西果品,如猕猴桃、苹果等。/ Shaanxi DaTang Modern Agriculture is active on the wholesale market as distributor of Chinese and international brands. The company also markets Shaanxi products like kiwi fruit and apples under the Tang Mei brand.
陕西大唐现代农业作为国产与进口水果品牌的经销商,以批发市场为销售渠道。公司以“唐美”为品牌销售陕西果品,如猕猴桃、苹果等。图为该公司的李卓凯经理。/ Shaanxi DaTang Modern Agriculture is active on the wholesale market as distributor of Chinese and international brands. The company also markets Shaanxi products like kiwi fruit and apples under the Tang Mei brand. On the photo is Zhuokai Li, the Manager.
陕西大唐现代农业作为国产与进口水果品牌的经销商,以批发市场为销售渠道。公司以“唐美”为品牌销售陕西果品,如猕猴桃、苹果等。图为该公司的李卓凯经理。/ Shaanxi DaTang Modern Agriculture is active on the wholesale market as distributor of Chinese and international brands. The company also markets Shaanxi products like kiwi fruit and apples under the Tang Mei brand. On the photo is Zhuokai Li, the Manager.
爱泽将大力开发更多进口水果,包括南非柑橘、及南美和澳新的车厘子。图片中间为刘新宽先生。 / IVC Sun specialises in import fruits, South African citrus and cherries from South America, New Zealand and Australia. In the middle is Henry.
爱泽将大力开发更多进口水果,包括南非柑橘、及南美和澳新的车厘子。图片中间为刘新宽先生。 / IVC Sun specialises in import fruits, South African citrus and cherries from South America, New Zealand and Australia. In the middle is Henry.
爱泽将大力开发更多进口水果,包括南非柑橘、及南美和澳新的车厘子。/ IVC Sun specialises in import fruits, South African citrus and cherries from South America, New Zealand and Australia. 
爱泽将大力开发更多进口水果,包括南非柑橘、及南美和澳新的车厘子。/ IVC Sun specialises in import fruits, South African citrus and cherries from South America, New Zealand and Australia. 
煜谦供应链是上海的一家大型进口贸易商。除了进口水果以外,公司并致力于冷冻干果业务。公司已开启了出口业务,以及在中国以外的国际贸易业务。图为黄龙先生和彭锐先生。/ RiverKing is a larger importer and trader from Shanghai.  In addition to fruit imports, Also focussing on freeze dried fruits. Thirds of the company is starting its export business, and conducting international trade outside China. On the photo are Bake Huang and Oliver Peng.
煜谦供应链是上海的一家大型进口贸易商。除了进口水果以外,公司并致力于冷冻干果业务。公司已开启了出口业务,以及在中国以外的国际贸易业务。图为黄龙先生和彭锐先生。/ RiverKing is a larger importer and trader from Shanghai.  In addition to fruit imports, Also focussing on freeze dried fruits. Thirds of the company is starting its export business, and conducting international trade outside China. On the photo are Bake Huang and Oliver Peng.
果之友位于湖南长沙,是一家大型进口水果批发商,在嘉兴等批发市场拥有档口。公司经营自有品牌的榴莲。除进口水果业务以外,公司还种植葡萄。图中是符灿女士。/ Fruit-Mate is a company from Hunan specialising in import fruits for wholesale distribution and retail supply. Also have presence at major wholesale markets including JiaXing. The company has its own brand in durian. In addition to import, the company grows grapes. In the photo is Elena.
果之友位于湖南长沙,是一家大型进口水果批发商,在嘉兴等批发市场拥有档口。公司经营自有品牌的榴莲。除进口水果业务以外,公司还种植葡萄。图中是符灿女士。/ Fruit-Mate is a company from Hunan specialising in import fruits for wholesale distribution and retail supply. Also have presence at major wholesale markets including JiaXing. The company has its own brand in durian. In addition to import, the company grows grapes. In the photo is Elena.
果之友位于湖南长沙,是一家大型进口水果批发商,在嘉兴等批发市场拥有档口。公司经营自有品牌的榴莲。除进口水果业务以外,公司还种植葡萄。图中是符灿女士。/ Fruit-Mate is a company from Hunan specialising in import fruits for wholesale distribution and retail supply. Also have presence at major wholesale markets including JiaXing. The company has its own brand in durian. In addition to import, the company grows grapes. In the photo is Elena.
果之友位于湖南长沙,是一家大型进口水果批发商,在嘉兴等批发市场拥有档口。公司经营自有品牌的榴莲。除进口水果业务以外,公司还种植葡萄。图中是符灿女士。/ Fruit-Mate is a company from Hunan specialising in import fruits for wholesale distribution and retail supply. Also have presence at major wholesale markets including JiaXing. The company has its own brand in durian. In addition to import, the company grows grapes. In the photo is Elena.
果寻梦海南分公司总经理龙凯。果寻梦在四川种植红心猕猴桃和耙耙柑,并在云南和海南经营蓝莓与蜜瓜。/ Dream of Fruit with Long Kai, the Hainan Branch General Manager.Company grow red kiwis and oranges in Sichuan, also markets blueberries and honeydew in Yunnan and Hainan.
果寻梦海南分公司总经理龙凯。果寻梦在四川种植红心猕猴桃和耙耙柑,并在云南和海南经营蓝莓与蜜瓜。/ Dream of Fruit with Long Kai, the Hainan Branch General Manager.Company grow red kiwis and oranges in Sichuan, also markets blueberries and honeydew in Yunnan and Hainan.
来自山东临沂嘉兴水果市场的房先生 / Linyi JiaXing Fruit Wholesale Market from Shandong, a province in Eastern China.In the photo is Mr Fang.
来自山东临沂嘉兴水果市场的房先生 / Linyi JiaXing Fruit Wholesale Market from Shandong, a province in Eastern China.In the photo is Mr Fang.
新华南国际果品交易中心拥有不同的业务板块,及经营各样时令果品,目前着眼于新疆西梅业务。/ Xin Huanan International Fruit Trade center has different business segments. They market various seasonal fruits, now focusing on fresh plums. 
新华南国际果品交易中心拥有不同的业务板块,及经营各样时令果品,目前着眼于新疆西梅业务。/ Xin Huanan International Fruit Trade center has different business segments. They market various seasonal fruits, now focusing on fresh plums. 
运城市盐湖区禹润农业发展有限公司樊志强总经理 (右) 和 张栋销售总监。/ The company grows melons.
运城市盐湖区禹润农业发展有限公司樊志强总经理 (右) 和 张栋销售总监。/ The company grows melons.
天津港是华北地区最大港口,与北京、天津、河北、河南紧密相连。天津港也与华中及华南地区通过陆路连接。从智利发出的船运可在22天内抵达天津港。图片是Owen和李斌。/ TianJin Port is the largest port in Northern China, closely connected to Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Henan. The port is also connected overland to central and Southern China. 22 days from Chile to TianJin Port. On the photo are Owen and Li Bin.
天津港是华北地区最大港口,与北京、天津、河北、河南紧密相连。天津港也与华中及华南地区通过陆路连接。从智利发出的船运可在22天内抵达天津港。图片是Owen和李斌。/ TianJin Port is the largest port in Northern China, closely connected to Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Henan. The port is also connected overland to central and Southern China. 22 days from Chile to TianJin Port. On the photo are Owen and Li Bin.
天津港是华北地区最大港口,与北京、天津、河北、河南紧密相连。天津港也与华中及华南地区通过陆路连接。从智利发出的船运可在22天内抵达天津港。图片是Owen和李斌。/ TianJin Port is the largest port in Northern China, closely connected to Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Henan. The port is also connected overland to central and Southern China. 22 days from Chile to TianJin Port. On the photo are Owen and Li Bin.
天津港是华北地区最大港口,与北京、天津、河北、河南紧密相连。天津港也与华中及华南地区通过陆路连接。从智利发出的船运可在22天内抵达天津港。图片是Owen和李斌。/ TianJin Port is the largest port in Northern China, closely connected to Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Henan. The port is also connected overland to central and Southern China. 22 days from Chile to TianJin Port. On the photo are Owen and Li Bin.
牛油果先生在中国进行牛油果进口、催熟和销售业务。在北京,成都,广州,上海拥有催熟中心。图片为周婷与韦应芳。/ Mr Avocado does avocado imports, ripening and sales in China. Beijing and Chengdu now also have ripening rooms, in addition to Guangzhou and Shanghai. On the photo are Zhou Ting and Mia. 
牛油果先生在中国进行牛油果进口、催熟和销售业务。在北京,成都,广州,上海拥有催熟中心。图片为周婷与韦应芳。/ Mr Avocado does avocado imports, ripening and sales in China. Beijing and Chengdu now also have ripening rooms, in addition to Guangzhou and Shanghai. On the photo are Zhou Ting and Mia. 
来自江苏的凯康机械,致力于生产可制作水果气调保鲜包装的机械设备。此项技术及应用正在中国发展。图为陈先生。/ K.Kang from Jiangsu develops machines for Fruit Modified Atmosphere packaging. This technology and its applications is growing in China. On the photo is Mr Chen.
来自江苏的凯康机械,致力于生产可制作水果气调保鲜包装的机械设备。此项技术及应用正在中国发展。图为陈先生。/ K.Kang from Jiangsu develops machines for Fruit Modified Atmosphere packaging. This technology and its applications is growing in China. On the photo is Mr Chen.
中铁特货物流是一家铁路公司。有别于多年前,现已有更多铁路冷链运输可供中国国内及国际运输使用,如运输至邻近的亚洲国家及东南亚国家。图为冷链车厢。/ China Railway Special Cargo Logistics is a railway company. Different from a few years ago, more temperature-controlled railway shipments are made available across China and connected to neighboring countries in Asia and South East Asia. In the photo are temperature-controlled train compartments. 
中铁特货物流是一家铁路公司。有别于多年前,现已有更多铁路冷链运输可供中国国内及国际运输使用,如运输至邻近的亚洲国家及东南亚国家。图为冷链车厢。/ China Railway Special Cargo Logistics is a railway company. Different from a few years ago, more temperature-controlled railway shipments are made available across China and connected to neighboring countries in Asia and South East Asia. In the photo are temperature-controlled train compartments. 
中铁特货物流是一家铁路公司。有别于多年前,现已有更多铁路冷链运输可供中国国内及国际运输使用,如运输至邻近的亚洲国家及东南亚国家。图为冷链车厢。/ China Railway Special Cargo Logistics is a railway company. Different from a few years ago, more temperature-controlled railway shipments are made available across China and connected to neighboring countries in Asia and South East Asia. In the photo are temperature-controlled train compartments. 
中铁特货物流是一家铁路公司。有别于多年前,现已有更多铁路冷链运输可供中国国内及国际运输使用,如运输至邻近的亚洲国家及东南亚国家。图为冷链车厢。/ China Railway Special Cargo Logistics is a railway company. Different from a few years ago, more temperature-controlled railway shipments are made available across China and connected to neighboring countries in Asia and South East Asia. In the photo are temperature-controlled train compartments. 
左边是FRECO Fresh的总经理Jade Shan, 公司主营新鲜和冷冻的波罗蜜,在中国国内可供全年销售。另一位是来自柏林展览广州办公室的Gloria Guan, 柏林展览是国际大型展会主办方。/ Jade Shan, to the left, is the General Manager at FRECO Fresh. The company specialises in fresh and frozen jackfruit, available year-round across China. She is together with Gloria Guan from Messe Berlin Guangzhou, Messe Berlin is an organizer of International exhibitions.
左边是FRECO Fresh的总经理Jade Shan, 公司主营新鲜和冷冻的波罗蜜,在中国国内可供全年销售。另一位是来自柏林展览广州办公室的Gloria Guan, 柏林展览是国际大型展会主办方。/ Jade Shan, to the left, is the General Manager at FRECO Fresh. The company specialises in fresh and frozen jackfruit, available year-round across China. She is together with Gloria Guan from Messe Berlin Guangzhou, Messe Berlin is an organizer of International exhibitions.
来自厚助农业的林昭明。该公司种植并销售高端陕西大荔冬枣。/ Mr Lin from Houzhu Agriculture,the company grows and markets premium winter jujubes of Shanxi.
来自厚助农业的林昭明。该公司种植并销售高端陕西大荔冬枣。/ Mr Lin from Houzhu Agriculture,the company grows and markets premium winter jujubes of Shanxi.
TopSun Fresh(经纬鲜达)是一家进口贸易企业。图片中间的是Daniel Ho与Neil Wan / TopSun Fresh is an import and trading company. In the middle is Daniel Ho together with Neil.
TopSun Fresh(经纬鲜达)是一家进口贸易企业。图片中间的是Daniel Ho与Neil Wan / TopSun Fresh is an import and trading company. In the middle is Daniel Ho together with Neil.
中铁特货物流是一家铁路公司。有别于多年前,现已有更多铁路冷链运输可供中国国内及国际运输使用,如运输至邻近的亚洲国家及东南亚国家。图为冷链车厢。/ China Railway Special Cargo Logistics is a railway company. Different from a few years ago, more temperature-controlled railway shipments are made available across China and connected to neighboring countries in Asia and South East Asia. In the photo are temperature-controlled train compartments. 
中铁特货物流是一家铁路公司。有别于多年前,现已有更多铁路冷链运输可供中国国内及国际运输使用,如运输至邻近的亚洲国家及东南亚国家。图为冷链车厢。/ China Railway Special Cargo Logistics is a railway company. Different from a few years ago, more temperature-controlled railway shipments are made available across China and connected to neighboring countries in Asia and South East Asia. In the photo are temperature-controlled train compartments. 
叶臣实业自有苹果基地,苹果是该公司的重要产品。另外,公司也经营进口榴莲、车厘子及国产云南蓝莓。/ YeChen is a trading company. Apples are important to the company’s portfolio, which they grown in their own orchards. In addition, the company imports durian, cherries and have a blueberry production base in Yunnan. 
叶臣实业自有苹果基地,苹果是该公司的重要产品。另外,公司也经营进口榴莲、车厘子及国产云南蓝莓。/ YeChen is a trading company. Apples are important to the company’s portfolio, which they grown in their own orchards. In addition, the company imports durian, cherries and have a blueberry production base in Yunnan. 
好果云的展柜及参展团队 // The stand and full team of FrutaCloud.
好果云的展柜及参展团队 // The stand and full team of FrutaCloud.
展会第二天,从“智利樱桃,中国市场”研讨会开始,该研讨会由ASOEX(智利水果出口商协会)组织。图为欧洲与亚洲市场总监Charif Christian Carvajal。智利车厘子产量预计将在未来四年内翻倍。/ The second day of the show started with a "Chile Cherry Market" market presentation organized and hosted by ASOEX. On the photo is Charif Christian Carvajal, MArketing Director for Asia and Europe. Chile's cherry production is expected to double in the next four years.
展会第二天,从“智利樱桃,中国市场”研讨会开始,该研讨会由ASOEX(智利水果出口商协会)组织。图为欧洲与亚洲市场总监Charif Christian Carvajal。智利车厘子产量预计将在未来四年内翻倍。/ The second day of the show started with a "Chile Cherry Market" market presentation organized and hosted by ASOEX. On the photo is Charif Christian Carvajal, MArketing Director for Asia and Europe. Chile's cherry production is expected to double in the next four years.
展会第二天,从“智利樱桃,中国市场”研讨会开始,该研讨会由ASOEX(智利水果出口商协会)组织。图为ASOEX的行政总监Claudia Soler。ASOEX希望通过在二三线城市等更多地区进行推广,培育潜在消费群体,以增加中国市场对智利车厘子的消费量。/ The second day of the show started with a "Chile Cherry Market" market presentation organized and hosted by ASOEX. On the photo is Claudia Soler, Executive Director. ASOEX wants to strengthen cherry consumption in China, with a major push into new, tier 2 and 3, cities, and growing the consumer target group. 
展会第二天,从“智利樱桃,中国市场”研讨会开始,该研讨会由ASOEX(智利水果出口商协会)组织。图为ASOEX的行政总监Claudia Soler。ASOEX希望通过在二三线城市等更多地区进行推广,培育潜在消费群体,以增加中国市场对智利车厘子的消费量。/ The second day of the show started with a "Chile Cherry Market" market presentation organized and hosted by ASOEX. On the photo is Claudia Soler, Executive Director. ASOEX wants to strengthen cherry consumption in China, with a major push into new, tier 2 and 3, cities, and growing the consumer target group. 
Northbay Produce的亚洲代表Jose.及 David Smith / Jose, Asia Representative at Northbay Produce, and David Smith
Northbay Produce的亚洲代表Jose.及 David Smith / Jose, Asia Representative at Northbay Produce, and David Smith
上海诚实果品在国内首创水果“仓储连锁零售”,并逐渐发展为包括产地直采、仓储服务、及鲜果零食门店等的企业。图为采购总监Carver, 产品经理付维等。/ Shanghai Wellfruit started as a 'wholesale fruit store' and has evolved to a company that is active in direct sourcing, warehousing services and chain fresh fruit stores in China. On the photo are Carver, Procurement Director, and Stella Fu, Product Manager.
上海诚实果品在国内首创水果“仓储连锁零售”,并逐渐发展为包括产地直采、仓储服务、及鲜果零食门店等的企业。图为采购总监Carver, 产品经理付维等。/ Shanghai Wellfruit started as a 'wholesale fruit store' and has evolved to a company that is active in direct sourcing, warehousing services and chain fresh fruit stores in China. On the photo are Carver, Procurement Director, and Stella Fu, Product Manager.
上海蕉好运农业科技开发水果催熟系统,目前需求主要来自牛油果及猕猴桃。/ Shanghai Lucky Fruit Agricultural Technology develops ripening systems and installations. There is current demand from the market for avocado and kiwifruit ripening. 
上海蕉好运农业科技开发水果催熟系统,目前需求主要来自牛油果及猕猴桃。/ Shanghai Lucky Fruit Agricultural Technology develops ripening systems and installations. There is current demand from the market for avocado and kiwifruit ripening. 
中荔农业集团种植及销售荔枝等产自广东的农作物,并销售至全球市场。/ Shanghai Lucky Fruit Agricultural Technology develops ripening systems and installations. There is current demand from the market for avocado and kiwifruit ripening. 
中荔农业集团种植及销售荔枝等产自广东的农作物,并销售至全球市场。/ Shanghai Lucky Fruit Agricultural Technology develops ripening systems and installations. There is current demand from the market for avocado and kiwifruit ripening. 
秦安雪原果品是甘肃的一家苹果农业合作社,包含多个苹果品种,以“雪原”为品牌在国内市场销售。/ Qin'an Xueyan Fruit Products is an apple cooperative from Gansu. XueYuan is the company's apple brand for sales on the Chinese domestic market.
秦安雪原果品是甘肃的一家苹果农业合作社,包含多个苹果品种,以“雪原”为品牌在国内市场销售。/ Qin'an Xueyan Fruit Products is an apple cooperative from Gansu. XueYuan is the company's apple brand for sales on the Chinese domestic market.
秦安雪原果品是甘肃的一家苹果农业合作社,包含多个苹果品种,以“雪原”为品牌在国内市场销售。/ Qin'an Xueyan Fruit Products is an apple cooperative from Gansu. XueYuan is the company's apple brand for sales on the Chinese domestic market.
秦安雪原果品是甘肃的一家苹果农业合作社,包含多个苹果品种,以“雪原”为品牌在国内市场销售。/ Qin'an Xueyan Fruit Products is an apple cooperative from Gansu. XueYuan is the company's apple brand for sales on the Chinese domestic market.
长沙龙源农业经营进口及国产精品水果,以东南亚进口水果为主,包括山竹、火龙果及榴莲。图为董事长郑素华。/ Changsha Longyuan Agricultural Development is a grower and trading company, with cold storage fascilities across China. The company speciliases in imports from Southeast Asia, mainly mangosteen, dragonfruit and durian. On the photo is Zheng Su Hua.
长沙龙源农业经营进口及国产精品水果,以东南亚进口水果为主,包括山竹、火龙果及榴莲。图为董事长郑素华。/ Changsha Longyuan Agricultural Development is a grower and trading company, with cold storage fascilities across China. The company speciliases in imports from Southeast Asia, mainly mangosteen, dragonfruit and durian. On the photo is Zheng Su Hua.
温州金玖包装机械公司制造及销售全自动水果盒折盒机。/ Wenzhou JinJiu Packing Machinery develops and sells automatic fruit boxing machines.
温州金玖包装机械公司制造及销售全自动水果盒折盒机。/ Wenzhou JinJiu Packing Machinery develops and sells automatic fruit boxing machines.
德和资为国内企业提供冷库设备 / Dehezi is a developer and provider of cold storage facilities across China.
德和资为国内企业提供冷库设备 / Dehezi is a developer and provider of cold storage facilities across China.
云南八方农业科技发展有限公司是由墨西哥 Rivas Produce、汪志哲(中国台湾)、云南正锋阁农业科技发展有限公司、青岛尤尼帕克商贸有限公司、Trade and Agawa Takumi (Japan) 共同组建的中外合资企业。云南八方牛油果种植项目是由龙陵县政府投资,包括千公顷牛油果种植及加工设施。/ Yunnan Bafang Agricultural Technology Development is a Sino-foreign joint venture by Mexico Rivas Produce, Andy Wang (Taiwan), Yunnan Zhengfengge Agricultural Technology Development, Qingdao Unipac Commerce & Trade and Agawa Takumi (Japan). It's Yunnan Bafang avocado planting project is an investment by the Longling County Government to plant a thousand hectares avocado planting and processing facility.
云南八方农业科技发展有限公司是由墨西哥 Rivas Produce、汪志哲(中国台湾)、云南正锋阁农业科技发展有限公司、青岛尤尼帕克商贸有限公司、Trade and Agawa Takumi (Japan) 共同组建的中外合资企业。云南八方牛油果种植项目是由龙陵县政府投资,包括千公顷牛油果种植及加工设施。/ Yunnan Bafang Agricultural Technology Development is a Sino-foreign joint venture by Mexico Rivas Produce, Andy Wang (Taiwan), Yunnan Zhengfengge Agricultural Technology Development, Qingdao Unipac Commerce & Trade and Agawa Takumi (Japan). It's Yunnan Bafang avocado planting project is an investment by the Longling County Government to plant a thousand hectares avocado planting and processing facility.
齐峰果业是一家位于陕西的猕猴桃种植与销售企业。猕猴桃新产季即将开启。公司近年致力于即食猕猴桃的发展,并已在商超进行销售。该项目将增强猕猴桃的销售。图中最右边为鲁文博。/ Qifeng Fruit is a kiwifruit grower and distributor from Shanxi. The new kiwifruit season is about to start. One of the latest developments are the sales of ready-to-eat and ripe kiwifruit, which is available in supermarkest. This will enhance the sales of kiwifruit. On the photo to the right is Bruce Lu.
齐峰果业是一家位于陕西的猕猴桃种植与销售企业。猕猴桃新产季即将开启。公司近年致力于即食猕猴桃的发展,并已在商超进行销售。该项目将增强猕猴桃的销售。图中最右边为鲁文博。/ Qifeng Fruit is a kiwifruit grower and distributor from Shanxi. The new kiwifruit season is about to start. One of the latest developments are the sales of ready-to-eat and ripe kiwifruit, which is available in supermarkest. This will enhance the sales of kiwifruit. On the photo to the right is Bruce Lu.
Andy Zhang, Francisco Chacon(中),均来自世界知名的全球航运及品牌公司都乐
Andy Zhang, Francisco Chacon(中),均来自世界知名的全球航运及品牌公司都乐
农富果品的蒋先生。农富是一家成立于1990年的贸易公司,是迪士尼(中国)的官方授权商。/ NowFrutti with Mr Jiang. NowFrutti is a trading company established in 1990. The company is the official licensee of Disney(China).
农富果品的蒋先生。农富是一家成立于1990年的贸易公司,是迪士尼(中国)的官方授权商。/ NowFrutti with Mr Jiang. NowFrutti is a trading company established in 1990. The company is the official licensee of Disney(China).
来自贵州的首扬水果拥有超过400家水果门店,提供水果零售,并同时活跃于水果批发市场。公司主营各种进口水果,包括智利车厘子、进口榴莲等。/ ShouYang Fruit from Guizhou has over 400 fruit stores and is also active on the wholesale market. The company is also a direct retail supplier.They market imported fruits including Chile cherries,and durians from South East Asia. 
来自贵州的首扬水果拥有超过400家水果门店,提供水果零售,并同时活跃于水果批发市场。公司主营各种进口水果,包括智利车厘子、进口榴莲等。/ ShouYang Fruit from Guizhou has over 400 fruit stores and is also active on the wholesale market. The company is also a direct retail supplier.They market imported fruits including Chile cherries,and durians from South East Asia. 
泰星盛是一家水果供应链服务公司,为进口水果企业提供进口报关服务。图为公司副总Tina Tang。/ Shenzhen Jingle Star Supply Chain Management is a fruit supply chain service company that supports the import processes of imported fresh produce into China. On the photo is Tina Tang, GM Assistant.
泰星盛是一家水果供应链服务公司,为进口水果企业提供进口报关服务。图为公司副总Tina Tang。/ Shenzhen Jingle Star Supply Chain Management is a fruit supply chain service company that supports the import processes of imported fresh produce into China. On the photo is Tina Tang, GM Assistant.
D-Quality Survey的Edison Herrera 和 Julio Ruiz-Tagle,该公司为全球企业提供质量检测服务。/ Edison Herrera and Julio Ruiz-Tagle from D-Quality Survey, a company that conducts quality control measures with a global presence.
D-Quality Survey的Edison Herrera 和 Julio Ruiz-Tagle,该公司为全球企业提供质量检测服务。/ Edison Herrera and Julio Ruiz-Tagle from D-Quality Survey, a company that conducts quality control measures with a global presence.
上海沃农进出口公司的金铭。/ Amer Jin from Shanghai Wonong Import & Export. 
上海沃农进出口公司的金铭。/ Amer Jin from Shanghai Wonong Import & Export. 
广东万鑫农业科技发展有限公司及公司吉祥物。该公司经营进口水果及国内精品水果,在广州的批发市场拥有档口。照片上是温秋顺、Hadi Chen、李逸媚和冼仲荣。/ Guangdong Wanxin Agricultural Science and Technology Development Company with the company's mascotte. The company is not only a fruit importer, but is also trading in domestic fruits, with the sales in wholesale market in GuangZhou. On the photo are Rachel Wen, Hadi Chen, Fiona Li and Erik Xian.
广东万鑫农业科技发展有限公司及公司吉祥物。该公司经营进口水果及国内精品水果,在广州的批发市场拥有档口。照片上是温秋顺、Hadi Chen、李逸媚和冼仲荣。/ Guangdong Wanxin Agricultural Science and Technology Development Company with the company's mascotte. The company is not only a fruit importer, but is also trading in domestic fruits, with the sales in wholesale market in GuangZhou. On the photo are Rachel Wen, Hadi Chen, Fiona Li and Erik Xian.
广东万鑫农业科技发展有限公司及公司吉祥物。该公司经营进口水果及国内精品水果,在广州的批发市场拥有档口。照片上是温秋顺、Hadi Chen、李逸媚和冼仲荣。/ Guangdong Wanxin Agricultural Science and Technology Development Company with the company's mascotte. The company is not only a fruit importer, but is also trading in domestic fruits, with the sales in wholesale market in GuangZhou. On the photo are Rachel Wen, Hadi Chen, Fiona Li and Erik Xian.
广东万鑫农业科技发展有限公司及公司吉祥物。该公司经营进口水果及国内精品水果,在广州的批发市场拥有档口。照片上是温秋顺、Hadi Chen、李逸媚和冼仲荣。/ Guangdong Wanxin Agricultural Science and Technology Development Company with the company's mascotte. The company is not only a fruit importer, but is also trading in domestic fruits, with the sales in wholesale market in GuangZhou. On the photo are Rachel Wen, Hadi Chen, Fiona Li and Erik Xian.
曲牌果业以“新果度”为品牌经营进口水果。主营产品为泰国榴莲及智利车厘子。图为国际采购洪泽旭,及采购经理肖洋。/ Qupai Fruit trades imported fruits under its XinGuoDo brand. Major products are Thai durian and Chilean cherries. On the photo are Allen Hong, Global Purchaser, and Eric Xiao, Purchase Manager.
曲牌果业以“新果度”为品牌经营进口水果。主营产品为泰国榴莲及智利车厘子。图为国际采购洪泽旭,及采购经理肖洋。/ Qupai Fruit trades imported fruits under its XinGuoDo brand. Major products are Thai durian and Chilean cherries. On the photo are Allen Hong, Global Purchaser, and Eric Xiao, Purchase Manager.
新大地农业种植及销售多个品种的蜜瓜和西瓜。/ New Earth Agriculture is a grower and distributor of different melon and watermelon varieties. 
新大地农业种植及销售多个品种的蜜瓜和西瓜。/ New Earth Agriculture is a grower and distributor of different melon and watermelon varieties. 
中国食品土畜进出口商会水果分会副秘书长、上海茂恒会展有限公司总经理,黄仙华。/ Kurt Huang, Deputy Secretary General of Fruit Branch of CCCFNA, General Manager of Shanghai EverFlourish Events Co., Ltd. 
中国食品土畜进出口商会水果分会副秘书长、上海茂恒会展有限公司总经理,黄仙华。/ Kurt Huang, Deputy Secretary General of Fruit Branch of CCCFNA, General Manager of Shanghai EverFlourish Events Co., Ltd. 
智利蓝莓协会行政总监Andres Armstrong。智利蓝莓已进入中国市场多年,业界希望能增长市场份额。/ Andres Armstrong is Executive Director of the Chilean Blueberry Committee. Chilean blueberries have years of market access to China and are available off-season. The industry is eager to grow its market share.
智利蓝莓协会行政总监Andres Armstrong。智利蓝莓已进入中国市场多年,业界希望能增长市场份额。/ Andres Armstrong is Executive Director of the Chilean Blueberry Committee. Chilean blueberries have years of market access to China and are available off-season. The industry is eager to grow its market share.
58农业是苹果的种植和经销商,此外,公司还在云南种植蓝莓和软籽石榴。公司品牌为“怡百农”。/ 58 Agriculture is a grower and distributor of different apple varieties and brands. In addition to apples, the company grows blueberries in Yunnan and pommegranates. 
58农业是苹果的种植和经销商,此外,公司还在云南种植蓝莓和软籽石榴。公司品牌为“怡百农”。/ 58 Agriculture is a grower and distributor of different apple varieties and brands. In addition to apples, the company grows blueberries in Yunnan and pommegranates. 
谷果集是一家来自青岛的进口水果企业,主打品牌之一是 S&W菠萝。/ Gogo Fruits is an import company from Qingdao. One of their major import brands is S&W fresh pineapples. 
谷果集是一家来自青岛的进口水果企业,主打品牌之一是 S&W菠萝。/ Gogo Fruits is an import company from Qingdao. One of their major import brands is S&W fresh pineapples. 
迈夫诺达决心扩大在中国市场的份额,并已扩大国内团队。图为:区域销售经理Zhou Yang,销售经理Cheng Chao,亚洲商务发展经理Jérôme Lemée, 总经理Damien Bourdin,及区域销售经理Liu YuWei。/ MAF Roda is set on growing its presence in China and has increased the size of its national team. On the photo are Zhou Yang, Area Sales Manager, Cheng Chao, Sales Manager, Jérôme Lemée, Asia Business Development Manager, Damien Bourdin, General Manager, and Liu YuWei, Area Sales Manager.
迈夫诺达决心扩大在中国市场的份额,并已扩大国内团队。图为:区域销售经理Zhou Yang,销售经理Cheng Chao,亚洲商务发展经理Jérôme Lemée, 总经理Damien Bourdin,及区域销售经理Liu YuWei。/ MAF Roda is set on growing its presence in China and has increased the size of its national team. On the photo are Zhou Yang, Area Sales Manager, Cheng Chao, Sales Manager, Jérôme Lemée, Asia Business Development Manager, Damien Bourdin, General Manager, and Liu YuWei, Area Sales Manager.
佛山市中兴润丰食品公司,主营产品包括进口西柚、南非橙等。/ Noble Racing is a brand from Foshan Shi Zhongxing RunFeng Food,they mainly focus on imported grapefruits and South African citrus
佛山市中兴润丰食品公司,主营产品包括进口西柚、南非橙等。/ Noble Racing is a brand from Foshan Shi Zhongxing RunFeng Food,they mainly focus on imported grapefruits and South African citrus
在中国广州举行的2023国际水果展会上,智利水果展台揭幕。代表机构包括智利水果出口商协会(ASOEX)、中国食品土畜进出口商会(CFNA)、中国水果流通协会(CFMA)、广州江南批发市场、嘉兴批发市场和智利大使馆。/ Inauguration of the fruits from Chile stand at the 2023 International Fruit Expo, held in Guangzhou, China. Entities represented include, Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX), China Chamber of Commerce of Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA), China Fruit Marketing Association (CFMA), JNH wholesale market, Jiaxing wholesale market and the Embassy of Chile.
在中国广州举行的2023国际水果展会上,智利水果展台揭幕。代表机构包括智利水果出口商协会(ASOEX)、中国食品土畜进出口商会(CFNA)、中国水果流通协会(CFMA)、广州江南批发市场、嘉兴批发市场和智利大使馆。/ Inauguration of the fruits from Chile stand at the 2023 International Fruit Expo, held in Guangzhou, China. Entities represented include, Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX), China Chamber of Commerce of Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA), China Fruit Marketing Association (CFMA), JNH wholesale market, Jiaxing wholesale market and the Embassy of Chile.
深圳市金泰华农产品有限公司的总经理刘京乐,该公司专注于经营柿子等水果。/ Jingle Liu, general manager of Shenzhen Jintaihua Agricultural Products Co., Ltd., which specializes in fruits such as persimmons.
深圳市金泰华农产品有限公司的总经理刘京乐,该公司专注于经营柿子等水果。/ Jingle Liu, general manager of Shenzhen Jintaihua Agricultural Products Co., Ltd., which specializes in fruits such as persimmons.
Copeland谷轮环境科技是一家数据追踪设备制造商,包括追踪温度、地点、湿度等。图片从左至右:技术支持Amanda Zhou,冷链总监及团队领导Pacer Wang,供应链经理Anderson Tao,中国区销售经理Pete Yu, 市场经理Younker You. //
Copeland谷轮环境科技是一家数据追踪设备制造商,包括追踪温度、地点、湿度等。图片从左至右:技术支持Amanda Zhou,冷链总监及团队领导Pacer Wang,供应链经理Anderson Tao,中国区销售经理Pete Yu, 市场经理Younker You. //
河北天波果业的边庆刚和Leo。公司专注于河北梨的生产和出口 // Gavin Bian and Leo from Hebei TianBo Industry. The Group specialises in Chinese pear production and exports, all from Hebei province.
河北天波果业的边庆刚和Leo。公司专注于河北梨的生产和出口 // Gavin Bian and Leo from Hebei TianBo Industry. The Group specialises in Chinese pear production and exports, all from Hebei province.
绿萌团队在公司最新的 Fruscan S7 Pro 分选机前。过去几年,该公司在国际上快速扩张,目前已在澳大利亚、印度、南非、智利和墨西哥安装了生产线。/ Reemoon's team in front of the company's latest Fruscan S7 Pro sorting machine. The company has been expanding fast internationally over the last few years, with now lines installed in Australia, India, South Africa, Chile and Mexico.
绿萌团队在公司最新的 Fruscan S7 Pro 分选机前。过去几年,该公司在国际上快速扩张,目前已在澳大利亚、印度、南非、智利和墨西哥安装了生产线。/ Reemoon's team in front of the company's latest Fruscan S7 Pro sorting machine. The company has been expanding fast internationally over the last few years, with now lines installed in Australia, India, South Africa, Chile and Mexico.
舒乐阿卡(上海)贸易有限公司高级销售经理崔金丰 / Kim Cui is Senior Sales Manager at Schoeller Allibert.
舒乐阿卡(上海)贸易有限公司高级销售经理崔金丰 / Kim Cui is Senior Sales Manager at Schoeller Allibert.
Simon Brantes为DNF Pacific管理中国市场 / Simon Brantes is managing the China market for DNF Pacific. 
Simon Brantes为DNF Pacific管理中国市场 / Simon Brantes is managing the China market for DNF Pacific. 
江南莞香果蔬交易中心,是位于东莞的果蔬批发市场,于2017年开业。/ Jiangnan GuanXiang Fruits & Vegetables Trading Centre,opened in 2017,is a fruits and vegetables wholesale market located in Dongguan.
江南莞香果蔬交易中心,是位于东莞的果蔬批发市场,于2017年开业。/ Jiangnan GuanXiang Fruits & Vegetables Trading Centre,opened in 2017,is a fruits and vegetables wholesale market located in Dongguan.
陈氏阳光的国际采购经理Bowen Zhang(Felipe)。公司总部位于河南郑州,是一家大型进口水果贸易商。/ Chen's Sun with Bowen Zhang (Felipe), International Purchasing Manager. The company is head quartered in Henan's ZhengZhou. It is a large importer and trader.
陈氏阳光的国际采购经理Bowen Zhang(Felipe)。公司总部位于河南郑州,是一家大型进口水果贸易商。/ Chen's Sun with Bowen Zhang (Felipe), International Purchasing Manager. The company is head quartered in Henan's ZhengZhou. It is a large importer and trader.
陈氏阳光旗下的彩色包装盒 / Colour branding under the Chen's Sun banner.
陈氏阳光旗下的彩色包装盒 / Colour branding under the Chen's Sun banner.
农夫山泉旗下品牌17.5˚橙 / NongFu Spring is present to market its 17.5˚ citrus brand.
农夫山泉旗下品牌17.5˚橙 / NongFu Spring is present to market its 17.5˚ citrus brand.
来自鲜丰水果的 Jane Ding。近年来,公司规模和业务迅速扩大,现已发展成为水果进口商、零售商、冷藏服务提供商和分销商。/ Jane Ding from XianFeng Fruit. The company has grown its size and presence rapidly in recent years, and has evolved into a fruit importer, retailer, cold storage service provider and distributor.
来自鲜丰水果的 Jane Ding。近年来,公司规模和业务迅速扩大,现已发展成为水果进口商、零售商、冷藏服务提供商和分销商。/ Jane Ding from XianFeng Fruit. The company has grown its size and presence rapidly in recent years, and has evolved into a fruit importer, retailer, cold storage service provider and distributor.
AIBerry,新鲜的草莓 / AIBerry, fresh strawberries.
AIBerry,新鲜的草莓 / AIBerry, fresh strawberries.
怡颗莓中国是投资国内蓝莓生产的其中一家国际企业 / Driscoll's China is one of the international companies that has invested in domestic blueberry production.
怡颗莓中国是投资国内蓝莓生产的其中一家国际企业 / Driscoll's China is one of the international companies that has invested in domestic blueberry production.
抖音电商已成为水果销售的大型线上消费平台 / DouYin (TikTok outside China) has emerged as a large online consumer platform for influencers and life fruit sales.
抖音电商已成为水果销售的大型线上消费平台 / DouYin (TikTok outside China) has emerged as a large online consumer platform for influencers and life fruit sales.
欧恒集团是一家物流服务供应商。公司总部位于上海,在深圳和香港设立办事处。公司提供空运和海运服务。/ Shanghai Ouheng is a logistics service provider. The company is head quartered in Shanghai, with a presence in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It facilities both air and sea logistics. 
欧恒集团是一家物流服务供应商。公司总部位于上海,在深圳和香港设立办事处。公司提供空运和海运服务。/ Shanghai Ouheng is a logistics service provider. The company is head quartered in Shanghai, with a presence in Shenzhen and Hong Kong. It facilities both air and sea logistics. 
广西水果展区为当地水果作推广。展区包含不同的种植商及销售企业。/ The Guanxi pavillion, promoting fruits from the region. The pavillion combines different growers and shippers with their products.
广西水果展区为当地水果作推广。展区包含不同的种植商及销售企业。/ The Guanxi pavillion, promoting fruits from the region. The pavillion combines different growers and shippers with their products.
“甘味”展区,展出甘肃当地不同的水果供应商。/ GanWei pavillion with different suppliers from the region.
“甘味”展区,展出甘肃当地不同的水果供应商。/ GanWei pavillion with different suppliers from the region.
悦好果品从世界各地进口各式水果,包括东南亚柑橘,新西兰苹果,智利西梅、苹果、车厘子等。/ YueHao Fruits imports a range of different fruits from all over the world. This includes South African citrus, New Zealand apples, Chilean sugar plums, apples and cherries. 
悦好果品从世界各地进口各式水果,包括东南亚柑橘,新西兰苹果,智利西梅、苹果、车厘子等。/ YueHao Fruits imports a range of different fruits from all over the world. This includes South African citrus, New Zealand apples, Chilean sugar plums, apples and cherries. 
同华集团位于上海,主营进出口水果业务,并提供物流服务。/ TongHua Group is located in Shanghai. The company imports and exports fruits, and also offers logistics services.
同华集团位于上海,主营进出口水果业务,并提供物流服务。/ TongHua Group is located in Shanghai. The company imports and exports fruits, and also offers logistics services.
绿叶水果展位 / The team of Asia Global, a logistics service provider.
绿叶水果展位 / The team of Asia Global, a logistics service provider.
泛亚集团是一家物流服务供应商,图为公司团队。/ The team of Asia Global, a logistics service provider.
泛亚集团是一家物流服务供应商,图为公司团队。/ The team of Asia Global, a logistics service provider.
Copeland谷轮环境科技是一家数据追踪设备制造商,包括追踪温度、地点、湿度等。图片从左至右:技术支持Amanda Zhou,冷链总监及团队领导Pacer Wang,供应链经理Anderson Tao,中国区销售经理Pete Yu, 市场经理Younker You / Copeland is a producer of data tracking devices, including temperature, location and humidity. On the photo are (from left to right): Amanda Zhou (Technical support),   Pacer Wang (Cold Chain Director, team leader) , Anderson Tao (Supply Chain manager),  Pete Yu (China sales manager),  Younker You (Marketing manager). 
Copeland谷轮环境科技是一家数据追踪设备制造商,包括追踪温度、地点、湿度等。图片从左至右:技术支持Amanda Zhou,冷链总监及团队领导Pacer Wang,供应链经理Anderson Tao,中国区销售经理Pete Yu, 市场经理Younker You / Copeland is a producer of data tracking devices, including temperature, location and humidity. On the photo are (from left to right): Amanda Zhou (Technical support),   Pacer Wang (Cold Chain Director, team leader) , Anderson Tao (Supply Chain manager),  Pete Yu (China sales manager),  Younker You (Marketing manager). 
昭阳红是云南的一家苹果种植企业,公司从全国各地采购苹果,并以不同品牌销售。/ ZhaoYang Hong is an apple grower from Yunnan province. The company sources its apples from different regions in China, and markets them under different brands.
昭阳红是云南的一家苹果种植企业,公司从全国各地采购苹果,并以不同品牌销售。/ ZhaoYang Hong is an apple grower from Yunnan province. The company sources its apples from different regions in China, and markets them under different brands.
昭阳红的品牌苹果礼盒包装 / Branded apples in gift packaging boxes from ZhaoYang Hong.
昭阳红的品牌苹果礼盒包装 / Branded apples in gift packaging boxes from ZhaoYang Hong.
昭阳红的品牌苹果礼盒包装 / Branded apples in gift packaging boxes from ZhaoYang Hong.
昭阳红的品牌苹果礼盒包装 / Branded apples in gift packaging boxes from ZhaoYang Hong.
好事接,一家从事液氮保鲜的企业 / 好事接,a company engaged in liquid nitrogen preservation
好事接,一家从事液氮保鲜的企业 / 好事接,a company engaged in liquid nitrogen preservation
沁果位于广州,是一家水果种植及贸易商。图为出口部经理 Shaw。/ QinGuo is located in Guangzhou, the company is a grower and trader. On the photo is Shaw, export manager.
沁果位于广州,是一家水果种植及贸易商。图为出口部经理 Shaw。/ QinGuo is located in Guangzhou, the company is a grower and trader. On the photo is Shaw, export manager.
广西展区的新鲜猕猴桃 / Fresh kiwifruit on display at the Guanxi pavillion.
广西展区的新鲜猕猴桃 / Fresh kiwifruit on display at the Guanxi pavillion.
长弘物流是一家位于深圳的物流服务供应商 / CHL is a logistics service provider based in Shenzhen. 
长弘物流是一家位于深圳的物流服务供应商 / CHL is a logistics service provider based in Shenzhen. 
东莞港集装箱港务公司经营大批量生鲜产品运输。该港口是佳沛的官方合作伙伴。公司还提供冷藏仓库业务和监测服务。图片上是商务部副经理刘振。/ The SinoTrans Dongguan Container Terminal moves significant amounts of fresh produce. The Port is an official cooperation partner of Zespri. The company also operates reefer warehouses and inspection services. On the photo is Athos Liu, Commercial Department Vice Manager.
东莞港集装箱港务公司经营大批量生鲜产品运输。该港口是佳沛的官方合作伙伴。公司还提供冷藏仓库业务和监测服务。图片上是商务部副经理刘振。/ The SinoTrans Dongguan Container Terminal moves significant amounts of fresh produce. The Port is an official cooperation partner of Zespri. The company also operates reefer warehouses and inspection services. On the photo is Athos Liu, Commercial Department Vice Manager.
中外运普菲斯是一家物流服务供应商,提供各种货运服务。/ 中外运普菲斯是一家物流服务供应商,提供各种货运服务
中外运普菲斯是一家物流服务供应商,提供各种货运服务。/ 中外运普菲斯是一家物流服务供应商,提供各种货运服务
Capital Agro是一家埃及柑橘种植商,向中国市场销售产品,图为Kelly, Ibrahim Said 及市场部经理Tamer Magdy. / Capital Agro is an Egyptian citrus grower. The company supplies the Chinese market. On the photo are Kelly, Ibrahim Said and Tamer Magdy, Marketing Manager.
Capital Agro是一家埃及柑橘种植商,向中国市场销售产品,图为Kelly, Ibrahim Said 及市场部经理Tamer Magdy. / Capital Agro is an Egyptian citrus grower. The company supplies the Chinese market. On the photo are Kelly, Ibrahim Said and Tamer Magdy, Marketing Manager.
富瑞科(Fall Creek China)借此次展会为契机,向中国市场的种植者宣布,富瑞科专利蓝莓种苗已经在中国投入生产和开始交付。中国蓝莓产业亟待优质新品种,在北高和南高专利品种上富瑞科看到了巨大的市场潜力。图为尹春杨。/ Fall Creek China takes this exhibition as an opportunity to inform the blueberry producers in China that it started the production and delivery of blueberry young plants of its proprietary varieties. As the Chinese blueberry industry is in need of new genetics, Fall Creek China sees high potential for both its Northern and Southern Highbush proprietary varieties in this market. On the photo is Yin. 
富瑞科(Fall Creek China)借此次展会为契机,向中国市场的种植者宣布,富瑞科专利蓝莓种苗已经在中国投入生产和开始交付。中国蓝莓产业亟待优质新品种,在北高和南高专利品种上富瑞科看到了巨大的市场潜力。图为尹春杨。/ Fall Creek China takes this exhibition as an opportunity to inform the blueberry producers in China that it started the production and delivery of blueberry young plants of its proprietary varieties. As the Chinese blueberry industry is in need of new genetics, Fall Creek China sees high potential for both its Northern and Southern Highbush proprietary varieties in this market. On the photo is Yin. 
华旭包装为水果行业生产耐水型塑料包装。图片中间为高级销售经理李跃龙。/ Sinocoroplast produces plastic packaging that can withstand water for the fruit industry. In the middle of the photo is Niklaus Li, Senior Sales Manager.
华旭包装为水果行业生产耐水型塑料包装。图片中间为高级销售经理李跃龙。/ Sinocoroplast produces plastic packaging that can withstand water for the fruit industry. In the middle of the photo is Niklaus Li, Senior Sales Manager.
Unitec提供分选线与分级解决方案。公司通过北京的合作伙伴在中国经营业务,并希望扩展市场份额。图片是Laura Vignoli 和 Mariantonietta D'aversa。/ Unitec is a developer of sorting lines and grading solutions. The company is present in China through a dealer partnership in Beijing, and is eager to grow its presence. On the photo are Laura Vignoli and Mariantonietta D'aversa.
Unitec提供分选线与分级解决方案。公司通过北京的合作伙伴在中国经营业务,并希望扩展市场份额。图片是Laura Vignoli 和 Mariantonietta D'aversa。/ Unitec is a developer of sorting lines and grading solutions. The company is present in China through a dealer partnership in Beijing, and is eager to grow its presence. On the photo are Laura Vignoli and Mariantonietta D'aversa.
五星果品团队,该公司是一家位于安徽的进口商。/ Team photo at Five Stars Fruit, an importer located in Anhui.
五星果品团队,该公司是一家位于安徽的进口商。/ Team photo at Five Stars Fruit, an importer located in Anhui.
位于安徽的唯嵩公司主营分选设备。图片中间为销售经理周俊。/ VSEE develops sorting line solutions.  The company is based in Anhui. In the middle is Leo Zhou, Sales Manager.
位于安徽的唯嵩公司主营分选设备。图片中间为销售经理周俊。/ VSEE develops sorting line solutions.  The company is based in Anhui. In the middle is Leo Zhou, Sales Manager.
广州港是新鲜水果的主要进口港口,果品到港后销售至全国。广州南沙国际冷链公司代表该港口。图中为客户经理沈炜然。/ Guangzhou is a major import port for fresh fruits, that are then distributed across China. Guangzhou Nansha International Cold Chain represents the port. On the photo is Shen Weiran, Customer Manager.
广州港是新鲜水果的主要进口港口,果品到港后销售至全国。广州南沙国际冷链公司代表该港口。图中为客户经理沈炜然。/ Guangzhou is a major import port for fresh fruits, that are then distributed across China. Guangzhou Nansha International Cold Chain represents the port. On the photo is Shen Weiran, Customer Manager.
智利Tuniche Fruits的Veronica Costa, Cristobal Duke 和 Francisco Esguep。团队正在中国各地会见客户及各新老朋友。/ Veronica Costa, Cristobal Duke and Francisco Esguep from Tuniche Fruits from Chile. The team is on a round trip through China to meet with customers and old and new acquitances.
智利Tuniche Fruits的Veronica Costa, Cristobal Duke 和 Francisco Esguep。团队正在中国各地会见客户及各新老朋友。/ Veronica Costa, Cristobal Duke and Francisco Esguep from Tuniche Fruits from Chile. The team is on a round trip through China to meet with customers and old and new acquitances.