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齐峰猕猴桃果业,一个主要的中国猕猴桃生产商,与Altai Fresh团队一起,Altai Fresh是一家来自广州的进口商。中间是齐峰,该品牌的创始人// Qifeng Kiwi Fruit, a prominent Chinese kiwi producer, together with the team of Altai Fresh, a Chinese importer from Guangzhou. In the middle is Qi Feng, the founder of the brand
齐峰猕猴桃果业,一个主要的中国猕猴桃生产商,与Altai Fresh团队一起,Altai Fresh是一家来自广州的进口商。中间是齐峰,该品牌的创始人// Qifeng Kiwi Fruit, a prominent Chinese kiwi producer, together with the team of Altai Fresh, a Chinese importer from Guangzhou. In the middle is Qi Feng, the founder of the brand
来自凯燊国际(香港)有限公司的Liz Lu。该公司在中国平和种植柚子 // Liz Lu of Orient Green. The company grows pomelo in Pinghe, China
来自凯燊国际(香港)有限公司的Liz Lu。该公司在中国平和种植柚子 // Liz Lu of Orient Green. The company grows pomelo in Pinghe, China
来自Crown Farms的Brian Fischer,来自Kings Crown Produce Sales的Eric Arbelo和来自YumSun源兴的Cobby Lin,YumSun是深圳市源兴果品有限公司的品牌 // Brian Fischer of Crown Farms, Eric Arbelo of Kings Crown Produce Sales and Cobby Lin of Yumsun, brand of Shenzhen Yuanxing Fruit
来自Crown Farms的Brian Fischer,来自Kings Crown Produce Sales的Eric Arbelo和来自YumSun源兴的Cobby Lin,YumSun是深圳市源兴果品有限公司的品牌 // Brian Fischer of Crown Farms, Eric Arbelo of Kings Crown Produce Sales and Cobby Lin of Yumsun, brand of Shenzhen Yuanxing Fruit
张景真是上海佳农香蕉实业有限公司的总经理,负责香蕉进口 // Owen Zhang General Manager at Goodfarmer and responsible for banana imports
张景真是上海佳农香蕉实业有限公司的总经理,负责香蕉进口 // Owen Zhang General Manager at Goodfarmer and responsible for banana imports
来自运输温度控制装置的制造商 Cydiance的Austin // Austin of Cydiance, producer of in-transit temperature control devices
来自运输温度控制装置的制造商 Cydiance的Austin // Austin of Cydiance, producer of in-transit temperature control devices
来自澳大利亚水果出口公司Royal Fresh International的杨建光和徐丹。该公司出口多种产品,包括澳芒,并即将开始出口核果到中国 // David and Sherry of Australian fruit export company Royal Fresh International. The company exports, among other products, fresh mangoes to China, and will start the export of stonefruit to China
来自澳大利亚水果出口公司Royal Fresh International的杨建光和徐丹。该公司出口多种产品,包括澳芒,并即将开始出口核果到中国 // David and Sherry of Australian fruit export company Royal Fresh International. The company exports, among other products, fresh mangoes to China, and will start the export of stonefruit to China
路佐奇是山东佳农诚信果业有限公司的副总经理兼销售总监。他也负责该公司的梨出口 // Lu Zuoqi is the Vice General Manager and the Marketing Director of Goodfarmer. He is also responsible for the company's pear exports
路佐奇是山东佳农诚信果业有限公司的副总经理兼销售总监。他也负责该公司的梨出口 // Lu Zuoqi is the Vice General Manager and the Marketing Director of Goodfarmer. He is also responsible for the company's pear exports
来自绿萌的海外销售代表周南山,公司总经理朱壹,和肖丽丽 // Hill Zhou, Overseas Sales Representative, Zhu Yi, the company's General Manager and Xiao Lili of Reemoon
来自绿萌的海外销售代表周南山,公司总经理朱壹,和肖丽丽 // Hill Zhou, Overseas Sales Representative, Zhu Yi, the company's General Manager and Xiao Lili of Reemoon
Deltatrack团队,从左到右为,施联伟, 孙溶, Benny Ho, 曾红明和董事长和执行总监Frederick L. Wu // The Deltatrack team with, from left to right, Billy, Cecilia, Benny Ho, Toddy and Frederick L. Wu, the President and CEO
Deltatrack团队,从左到右为,施联伟, 孙溶, Benny Ho, 曾红明和董事长和执行总监Frederick L. Wu // The Deltatrack team with, from left to right, Billy, Cecilia, Benny Ho, Toddy and Frederick L. Wu, the President and CEO
来自烟台辛克莱经贸有限公司的Uracha Tanwibool, Siam Pandey,以及韩进与来自农夫山泉股份有限公司的邓怡君 // Uracha Tanwibool, Siam Pandey and Jin Han of Sinclair label solutions, together with Deng Yijun of Chinese Nongfu Spring
来自烟台辛克莱经贸有限公司的Uracha Tanwibool, Siam Pandey,以及韩进与来自农夫山泉股份有限公司的邓怡君 // Uracha Tanwibool, Siam Pandey and Jin Han of Sinclair label solutions, together with Deng Yijun of Chinese Nongfu Spring
Tony是和兴食品有限公司的销售经理,一家香港公司 // Tony is the sales manager of Qingdao Wohing Food, a Hong Kong company // Tony is the sales manager of Qingdao Wohing Food, a Hong Kong company
Tony是和兴食品有限公司的销售经理,一家香港公司 // Tony is the sales manager of Qingdao Wohing Food, a Hong Kong company // Tony is the sales manager of Qingdao Wohing Food, a Hong Kong company
在中间的是FYK鲜峰的董事长张玉双,两旁是销售经理Francis和副总经理牟文良 // Zhang Yu Shuang, in the middle, is the CEO of FYK Xianfeng. She is accompanied by Francis, Sales Manager, and Mu Wen Liang, the Vice President
在中间的是FYK鲜峰的董事长张玉双,两旁是销售经理Francis和副总经理牟文良 // Zhang Yu Shuang, in the middle, is the CEO of FYK Xianfeng. She is accompanied by Francis, Sales Manager, and Mu Wen Liang, the Vice President
MAF Roda在中国有一个办公处。右边是Jean-Christoph和该公司在中国的代表Gai Wei // MAF Roda has an office in China. To the right are Jean-Christoph and Gai Wei, who represent the company in China
MAF Roda在中国有一个办公处。右边是Jean-Christoph和该公司在中国的代表Gai Wei // MAF Roda has an office in China. To the right are Jean-Christoph and Gai Wei, who represent the company in China
意大利Guillin与中国甲天下包装制造有限公司合作。Massimo Bellotti与董事长赵静一起 // Italian Guillin cooperates with Chinese CCA Packaging Manufacturing. Massimo Bellotti together with Alice Ching Chiu, Managing Director
意大利Guillin与中国甲天下包装制造有限公司合作。Massimo Bellotti与董事长赵静一起 // Italian Guillin cooperates with Chinese CCA Packaging Manufacturing. Massimo Bellotti together with Alice Ching Chiu, Managing Director
杨跃国是白水县润泉现代农业科技开发有限公司的董事长,他与来自陕西华苹贸易有限公司的李继生经理合作。陕西华苹贸易有限公司是一家苹果种植商和出口商。// Yang Yueguo is the Chairman of Baishui Runquan Modern Agriculture Science Development. He cooperates with Ali, manager at Chinapple. Chinapple is a grower and exporter of apples
杨跃国是白水县润泉现代农业科技开发有限公司的董事长,他与来自陕西华苹贸易有限公司的李继生经理合作。陕西华苹贸易有限公司是一家苹果种植商和出口商。// Yang Yueguo is the Chairman of Baishui Runquan Modern Agriculture Science Development. He cooperates with Ali, manager at Chinapple. Chinapple is a grower and exporter of apples
来自深圳市农产品电子商务有限公司的吴小鹏,来自TaKxa的刘京乐和来自青岛萬潤蘴生物科技的聂易田和龐彦如// Helen Wu of Shenzhen Agricultural Products Electronic Commerce, together with Dan Tan Hua, Liu Jing Le of TaKxa, and Field Nie and Judy Pang of Qingdao O'natur Bio-Tech
来自深圳市农产品电子商务有限公司的吴小鹏,来自TaKxa的刘京乐和来自青岛萬潤蘴生物科技的聂易田和龐彦如// Helen Wu of Shenzhen Agricultural Products Electronic Commerce, together with Dan Tan Hua, Liu Jing Le of TaKxa, and Field Nie and Judy Pang of Qingdao O'natur Bio-Tech
Aartsenfruit的一个大型代表团队,供应中国和其他亚洲市场。照片上为Menno van Breemen, Synthia Liem, Yama Cheung, Bianca Tai, Pui San Poon, Jack Aartsen和王志华。Menno van Breemen负责该公司的香港办公室 // Aartsenfruit is represent with a large team that supplies the Chinese and Asian market. On the photo are Menno van Breemen, Synthia Liem, Yama Cheung, Bianca Tai, Pui San Poon, Jack Aartsen and Allen Wang. Menno van Breemen is responsible for the company's Hong Kong office
Aartsenfruit的一个大型代表团队,供应中国和其他亚洲市场。照片上为Menno van Breemen, Synthia Liem, Yama Cheung, Bianca Tai, Pui San Poon, Jack Aartsen和王志华。Menno van Breemen负责该公司的香港办公室 // Aartsenfruit is represent with a large team that supplies the Chinese and Asian market. On the photo are Menno van Breemen, Synthia Liem, Yama Cheung, Bianca Tai, Pui San Poon, Jack Aartsen and Allen Wang. Menno van Breemen is responsible for the company's Hong Kong office
区翠婷,在右边,是佛山富易食品有限公司的业务员 // Sophia Ou, to the right, is the Sales Representative of Foshan Fuyi Food
区翠婷,在右边,是佛山富易食品有限公司的业务员 // Sophia Ou, to the right, is the Sales Representative of Foshan Fuyi Food
中国金业包装由Wendy Liu和销售经理Nancy Wang代表 // Golden Enterprises China is represented by Wendy Liu and Nancy Wang, Sales Manager
中国金业包装由Wendy Liu和销售经理Nancy Wang代表 // Golden Enterprises China is represented by Wendy Liu and Nancy Wang, Sales Manager
大连天宝绿色食品股份有限公司:王争是进出口部经理,刘洪亮是副总裁,Marguret Lin是销售经理。该公司进口和出口水果和蔬菜,也有异域产品 // Dalian Tianbao Green Food: Baggio Wang is the import and export manager, Liu Hongliang the vice-president and Marguret Lin the sales manager. The company imports and exports fruits and vegetables, as well as exotic products
大连天宝绿色食品股份有限公司:王争是进出口部经理,刘洪亮是副总裁,Marguret Lin是销售经理。该公司进口和出口水果和蔬菜,也有异域产品 // Dalian Tianbao Green Food: Baggio Wang is the import and export manager, Liu Hongliang the vice-president and Marguret Lin the sales manager. The company imports and exports fruits and vegetables, as well as exotic products
来自漳州兴和源农产品有限公司的蔡周平和Linda // Choi Cai and Linda of Zhangzhou Xingyeyuan Agricultural Products
来自漳州兴和源农产品有限公司的蔡周平和Linda // Choi Cai and Linda of Zhangzhou Xingyeyuan Agricultural Products
来自Levarht的Claas van Os, Shoko Hara和Jake Sun。Shoko和Jake分别是在日本和中国的代表。// Claas van Os, Shoko Hara and Jake Sun of Levarht. Shoko and Jake represent Levarht in Japan and China respectively
来自Levarht的Claas van Os, Shoko Hara和Jake Sun。Shoko和Jake分别是在日本和中国的代表。// Claas van Os, Shoko Hara and Jake Sun of Levarht. Shoko and Jake represent Levarht in Japan and China respectively
张蕾是北京卉金正生物科技有限公司的总经理 // Cherry Zhang is the General Manager at Beijing PlM Biosciences
张蕾是北京卉金正生物科技有限公司的总经理 // Cherry Zhang is the General Manager at Beijing PlM Biosciences
深圳市炬城包装有限公司是一家中国吸塑包装生产商和设计商。该公司也在澳大利亚注册,已经设立了一个海外办公室。Freeman Li是该公司的首席执行官,照片上他和他的夫。// Ju Cheng Packaging is a Chinese blister packaging producer and designer. The company is also registered in Australia and has opened an office overseas. Freeman Li is the company's CEO, he is on the photo with his wife
深圳市炬城包装有限公司是一家中国吸塑包装生产商和设计商。该公司也在澳大利亚注册,已经设立了一个海外办公室。Freeman Li是该公司的首席执行官,照片上他和他的夫。// Ju Cheng Packaging is a Chinese blister packaging producer and designer. The company is also registered in Australia and has opened an office overseas. Freeman Li is the company's CEO, he is on the photo with his wife
来自山西裕之锦进出口贸易有限公司的Pai Qian和闫晓卉 // Pai Qian and Zoe Yan of Far East Jiankai Technology
来自山西裕之锦进出口贸易有限公司的Pai Qian和闫晓卉 // Pai Qian and Zoe Yan of Far East Jiankai Technology
来自豹果贸易有限公司的许名和Christian de Haas。豹果贸易有限公司由Jaguar the Fresh Company建立 // Sylvia Xu and Christian de Haas of Leopard Fruit. Leopard Fruit is founded by Jaguar the Fresh Company
来自豹果贸易有限公司的许名和Christian de Haas。豹果贸易有限公司由Jaguar the Fresh Company建立 // Sylvia Xu and Christian de Haas of Leopard Fruit. Leopard Fruit is founded by Jaguar the Fresh Company
来自山东寿光蔬菜产业集团的王倩和Yin Shi Mao // Monica Wang and Yin Shi Mao of Shandong Shouguang Vegetable Industry Group
来自山东寿光蔬菜产业集团的王倩和Yin Shi Mao // Monica Wang and Yin Shi Mao of Shandong Shouguang Vegetable Industry Group
来自Nippys Waikerie Producers的联合经理Jeff Knispel和来自深圳市金安达农业的董事长谢锦山和澳洲代表Dennis Hodgson // Jeff Knispel, Joint Manager of Nippys Waikerie Producers and Sam Xie, CEO, and Dennis Hodgson, Australian Representative of Shenzhen Gold Anda Agricultural
来自Nippys Waikerie Producers的联合经理Jeff Knispel和来自深圳市金安达农业的董事长谢锦山和澳洲代表Dennis Hodgson // Jeff Knispel, Joint Manager of Nippys Waikerie Producers and Sam Xie, CEO, and Dennis Hodgson, Australian Representative of Shenzhen Gold Anda Agricultural
发展中国TaKxa甜柿品牌的刘京乐 // Liu Jing Le of the Chinese TaKxa kakifruit brand
发展中国TaKxa甜柿品牌的刘京乐 // Liu Jing Le of the Chinese TaKxa kakifruit brand
来自菲律宾的Akutiinc和中国爱克新果业(大连)有限公司合作出口香蕉到中国。照片上是Lopez Cloma Reynegrace和苏莹 // Akutiinc from the Phillipines cooperates with Chinese Aceler Fruits to import bananas into China. On the photo are Lopez Cloma Reynegrace and Anna Su
来自菲律宾的Akutiinc和中国爱克新果业(大连)有限公司合作出口香蕉到中国。照片上是Lopez Cloma Reynegrace和苏莹 // Akutiinc from the Phillipines cooperates with Chinese Aceler Fruits to import bananas into China. On the photo are Lopez Cloma Reynegrace and Anna Su
右边是,平和县利鹏果业有限公司的总经理,温闽东。该公司在平和种植柚子。左边是,厦门博利雅印刷有限公司的吴清福 // Wen Min Dong, to the right, is the President of Pinghe Flourish Fruit Industrial. The company grows pomelo in Pinghe. To the left is Xing Wu of Boliya Printing
右边是,平和县利鹏果业有限公司的总经理,温闽东。该公司在平和种植柚子。左边是,厦门博利雅印刷有限公司的吴清福 // Wen Min Dong, to the right, is the President of Pinghe Flourish Fruit Industrial. The company grows pomelo in Pinghe. To the left is Xing Wu of Boliya Printing
来自厦门润博果业有限公司的王育娇,Alice, Judy和林荣,和新鲜农产品进出口公司 // Sherry, Alice, Judy and Rong Lin of Xiamen Rainbow Fruits, and fresh produce import and export company
来自厦门润博果业有限公司的王育娇,Alice, Judy和林荣,和新鲜农产品进出口公司 // Sherry, Alice, Judy and Rong Lin of Xiamen Rainbow Fruits, and fresh produce import and export company
来自莱芜市万鑫经贸有限公司的苏宁,Jackson和刘明 // Susan, Jackson and Liu Ming of Laiwu Wanxin Economic and Trade
来自莱芜市万鑫经贸有限公司的苏宁,Jackson和刘明 // Susan, Jackson and Liu Ming of Laiwu Wanxin Economic and Trade
来自ZhXing的Lionel, Jackie, Berry和Henry // Lionel, Jackie, Berry and Henry of ZhXing
来自ZhXing的Lionel, Jackie, Berry和Henry // Lionel, Jackie, Berry and Henry of ZhXing
"何海莹,亚太鲜果有限公司的国际贸易专员。 亚太鲜果有限公司是一家来自中国南部的广州的进口公司 // Nicole He, International Trade Specialist at Altaifresh. Altaifresh is an import company from Guangzhou, Southern China"
"何海莹,亚太鲜果有限公司的国际贸易专员。 亚太鲜果有限公司是一家来自中国南部的广州的进口公司 // Nicole He, International Trade Specialist at Altaifresh. Altaifresh is an import company from Guangzhou, Southern China"
杨炜华是厦门润园贸易有限公司的副总经理,该公司是在中国平和的一家柚子种植商和出口商 // Cherrie Yang is the Vice General Manager of Xiamen Rayen, a pomelo grower and exporter from Pinghe, China
杨炜华是厦门润园贸易有限公司的副总经理,该公司是在中国平和的一家柚子种植商和出口商 // Cherrie Yang is the Vice General Manager of Xiamen Rayen, a pomelo grower and exporter from Pinghe, China
重庆金果源商贸有限公司是一家位于重庆市的中国进出口公司。该公司在泰国以Jia Bei Group的名字设立了一个分支。照片上是Wu Yi和桑天华 // Chongqing Jianguoyuan Trading is a Chinese import and export company based in the city of Chongqing. The company has a branch in Thailand under the name Jia Bei Group. On the photo are Wu Yi and Tianhua Sang
重庆金果源商贸有限公司是一家位于重庆市的中国进出口公司。该公司在泰国以Jia Bei Group的名字设立了一个分支。照片上是Wu Yi和桑天华 // Chongqing Jianguoyuan Trading is a Chinese import and export company based in the city of Chongqing. The company has a branch in Thailand under the name Jia Bei Group. On the photo are Wu Yi and Tianhua Sang
中远海运集装箱由新客户开发部,副经理璩世锁和Mindanao南部地区经理Roberto R. Del Rosario代表 // COSCO Shipping Lines is represented by Qu Shi Suo, New Customer Dep. Vice Manager, and Roberto R. Del Rosario, Southern Mindanao Region Manager
中远海运集装箱由新客户开发部,副经理璩世锁和Mindanao南部地区经理Roberto R. Del Rosario代表 // COSCO Shipping Lines is represented by Qu Shi Suo, New Customer Dep. Vice Manager, and Roberto R. Del Rosario, Southern Mindanao Region Manager
来自上海沃农进出口有限公司的李国帅和王军 // Luke Li and Winston Wang of Shanghai Wonong Import & Export
来自上海沃农进出口有限公司的李国帅和王军 // Luke Li and Winston Wang of Shanghai Wonong Import & Export
右边是,静宁县陇原红果品经销有限责任公司的外贸主管马彩霞,该公司是一家苹果种植商和出口商 // Katherine, to the right, is the export manager of Long Yuanhong Fruits Selling, an apple grower and exporter
右边是,静宁县陇原红果品经销有限责任公司的外贸主管马彩霞,该公司是一家苹果种植商和出口商 // Katherine, to the right, is the export manager of Long Yuanhong Fruits Selling, an apple grower and exporter
赵小磊是河北天波工贸有限公司的副总经理,该公司是位于中国河北省的一家梨种植商。她和Mini一起 // Small Lei is the Vice General Manager of Hebei Tianbo Industry & Trade, a pear grower from Hebei province in China. She it together with Mini
赵小磊是河北天波工贸有限公司的副总经理,该公司是位于中国河北省的一家梨种植商。她和Mini一起 // Small Lei is the Vice General Manager of Hebei Tianbo Industry & Trade, a pear grower from Hebei province in China. She it together with Mini
来自河北天波工贸有限公司的董事总经理边庆刚和赵小磊在一起 // Gavin Bian, Managing Director at Hebei Tianbo Industry & Trade, together with Small Lei
来自河北天波工贸有限公司的董事总经理边庆刚和赵小磊在一起 // Gavin Bian, Managing Director at Hebei Tianbo Industry & Trade, together with Small Lei
来自山东冠县东源农产品有限公司的王向阳,该公司是一家梨种植商 // Oliver Wang of Guangxian Dongyuan Agricultural Product, a pear grower
来自山东冠县东源农产品有限公司的王向阳,该公司是一家梨种植商 // Oliver Wang of Guangxian Dongyuan Agricultural Product, a pear grower
来自活力东势的杨忠铭 // Yang Chung-Ming of Vigor dong Shih
来自活力东势的杨忠铭 // Yang Chung-Ming of Vigor dong Shih
許照益与来自巴巴塔塔地瓜的Huang Yen Chi一起,Babatata是一个台湾地瓜品牌。该公司最近推出了两条冷冻烤红薯和冷冻蒸红薯小吃产品线 // Hsu Chao-I together with Huang Yen Chi of Babatata, a Taiwan sweet potato brand. The company has recently launched two frozen roasted and frozen steamed sweet potato snack lines
許照益与来自巴巴塔塔地瓜的Huang Yen Chi一起,Babatata是一个台湾地瓜品牌。该公司最近推出了两条冷冻烤红薯和冷冻蒸红薯小吃产品线 // Hsu Chao-I together with Huang Yen Chi of Babatata, a Taiwan sweet potato brand. The company has recently launched two frozen roasted and frozen steamed sweet potato snack lines
来自苹果出口公司SanLian的Li Chengze // Li Chengze of apple export company SanLian
来自苹果出口公司SanLian的Li Chengze // Li Chengze of apple export company SanLian
ApplesPoland将与汪恒定一起合作在中国出口并分销波兰苹果。现在波兰苹果已经进入市场。从左到右为,Przemyslaw Idziak, Zhang Ling, Michal Walczak, 汪恒定, Tomasz Tyc和Liu Jianlin // ApplesPoland will work together with Henry Wang to export and distribute Polish apples in China now Polish apples have received market access. From left to right are: Przemyslaw Idziak, Zhang Ling, Michal Walczak, Henry Wang, Tomasz Tyc and Liu Jianlin
ApplesPoland将与汪恒定一起合作在中国出口并分销波兰苹果。现在波兰苹果已经进入市场。从左到右为,Przemyslaw Idziak, Zhang Ling, Michal Walczak, 汪恒定, Tomasz Tyc和Liu Jianlin // ApplesPoland will work together with Henry Wang to export and distribute Polish apples in China now Polish apples have received market access. From left to right are: Przemyslaw Idziak, Zhang Ling, Michal Walczak, Henry Wang, Tomasz Tyc and Liu Jianlin
Yumsun源兴展台,深圳市源兴果品股份有限公司品牌 // Stand of Yumsun, brand of Shenzhen Yuanxing Fruit
Yumsun源兴展台,深圳市源兴果品股份有限公司品牌 // Stand of Yumsun, brand of Shenzhen Yuanxing Fruit
钟国发是杨氏果业的国内销售副总经理,杨氏果业是一家实力雄厚的中国柑橘种植商和果汁制造商 // Guofa Zhong is the Vice General Manager of the Domestic Sales department at Yang's. Yang's is a prominent Chinese citrus grower and juice producer
钟国发是杨氏果业的国内销售副总经理,杨氏果业是一家实力雄厚的中国柑橘种植商和果汁制造商 // Guofa Zhong is the Vice General Manager of the Domestic Sales department at Yang's. Yang's is a prominent Chinese citrus grower and juice producer
Jo Lambrecht,BelOrta的商业经理 // Jo Lambrecht, Commercial Manager at BelOrta
Jo Lambrecht,BelOrta的商业经理 // Jo Lambrecht, Commercial Manager at BelOrta
王山和成记栏有限公司的团队。右边是,香港办公处的销售和营销董事长蔡欣韵 // The team of Wang Shan and Shing Kee Lan Company. To the right is Catherine SW Chai, Sales & Marketing Director for Hong Kong
王山和成记栏有限公司的团队。右边是,香港办公处的销售和营销董事长蔡欣韵 // The team of Wang Shan and Shing Kee Lan Company. To the right is Catherine SW Chai, Sales & Marketing Director for Hong Kong
Arie van Helden, Mark Ibanez Edminston 和Robin Johnson代表Global Fresh International // Arie van Helden, Mark Ibanez Edminston and Robin Johnson are representing Global Fresh International
Arie van Helden, Mark Ibanez Edminston 和Robin Johnson代表Global Fresh International // Arie van Helden, Mark Ibanez Edminston and Robin Johnson are representing Global Fresh International
Bell,深圳VINO塑料包装的销售经理 // Bell, sales manager at Shenzhen VINO plastic packaging
Bell,深圳VINO塑料包装的销售经理 // Bell, sales manager at Shenzhen VINO plastic packaging
来自栖霞恒源的Ma Jia和Li Kun Yan // Ma Jia and Li Kun Yang of Qixia Hengyuan
来自栖霞恒源的Ma Jia和Li Kun Yan // Ma Jia and Li Kun Yang of Qixia Hengyuan
胡伟强是南丰县绿树进出口贸易有限公司和江西绿园果业有限公司的贸易经理。该公司种植和出口小橘子 // West Hu is trade manager at Nan Feng Green Tree Import and Export and Jiangxi Green Orchard Fruit. The company grows and export baby mandarin
胡伟强是南丰县绿树进出口贸易有限公司和江西绿园果业有限公司的贸易经理。该公司种植和出口小橘子 // West Hu is trade manager at Nan Feng Green Tree Import and Export and Jiangxi Green Orchard Fruit. The company grows and export baby mandarin
佳农进口的红香蕉 // Red bananas imported by Goodfarmer
佳农进口的红香蕉 // Red bananas imported by Goodfarmer
江西绿萌科技控股有限公司是中国最大的独立分类设备生产商之一。照片上为海外销售代表周南山,总经办主任肖丽丽和赵定山 // Reemoon is one of China's leading post­harvest equipment providers. On the photo are Hill Zhou, Overseas Sales Representative, Xiao Lili, the General Manager Office Supervisor and Sam Zhao
江西绿萌科技控股有限公司是中国最大的独立分类设备生产商之一。照片上为海外销售代表周南山,总经办主任肖丽丽和赵定山 // Reemoon is one of China's leading post­harvest equipment providers. On the photo are Hill Zhou, Overseas Sales Representative, Xiao Lili, the General Manager Office Supervisor and Sam Zhao
佳农进口的小香蕉 // Small bananas imported by Goodfarmer
佳农进口的小香蕉 // Small bananas imported by Goodfarmer
兰涛国际贸易有限公司,从左到右为,Sylvia Wang, Grace Shi, Cindy Han, Mauricio Santos和James Gao // Lantau International with from left to rigth: Sylvia Wang, Grace Shi, Cindy Han, Mauricio Santos and James Gao
兰涛国际贸易有限公司,从左到右为,Sylvia Wang, Grace Shi, Cindy Han, Mauricio Santos和James Gao // Lantau International with from left to rigth: Sylvia Wang, Grace Shi, Cindy Han, Mauricio Santos and James Gao
来自Shenzhen Yong Jia Fresh Produce的Lucy和Lin Zheng Shun。该公司出口新鲜蔬菜到欧洲和其他海外市场 // Lucy and Lin Zheng Shun of Shenzhen Yong Jia Fresh Produce. The company exports fresh vegetables to Europe and other overseas markets
来自Shenzhen Yong Jia Fresh Produce的Lucy和Lin Zheng Shun。该公司出口新鲜蔬菜到欧洲和其他海外市场 // Lucy and Lin Zheng Shun of Shenzhen Yong Jia Fresh Produce. The company exports fresh vegetables to Europe and other overseas markets
来自Alfa Fruit Packers的Ronald Haliman 和Richard Leung // Ronald Haliman and Richard Leung of Alfa Fruit Packers
来自Alfa Fruit Packers的Ronald Haliman 和Richard Leung // Ronald Haliman and Richard Leung of Alfa Fruit Packers
来自Libyan Egyptian Company的营销部经理Youssif Mohammad Mandour。该公司出口柑橘到中国和其他亚洲国家 // Youssif Mohammad Mandour, marketing manager at the Libyan Egyptian Company. The company exports citrus to China and Asia
来自Libyan Egyptian Company的营销部经理Youssif Mohammad Mandour。该公司出口柑橘到中国和其他亚洲国家 // Youssif Mohammad Mandour, marketing manager at the Libyan Egyptian Company. The company exports citrus to China and Asia
来自Brilliance的Anderson和Emily // Anderson and Emily of Brilliance
来自Brilliance的Anderson和Emily // Anderson and Emily of Brilliance
来自济宁陆地贸易有限公司的Linda,该公司是一家大蒜和新鲜农产品出口商 // Linda of Jining Greenland, a garlic and fresh produce exporter
来自济宁陆地贸易有限公司的Linda,该公司是一家大蒜和新鲜农产品出口商 // Linda of Jining Greenland, a garlic and fresh produce exporter
位于山东济南的济南浩源农产品有限公司的总裁David Wang和他右边的Clara Wang及其左边的Zhao Junmei。该公司种植梨,苹果和柑橘 // David Wang, the president of Jinan Haoyuan Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. from Jinan in Shandong provice, together with Clara Wang to his right and Zhao Junmei to his left. The company grows pear, apple and citrus
位于山东济南的济南浩源农产品有限公司的总裁David Wang和他右边的Clara Wang及其左边的Zhao Junmei。该公司种植梨,苹果和柑橘 // David Wang, the president of Jinan Haoyuan Agricultural Products Co., Ltd. from Jinan in Shandong provice, together with Clara Wang to his right and Zhao Junmei to his left. The company grows pear, apple and citrus
代表Xiamen Lucky Farm Import & Export的Ruinian Chen和Zhiming Chen。该公司与马来西亚,菲律宾,新加波和印度尼西亚进行贸易 // Ruinian Chen and Zhiming Chen represent Xiamen Lucky Farm Import & Export. The company trades with Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia
代表Xiamen Lucky Farm Import & Export的Ruinian Chen和Zhiming Chen。该公司与马来西亚,菲律宾,新加波和印度尼西亚进行贸易 // Ruinian Chen and Zhiming Chen represent Xiamen Lucky Farm Import & Export. The company trades with Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia
来自Yumsun源兴的Cobby Lin和来自Miko Chile的Alejandro Riquelme一起 //Cobby Lin of Yumsun together with Alejandro Riquelme of Miko Chile
来自Yumsun源兴的Cobby Lin和来自Miko Chile的Alejandro Riquelme一起 //Cobby Lin of Yumsun together with Alejandro Riquelme of Miko Chile
来自FruitMasters的Leonard Kampschoer // Leonard Kampschoer of FruitMasters
来自FruitMasters的Leonard Kampschoer // Leonard Kampschoer of FruitMasters
来自BG Door的Jan van Kessel和Adriaan van Beek // Jan van Kessel and Adriaan van Beek of BG Door
来自BG Door的Jan van Kessel和Adriaan van Beek // Jan van Kessel and Adriaan van Beek of BG Door
Migo梨,FruitMasters的“友好”梨品牌 // Migo pears, of FruitMasters' the friendly pear brand
Migo梨,FruitMasters的“友好”梨品牌 // Migo pears, of FruitMasters' the friendly pear brand
来自J.P. Beemsterboer的Marco Lont, Ivo van de Staak和Annie Wang // Marco Lont, Ivo van de Staak and Annie Wang of J.P. Beemsterboer
来自J.P. Beemsterboer的Marco Lont, Ivo van de Staak和Annie Wang // Marco Lont, Ivo van de Staak and Annie Wang of J.P. Beemsterboer
来自贸易公司Handelsmaatschappij Jan Oskam的Erik Flux和Kees Oskam // Erik Flux en Kees Oskam, of trading company Handelsmaatschappij Jan Oskam
来自贸易公司Handelsmaatschappij Jan Oskam的Erik Flux和Kees Oskam // Erik Flux en Kees Oskam, of trading company Handelsmaatschappij Jan Oskam
Greenery的荷兰红啤梨。荷兰红啤梨和荷兰绿啤梨都将在中国被推广 // The Sweet Sensation pear of the Greenery. The Sweet Sensation and the Conference pear will both be promoted in China
Greenery的荷兰红啤梨。荷兰红啤梨和荷兰绿啤梨都将在中国被推广 // The Sweet Sensation pear of the Greenery. The Sweet Sensation and the Conference pear will both be promoted in China
刘丰强,达利世青岛贸易有限公司采购经理。该公司是位于中国山东省青岛的the Greenery的一个合作伙伴。// Tony Liu, sales manager at Dalice Qingdao Trading. The company is a partner of the Greenery in China, located in Qingdao, Shandong province
刘丰强,达利世青岛贸易有限公司采购经理。该公司是位于中国山东省青岛的the Greenery的一个合作伙伴。// Tony Liu, sales manager at Dalice Qingdao Trading. The company is a partner of the Greenery in China, located in Qingdao, Shandong province
来自Greenery的Marcel van den Enden和John Braas。在后面,是预期将在2017年被出口到中国的荷兰甜椒 // Marcel van den Enden and John Braas of the Greenery. In the back are Dutch bell peppers that the expects to be able to export to China in 2017
来自Greenery的Marcel van den Enden和John Braas。在后面,是预期将在2017年被出口到中国的荷兰甜椒 // Marcel van den Enden and John Braas of the Greenery. In the back are Dutch bell peppers that the expects to be able to export to China in 2017
来自RedStar的Marcel van der Linden和Dick van der Harst。在荷兰梨和甜椒成功地进入中国市场后,荷兰番茄将是下一个进入中国市场的产品 // Marcel van der Linden and Dick van der Harst of RedStar. The Dutch tomato is the following item on the list to be promoted for market access to China, after the Dutch pear and bell pepper have succesfully gained access
来自RedStar的Marcel van der Linden和Dick van der Harst。在荷兰梨和甜椒成功地进入中国市场后,荷兰番茄将是下一个进入中国市场的产品 // Marcel van der Linden and Dick van der Harst of RedStar. The Dutch tomato is the following item on the list to be promoted for market access to China, after the Dutch pear and bell pepper have succesfully gained access
Pepijn de Jong, Valstar的客户经理 // Pepijn de Jong, Account Manager at Valstar
Pepijn de Jong, Valstar的客户经理 // Pepijn de Jong, Account Manager at Valstar
瑞克斯旺的国际团队,从左到右,Apinun, Jan Doldersum, Doddamani H.P., Rara Dewayanti, Frances Tolson, 苏海和Vincent van Wolveren // Rijkzwaan's international team with, from left to right, Apinun, Jan Doldersum, Doddamani H.P., Rara Dewayanti, Frances Tolson, Hai Su and Vincent van Wolveren
瑞克斯旺的国际团队,从左到右,Apinun, Jan Doldersum, Doddamani H.P., Rara Dewayanti, Frances Tolson, 苏海和Vincent van Wolveren // Rijkzwaan's international team with, from left to right, Apinun, Jan Doldersum, Doddamani H.P., Rara Dewayanti, Frances Tolson, Hai Su and Vincent van Wolveren
来自Interko的Chris B. Maat和Anna Zegveld // Chris B. Maat and Anna Zegveld of Interko
来自Interko的Chris B. Maat和Anna Zegveld // Chris B. Maat and Anna Zegveld of Interko
来自比利时公司Calsa的Piet Verbrugghe和Peter Denys // Piet Verbrugghe and Peter Denys of Belgium company Calsa
来自比利时公司Calsa的Piet Verbrugghe和Peter Denys // Piet Verbrugghe and Peter Denys of Belgium company Calsa
来自Global Green Team的Paul Schriel // Paul Schriel of the Global Green Team
来自Global Green Team的Paul Schriel // Paul Schriel of the Global Green Team
来自Growers Packers Direct的 品牌团队‘Body and Brains'与Jacques Luteijn, Robbert Leisink, Angelo Sinack和 Carolien Luteijn // The team of Growers Packers Direct of the 'Body and Brains' brand with Jacques Luteijn, Robbert Leisink, Angelo Sinack and Carolien Luteijn
来自Growers Packers Direct的 品牌团队‘Body and Brains'与Jacques Luteijn, Robbert Leisink, Angelo Sinack和 Carolien Luteijn // The team of Growers Packers Direct of the 'Body and Brains' brand with Jacques Luteijn, Robbert Leisink, Angelo Sinack and Carolien Luteijn
Marc Evrard是Truval的商业董事长。右边是戴成裕, Zenxin Organic的执行董事长。Zenxin Organic是一家新加坡进口商,进口多种产品,包括荷兰绿啤梨 // Marc Evrard of the Belgium Fruit Auction. To the right is Tai Seng Yee, Executive Director at Zenxin Organic; a Singaporean importer of, among other products, Conference pears
Marc Evrard是Truval的商业董事长。右边是戴成裕, Zenxin Organic的执行董事长。Zenxin Organic是一家新加坡进口商,进口多种产品,包括荷兰绿啤梨 // Marc Evrard of the Belgium Fruit Auction. To the right is Tai Seng Yee, Executive Director at Zenxin Organic; a Singaporean importer of, among other products, Conference pears
戴成裕和来自马来西亚的All About Fresh Produce的A Retna Malar Subramaniam一起 // Tai Seng Yee together with A Retna Malar Subramaniam of All About Fresh Produce from Malaysia
戴成裕和来自马来西亚的All About Fresh Produce的A Retna Malar Subramaniam一起 // Tai Seng Yee together with A Retna Malar Subramaniam of All About Fresh Produce from Malaysia
Enza Zaden的国际团队。中间是Enza Zaden的生产链经理Chris Groot,他右边是来自South Pacific Seed Sales的Louise Millar // The international team of Enza Zaden. In the middle are Chris Groot, Produce Chain Manager at Enza Zaden and, to his right, Louise Millar of South Pacific Seed Sales
Enza Zaden的国际团队。中间是Enza Zaden的生产链经理Chris Groot,他右边是来自South Pacific Seed Sales的Louise Millar // The international team of Enza Zaden. In the middle are Chris Groot, Produce Chain Manager at Enza Zaden and, to his right, Louise Millar of South Pacific Seed Sales
兴业源集团展台 // Stand of the Xing Ye Yuan Group
兴业源集团展台 // Stand of the Xing Ye Yuan Group