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Richard Owen, Vice President Global Membership and Engagement at PMA is greeting guests and making welcome remarks. // 农产品营销协会的Richard Owen正在欢迎客人和赞助 商。
Richard Owen, Vice President Global Membership and Engagement at PMA is greeting guests and making welcome remarks. // 农产品营销协会的Richard Owen正在欢迎客人和赞助 商。
Bian Zhenhu is the President of the China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce. He is welcoming guests and happy to see so many international partners in Shenzhen. // 边振瑚是中国食品土畜进出口商会的会 长。他正在欢迎客人,很高兴看到这么多的国际伙伴来到深圳。
Bian Zhenhu is the President of the China Chamber of Commerce of Foodstuffs and Native Produce. He is welcoming guests and happy to see so many international partners in Shenzhen. // 边振瑚是中国食品土畜进出口商会的会 长。他正在欢迎客人,很高兴看到这么多的国际伙伴来到深圳。
Start of Fresh Connections: China. // “果蔬联谊大会:中国 站”开幕式。
Start of Fresh Connections: China. // “果蔬联谊大会:中国 站”开幕式。
Zhai Sen is the Deputy Director of the Shenzhen Entry- Exit Inspection and Quarantine bureau. He is promising that import measures will be simplified and remarking upon organisational changes the AQSIQ will see implemented in the (near) future. // 翟森是深圳出入境检验 检疫局副局长。他许诺,根据国家质检总局将在(不久的)未来实施的 组织变化,进口程序将被简化。
Zhai Sen is the Deputy Director of the Shenzhen Entry- Exit Inspection and Quarantine bureau. He is promising that import measures will be simplified and remarking upon organisational changes the AQSIQ will see implemented in the (near) future. // 翟森是深圳出入境检验 检疫局副局长。他许诺,根据国家质检总局将在(不久的)未来实施的 组织变化,进口程序将被简化。
William Verzani is Deputy Director at the US Agriculture Trade Office in Guangzhou. He is hoping to expand relationships by partnering with US trade associations. Imports of US fruits have increased 75% since 2013. 60% of all imported fruits is distributed in the South of China. // 王威力(William Verzani)是美国驻广州总领事馆农业 贸易处副领事。他希望通过与美国贸易协会的合作来扩大关系。自 2013年以来,美国进口水果已经增加了75%。所有进口水果的60%被在 中国南方分销。
William Verzani is Deputy Director at the US Agriculture Trade Office in Guangzhou. He is hoping to expand relationships by partnering with US trade associations. Imports of US fruits have increased 75% since 2013. 60% of all imported fruits is distributed in the South of China. // 王威力(William Verzani)是美国驻广州总领事馆农业 贸易处副领事。他希望通过与美国贸易协会的合作来扩大关系。自 2013年以来,美国进口水果已经增加了75%。所有进口水果的60%被在 中国南方分销。
Cathy Burns, Ceo of PMA, addresses the crowd with a State of Industry, addressing latest industry, retail and consumers trends. // 农产品营销协会的首席执行官Cathy Burns正在进行演讲,指出了最新的行业、零售和消费者趋势。
Cathy Burns, Ceo of PMA, addresses the crowd with a State of Industry, addressing latest industry, retail and consumers trends. // 农产品营销协会的首席执行官Cathy Burns正在进行演讲,指出了最新的行业、零售和消费者趋势。
Patrick Vizzone, Head of Food and Agribusiness at ANZ Bank, is moderating a discussion on the future of retail and E-tail in China's fast developing market. On the panel are Eric Li of Yiguo and Mike Li of JD.com. // 澳 新银行的国际食品饮料和农业综合负责人Patrick Vizzone,正在与 人们就在中国的快速发展的市场上的零售和电子商务的未来进行讨论。 讨论小组成员还有易果生鲜的Eric Li 和京东生鲜的李晓峰。
Patrick Vizzone, Head of Food and Agribusiness at ANZ Bank, is moderating a discussion on the future of retail and E-tail in China's fast developing market. On the panel are Eric Li of Yiguo and Mike Li of JD.com. // 澳 新银行的国际食品饮料和农业综合负责人Patrick Vizzone,正在与 人们就在中国的快速发展的市场上的零售和电子商务的未来进行讨论。 讨论小组成员还有易果生鲜的Eric Li 和京东生鲜的李晓峰。
Emerson's China and Asia team with in the middle Pete Yu. // 艾默生的团队,中间是Pete Yu。
Emerson's China and Asia team with in the middle Pete Yu. // 艾默生的团队,中间是Pete Yu。
Second from right, Cobby Lin from Yumsun. To the left is Jason Xu from SupaFresh. // 右边第二位是源兴的Cobby Lin。 左边是SupaFresh的Jason Xu。
Second from right, Cobby Lin from Yumsun. To the left is Jason Xu from SupaFresh. // 右边第二位是源兴的Cobby Lin。 左边是SupaFresh的Jason Xu。
The team of Shenzhen Kingship. To the right is Ben Li, President of the company. Second from left is Liang Chao, the company's GM. Shenzhen Kingship is working towards launching its own premium cherry and blueberry brand in China. // 深圳君为信团队。右边的是公司总裁李汉清。 左边的第二个是梁超。深圳君为信正努力在中国推出自己的樱桃和蓝莓 溢价品牌。
The team of Shenzhen Kingship. To the right is Ben Li, President of the company. Second from left is Liang Chao, the company's GM. Shenzhen Kingship is working towards launching its own premium cherry and blueberry brand in China. // 深圳君为信团队。右边的是公司总裁李汉清。 左边的第二个是梁超。深圳君为信正努力在中国推出自己的樱桃和蓝莓 溢价品牌。
Eric Li is Vice President Global Sourcing and Alliance at Yiguo, a large importer, distributor and online supplier of fresh produce. In his speech he outlined the currently available different business models for retail. // Eric Li是易果生鲜的全球采购部副总裁,该公司是一家 大的进口商,分销商和新鲜农产品的在线供应商。他在演讲中概述了目 前可供零售的各种商业模式。
Eric Li is Vice President Global Sourcing and Alliance at Yiguo, a large importer, distributor and online supplier of fresh produce. In his speech he outlined the currently available different business models for retail. // Eric Li是易果生鲜的全球采购部副总裁,该公司是一家 大的进口商,分销商和新鲜农产品的在线供应商。他在演讲中概述了目 前可供零售的各种商业模式。
Mike Li is the Procurement Director for Fresh Fruit & Vegetables at JD.com, a large online retailer in China. The company has seen rapid growth in the last 5 years. 30% of its total sales in fresh foods come from fruit sales. // 李晓峰是京东生鲜的采购总监,该公司是在中国的一家大 型在线零售商。这家公司在过去的5年里增长很快。在新鲜食品销售总 额中,有30%来自水果销售。
Mike Li is the Procurement Director for Fresh Fruit & Vegetables at JD.com, a large online retailer in China. The company has seen rapid growth in the last 5 years. 30% of its total sales in fresh foods come from fruit sales. // 李晓峰是京东生鲜的采购总监,该公司是在中国的一家大 型在线零售商。这家公司在过去的5年里增长很快。在新鲜食品销售总 额中,有30%来自水果销售。
Discussion on the Future of Retail and E-tail with Mike Li, Eric Li and Patrick Vizzone. // 李晓峰,Eric Li和 Patrick Vizzone在进行有关零售和电子零售的未来的讨论。
Discussion on the Future of Retail and E-tail with Mike Li, Eric Li and Patrick Vizzone. // 李晓峰,Eric Li和 Patrick Vizzone在进行有关零售和电子零售的未来的讨论。
Discussion on the Future of Retail and E-tail with Mike Li, Eric Li and Patrick Vizzone. The audience was interested to know how one can distinguish itself in such competitive market environment. According to the speakers no need to worry as the overall market is still growing fast. // 李晓峰,Eric Li和Patrick Vizzone在进行有 关零售和电子零售的未来的讨论。观众也很想知道如何在这样的竞争环 境中鉴别自己。根据发言人的说法,整体市场增长如此之快,无需担 心。
Discussion on the Future of Retail and E-tail with Mike Li, Eric Li and Patrick Vizzone. The audience was interested to know how one can distinguish itself in such competitive market environment. According to the speakers no need to worry as the overall market is still growing fast. // 李晓峰,Eric Li和Patrick Vizzone在进行有 关零售和电子零售的未来的讨论。观众也很想知道如何在这样的竞争环 境中鉴别自己。根据发言人的说法,整体市场增长如此之快,无需担 心。
Coffee break at the stand of Jiuye, a cold chain and transport service provider. // 久曳展台前的咖啡休息空隙,该 公司是一家冷链运输服务供应商。
Coffee break at the stand of Jiuye, a cold chain and transport service provider. // 久曳展台前的咖啡休息空隙,该 公司是一家冷链运输服务供应商。
From left to right, José F.Álvarez A., Juan Antonio Escorcia, Tina Sun of Cydiance, together with Hermann Mecklenburg and Angela Ding (丁怡)// 从左边开始José F.Álvarez A., Juan Antonio Escorcia, Cydiance的Tina Sun(孙园), together with Hermann Mecklenburg and Angela Ding (丁怡)
From left to right, José F.Álvarez A., Juan Antonio Escorcia, Tina Sun of Cydiance, together with Hermann Mecklenburg and Angela Ding (丁怡)// 从左边开始José F.Álvarez A., Juan Antonio Escorcia, Cydiance的Tina Sun(孙园), together with Hermann Mecklenburg and Angela Ding (丁怡)
Mr. Avocado's management team with Jade Shan and John Wang. // 牛油果先生的管理团队与Jade Shan和John Wang。
Mr. Avocado's management team with Jade Shan and John Wang. // 牛油果先生的管理团队与Jade Shan和John Wang。
To the right, John Moore from Summer fruit Australia together with Zender from Tfresh. // 右边是Summer Fruit Australia的John Moore和万果风云亚果会的Zender一起。
To the right, John Moore from Summer fruit Australia together with Zender from Tfresh. // 右边是Summer Fruit Australia的John Moore和万果风云亚果会的Zender一起。
Richard Owen, PMA, is having a conversation with Tommie van Zyl from ZZ2 South Africa. // 农产品营销协会的Richard Owen正在和来自南非的ZZ2的Tommie van Zyl谈话。
Richard Owen, PMA, is having a conversation with Tommie van Zyl from ZZ2 South Africa. // 农产品营销协会的Richard Owen正在和来自南非的ZZ2的Tommie van Zyl谈话。
Drinks reception at PMA Fresh Connections: China.
Drinks reception at PMA Fresh Connections: China.
To the right John Albanese, grower from Australia growing, among other fruits, grapes and mangoes. // 右边 是来自澳大利亚的种植者John Albanese,他种植葡萄和芒果等水 果。
To the right John Albanese, grower from Australia growing, among other fruits, grapes and mangoes. // 右边 是来自澳大利亚的种植者John Albanese,他种植葡萄和芒果等水 果。
From left to right; Manolo Reyes from NatureSweet, Megan Schulz, Guimarra Companies, Sam Manujith from The Avolution and Gary York, Robinson Fresh. // 左边是 NatureSweet的Manolo Reyes, Guimarra Companies的Megan Schulz, The Avolution的Sam Manujith和Robinson Fresh的Gary York。
From left to right; Manolo Reyes from NatureSweet, Megan Schulz, Guimarra Companies, Sam Manujith from The Avolution and Gary York, Robinson Fresh. // 左边是 NatureSweet的Manolo Reyes, Guimarra Companies的Megan Schulz, The Avolution的Sam Manujith和Robinson Fresh的Gary York。
The team of Asia Global, a logistics company from Shenzhen. // 泛亚团队,该公司是一家来自深圳的物流公司。
The team of Asia Global, a logistics company from Shenzhen. // 泛亚团队,该公司是一家来自深圳的物流公司。
Bertie van Zyl together with Piet Prinsloo, both from ZZ2, South Africa. // 南非ZZ2的Piet Prinsloo和Bertie van Zyl.
Bertie van Zyl together with Piet Prinsloo, both from ZZ2, South Africa. // 南非ZZ2的Piet Prinsloo和Bertie van Zyl.
广州GIC会展服务中心的项目主管Winsy Fung,Messe Berlin的香港 和P.R.C.代表处。// Winsy Fung, project executive at Guangzhou GIC Conventions and Exhibition Services, the Hong Kong and P.R.C. representative office of the Messe Berlin.
广州GIC会展服务中心的项目主管Winsy Fung,Messe Berlin的香港 和P.R.C.代表处。// Winsy Fung, project executive at Guangzhou GIC Conventions and Exhibition Services, the Hong Kong and P.R.C. representative office of the Messe Berlin.
The team of the PMA after the succesful start of Fresh Connections: China. From left to right; Richard Owen, Sahari Dominguez, Siobhan May and Cathy Burns. // “果蔬联 谊大会:中国站”成功开幕后的果蔬联谊大会团队。从左到右;理查德· 欧文,Sahari Dominguez,Siobhan May和Cathy Burns。
The team of the PMA after the succesful start of Fresh Connections: China. From left to right; Richard Owen, Sahari Dominguez, Siobhan May and Cathy Burns. // “果蔬联 谊大会:中国站”成功开幕后的果蔬联谊大会团队。从左到右;理查德· 欧文,Sahari Dominguez,Siobhan May和Cathy Burns。
Gabriel Figueroa and Corne van de Klundert from Origin Direct Asia, together with Tina Sun from Cydiance.
Gabriel Figueroa and Corne van de Klundert from Origin Direct Asia, together with Tina Sun from Cydiance.
Lisa Cork from Fresh Produce Marketing. Lisa chaired a meeting in the afternoon titled Get a Premium in China with your Brand and New Varieties. // Fresh Produce Marketing的创始人Lisa Cork。Lisa主持了下午的名为“在中国为你 的品牌和新品种获得溢价”的会议。
Lisa Cork from Fresh Produce Marketing. Lisa chaired a meeting in the afternoon titled Get a Premium in China with your Brand and New Varieties. // Fresh Produce Marketing的创始人Lisa Cork。Lisa主持了下午的名为“在中国为你 的品牌和新品种获得溢价”的会议。
Ed Treacy is giving a speech together with Dan Sun of HarvestMark about the power of blockchain technology and its use for the fresh produce industry. How can this new technology be used best? // Ed Treacy和HarvestMark的孙佳 林正在有关区块链技术的力量和其对新鲜农产品行业的应用进行演讲。 这项新技术怎样才能最好地被使用?
Ed Treacy is giving a speech together with Dan Sun of HarvestMark about the power of blockchain technology and its use for the fresh produce industry. How can this new technology be used best? // Ed Treacy和HarvestMark的孙佳 林正在有关区块链技术的力量和其对新鲜农产品行业的应用进行演讲。 这项新技术怎样才能最好地被使用?
Dan Sun of HarvestMark recommends companies to start thinking now how companies can help to beat inefficiencies in current workflows and how to determine rules on what data one wants to share on the blockhain, and what data to keep private. // HarvestMark的孙佳林建议 公司开始思考现在公司如何帮助击败目前工作流程效率低下,如何确定 哪些数据要分享的区块链规则,以及什么样的数据应该被保密。
Dan Sun of HarvestMark recommends companies to start thinking now how companies can help to beat inefficiencies in current workflows and how to determine rules on what data one wants to share on the blockhain, and what data to keep private. // HarvestMark的孙佳林建议 公司开始思考现在公司如何帮助击败目前工作流程效率低下,如何确定 哪些数据要分享的区块链规则,以及什么样的数据应该被保密。
Qidong Zhu of Pagoda, John Wang of Lantao and Steve Barnard of Mission Produce are waiting to go on stage to sign a latest agreement on jointly opening a second avocado ripening centre in Southern China. // 百果园的朱 启东,兰涛的John Wang和Mission Produce的Steve Barnard正在 等待上台签署在南部的第二个鳄梨催熟中心的新协议。
Qidong Zhu of Pagoda, John Wang of Lantao and Steve Barnard of Mission Produce are waiting to go on stage to sign a latest agreement on jointly opening a second avocado ripening centre in Southern China. // 百果园的朱 启东,兰涛的John Wang和Mission Produce的Steve Barnard正在 等待上台签署在南部的第二个鳄梨催熟中心的新协议。
"We haven't even scratched the service", according to Steve Barnard, referring to China's blooming taste for fresh avos. // “我们对此感到很兴奋”,据Steve Barnard,新鲜 的鳄梨味道在中国的受欢迎度飞快上涨。"
"We haven't even scratched the service", according to Steve Barnard, referring to China's blooming taste for fresh avos. // “我们对此感到很兴奋”,据Steve Barnard,新鲜 的鳄梨味道在中国的受欢迎度飞快上涨。"
John Wang, Lantao, Steve Barnard, Mission Produce, and Qidong Zhu, Pagodao, after successfully signing an agreement to open a second avocado ripening centre in Southern China. // 兰涛的John Wang, Mission Produce的 Steve Barnard, 和百果园的朱启东,成功签署在中国南部成立第二 个鳄梨催熟中心的协议后。
John Wang, Lantao, Steve Barnard, Mission Produce, and Qidong Zhu, Pagodao, after successfully signing an agreement to open a second avocado ripening centre in Southern China. // 兰涛的John Wang, Mission Produce的 Steve Barnard, 和百果园的朱启东,成功签署在中国南部成立第二 个鳄梨催熟中心的协议后。
Lu Fangxiao is the President of the China Fruit Marketing Association. Although he admits the industry is facing some structural challenges, including slowing down of the overal growth rate, there are certainly many opportunities to come. Chinese domestic fruit production is also increasing and improving year on year. // 鲁芳校 是中国果品流通协会会长。虽然他承认行业面临结构性挑战,包括放缓 的整体增长率,肯定会有很多机会到来。中国的国内水果产量也在逐年 增加和改善。
Lu Fangxiao is the President of the China Fruit Marketing Association. Although he admits the industry is facing some structural challenges, including slowing down of the overal growth rate, there are certainly many opportunities to come. Chinese domestic fruit production is also increasing and improving year on year. // 鲁芳校 是中国果品流通协会会长。虽然他承认行业面临结构性挑战,包括放缓 的整体增长率,肯定会有很多机会到来。中国的国内水果产量也在逐年 增加和改善。
Lisa Cork is chairing a session on premium fruit varieties in China and how branding and new varieties can help producers and shippers to generate a premium. On the panel are Qidong Zhu, Pagoda, Jade Shan, Mr. Avocado and Mike Preacher, Domex Superfresh Growers. // Lisa Cork主持了一个有关中国优质水果品种,品牌与新品种如何可以 帮助生产商和货主产生溢价的讨论。讨论小组成员有百果园的朱启东, 牛油果先生的Jade Shan,和Domex Superfresh Growers的Mike Preacher。
Lisa Cork is chairing a session on premium fruit varieties in China and how branding and new varieties can help producers and shippers to generate a premium. On the panel are Qidong Zhu, Pagoda, Jade Shan, Mr. Avocado and Mike Preacher, Domex Superfresh Growers. // Lisa Cork主持了一个有关中国优质水果品种,品牌与新品种如何可以 帮助生产商和货主产生溢价的讨论。讨论小组成员有百果园的朱启东, 牛油果先生的Jade Shan,和Domex Superfresh Growers的Mike Preacher。
Qidong Zhu is General Manager of Commodity Centre at Pagoda, a fruit store chain. He explains that customers have a memory for good taste and then consistent sourcing and new varieties can help building a brands name and recognition. // 朱启东是百果园商业部总经理,该公司 是一家水果连锁店。他解释说,顾客有对良好品味的记忆,始终如一的 货源和新品种有助于树立品牌知名度和认可度。
Qidong Zhu is General Manager of Commodity Centre at Pagoda, a fruit store chain. He explains that customers have a memory for good taste and then consistent sourcing and new varieties can help building a brands name and recognition. // 朱启东是百果园商业部总经理,该公司 是一家水果连锁店。他解释说,顾客有对良好品味的记忆,始终如一的 货源和新品种有助于树立品牌知名度和认可度。
Jade Shan is the General Manager of Mr. Avocado. The company imports, ripens and distributes avocados in China. According to her, demand for high-end lifestyle has increased and is increasing, and imported fruits are becoming a part of people's daily lives. // Jade Shan是 牛油果先生的总经理。该公司进口,催熟,在中国分销鳄梨。据她说, 对高端生活方式的需求在增加,而且进口水果正在成为人们日常生活的 一部分。
Jade Shan is the General Manager of Mr. Avocado. The company imports, ripens and distributes avocados in China. According to her, demand for high-end lifestyle has increased and is increasing, and imported fruits are becoming a part of people's daily lives. // Jade Shan是 牛油果先生的总经理。该公司进口,催熟,在中国分销鳄梨。据她说, 对高端生活方式的需求在增加,而且进口水果正在成为人们日常生活的 一部分。
Mike Preacher is Director of Marketing and Customer Relations at Domex Superfresh Growers. // Mike Preacher 是Domex Superfresh Growers的市场与消费者关系主管。
Mike Preacher is Director of Marketing and Customer Relations at Domex Superfresh Growers. // Mike Preacher 是Domex Superfresh Growers的市场与消费者关系主管。
A number of questions by the audience were asked. // 听 众问了一些问题。
A number of questions by the audience were asked. // 听 众问了一些问题。
Darren Keating, CEO of PMA Australia-New Zealand is chairing a session on the impact of China's increased domestic production. On the panel are Jae Chun of Driscoll's China and Mau Wah Liu, Chairman of the Board at Joy Wing Mau. // 农产品营销协会新西兰澳大利亚办事处的首席 执行官Darren Keating正在主持一个中国的国内生产增加所带来的影 响的会议。讨论小组包括怡颗莓的亚太区副总裁Jae Chun和佳沃鑫荣 懋集团董事长廖懋华。
Darren Keating, CEO of PMA Australia-New Zealand is chairing a session on the impact of China's increased domestic production. On the panel are Jae Chun of Driscoll's China and Mau Wah Liu, Chairman of the Board at Joy Wing Mau. // 农产品营销协会新西兰澳大利亚办事处的首席 执行官Darren Keating正在主持一个中国的国内生产增加所带来的影 响的会议。讨论小组包括怡颗莓的亚太区副总裁Jae Chun和佳沃鑫荣 懋集团董事长廖懋华。
Jae Chun is the Vice President and General Manager of Asia Pacific at Driscoll's China. Driscoll's started producing locally in China four years ago. The company believes it can supply better and tastier berries than currently available on the Chinese market. // Jae Chun是 怡颗莓的亚太区副总裁。怡颗莓四年前开始在中国本地生产。该公司相 信,它可以提供比目前市面上的中国市场更好更美味的浆果。
Jae Chun is the Vice President and General Manager of Asia Pacific at Driscoll's China. Driscoll's started producing locally in China four years ago. The company believes it can supply better and tastier berries than currently available on the Chinese market. // Jae Chun是 怡颗莓的亚太区副总裁。怡颗莓四年前开始在中国本地生产。该公司相 信,它可以提供比目前市面上的中国市场更好更美味的浆果。
Mau Wah Liu is the founder and currently Chairman of the Board at Joy Wing Mau. He notes that the total fruit industry is, still, growing fast in China. Chinese fruit consumption still lacks behind global consumption per person and can go up to double. // 廖懋华是佳沃鑫荣懋集团 的创始人和现任董事长。他指出,总的来看,在中国的水果产业仍在快 速增长。中国的人均水果消费量仍然落后于全球的人均消费量,可以翻 一番。
Mau Wah Liu is the founder and currently Chairman of the Board at Joy Wing Mau. He notes that the total fruit industry is, still, growing fast in China. Chinese fruit consumption still lacks behind global consumption per person and can go up to double. // 廖懋华是佳沃鑫荣懋集团 的创始人和现任董事长。他指出,总的来看,在中国的水果产业仍在快 速增长。中国的人均水果消费量仍然落后于全球的人均消费量,可以翻 一番。
Guests attending PMA Fresh Connections: China are deliberating past lectures and information received. // 出席“果蔬联谊大会:中国站“的嘉宾在商讨过去的讲座和收到的信息。
Guests attending PMA Fresh Connections: China are deliberating past lectures and information received. // 出席“果蔬联谊大会:中国站“的嘉宾在商讨过去的讲座和收到的信息。
One of the most popular sessions of the day; Thinking like a Global CEO. Introduced by Richard Owen, moderated by Cathy Burns and discussed by David Marguleas, Sun- World, Tim Riley, The Giumarra Companies, Steve Barnard, Mission Produce and Adrielle Dankier, Nature's Pride. // 一天中最受欢迎的会议之一;像全球首席执行官一样去思考。经理查德 ·欧文介绍,Cathy Burns主持,Sun-World的David Marguleas, The Giumarra Companies的Tim Riley, Mission Produce的 Steve Barnard和Nature's Pride的Adrielle Dankier参与了讨 论。
One of the most popular sessions of the day; Thinking like a Global CEO. Introduced by Richard Owen, moderated by Cathy Burns and discussed by David Marguleas, Sun- World, Tim Riley, The Giumarra Companies, Steve Barnard, Mission Produce and Adrielle Dankier, Nature's Pride. // 一天中最受欢迎的会议之一;像全球首席执行官一样去思考。经理查德 ·欧文介绍,Cathy Burns主持,Sun-World的David Marguleas, The Giumarra Companies的Tim Riley, Mission Produce的 Steve Barnard和Nature's Pride的Adrielle Dankier参与了讨 论。
From left to right, Cathy Burns, CEO of PMA, David Marguleas, Executive Vice-President at Sun-World, Steve Barnard, President of Mission Produce, Tim Riley, President of The Giumarra Companies and Adrielle Dankier, Commercial Director at Nature's Pride. Large questions where discussed, including How to establish a business that crosses boarders? and What is a strategic choice you made and how did you benefit from the change? // 从左到右是,农产品营销协会的首席执行官Cathy Burns,Sun-World的执行副总裁David Marguleas,Mission Produce的总裁Steve Barnard,The Giumarra Companies的总裁 Tim Riley和Nature's Pride的商业总监Adrielle Dankier。讨 论的重要问题,包括如何建立一个跨越国界的企业?你的战略选择是 什么?你是如何从中获益的?
From left to right, Cathy Burns, CEO of PMA, David Marguleas, Executive Vice-President at Sun-World, Steve Barnard, President of Mission Produce, Tim Riley, President of The Giumarra Companies and Adrielle Dankier, Commercial Director at Nature's Pride. Large questions where discussed, including How to establish a business that crosses boarders? and What is a strategic choice you made and how did you benefit from the change? // 从左到右是,农产品营销协会的首席执行官Cathy Burns,Sun-World的执行副总裁David Marguleas,Mission Produce的总裁Steve Barnard,The Giumarra Companies的总裁 Tim Riley和Nature's Pride的商业总监Adrielle Dankier。讨 论的重要问题,包括如何建立一个跨越国界的企业?你的战略选择是 什么?你是如何从中获益的?
Beijing Fruitong with Iris Zhai and Yongchun Chen. The company cooperates with a number of Dutch partners to rol out ripening and cold storage facilities across China. // 福瑞通的翟舒嘉和陈永春。
Beijing Fruitong with Iris Zhai and Yongchun Chen. The company cooperates with a number of Dutch partners to rol out ripening and cold storage facilities across China. // 福瑞通的翟舒嘉和陈永春。
Cobby Lin from Yumsun together with David Smith. // 源兴 的Cobby Lin和David Smith。
Cobby Lin from Yumsun together with David Smith. // 源兴 的Cobby Lin和David Smith。
Billy Shi from Deltatrak China. // Deltatrak China的 Billy.
Billy Shi from Deltatrak China. // Deltatrak China的 Billy.
Entry to the Olé supermarket, first stop of the Retail Tour across Shenzhen organised by the PMA. Olé is a luxury Chinese supermarket branch and part of the CR Vanguard chain. All visitors are received by the staff of Olé and are given a short introduction to the store. // 华润万家超市入口处,华润万家超市是华润万家连锁店的一部分。 华润万家的员工接待了所有人,并简要介绍了商店。
Entry to the Olé supermarket, first stop of the Retail Tour across Shenzhen organised by the PMA. Olé is a luxury Chinese supermarket branch and part of the CR Vanguard chain. All visitors are received by the staff of Olé and are given a short introduction to the store. // 华润万家超市入口处,华润万家超市是华润万家连锁店的一部分。 华润万家的员工接待了所有人,并简要介绍了商店。
To the right, Cathy Burns, CEO of PMA. The the left Olé's store manager welcoming the group. // 右边是农产品 营销协会的首席执行官Cathy Burns。左边是正在欢迎小组的华润万家 的商店经理。
To the right, Cathy Burns, CEO of PMA. The the left Olé's store manager welcoming the group. // 右边是农产品 营销协会的首席执行官Cathy Burns。左边是正在欢迎小组的华润万家 的商店经理。
Early crop of Chinese cherries, selling at 27 Euro for half a kilo. // 中国樱桃的早期作物,售价为每斤27欧元。
Early crop of Chinese cherries, selling at 27 Euro for half a kilo. // 中国樱桃的早期作物,售价为每斤27欧元。
Imported fruits on display at Olé, Shenzhen; in the middle are Belgium Conference pears, to the right imported plums. Fried de Schouwer from US Greenhouse Produce is having a closer look. // 在深圳的华润万家陈列的 进口水果;中间是比利时啤梨,右边是进口的李子。Greenhouse Produce的Fried de Schouwer 仔细看看.
Imported fruits on display at Olé, Shenzhen; in the middle are Belgium Conference pears, to the right imported plums. Fried de Schouwer from US Greenhouse Produce is having a closer look. // 在深圳的华润万家陈列的 进口水果;中间是比利时啤梨,右边是进口的李子。Greenhouse Produce的Fried de Schouwer 仔细看看.
Avocado's popularity is growing in China. In the back an info sheet informing about ripeness, colour and taste. These avocados are imported from Mexico. // 鳄梨在中国越 来越受欢迎。在后面,是一张告知成熟度,颜色和味道的信息表。这些 鳄梨是从墨西哥进口的。
Avocado's popularity is growing in China. In the back an info sheet informing about ripeness, colour and taste. These avocados are imported from Mexico. // 鳄梨在中国越 来越受欢迎。在后面,是一张告知成熟度,颜色和味道的信息表。这些 鳄梨是从墨西哥进口的。
Krystle Dowling from PMA, Tommie van Zyl from ZZ2 from South Africa and Roger Gay from Cocanmex. // 果蔬联谊大会 的Krystle Dowling,来自南非ZZ2的Tommie van Zyl 和Cocanmex 的Roger Gay。
Krystle Dowling from PMA, Tommie van Zyl from ZZ2 from South Africa and Roger Gay from Cocanmex. // 果蔬联谊大会 的Krystle Dowling,来自南非ZZ2的Tommie van Zyl 和Cocanmex 的Roger Gay。
Adrielle Dankier from Nature's Pride is documenting the displays. // Nature's Pride的Adrielle Dankier正在记录陈列 产品信息。
Adrielle Dankier from Nature's Pride is documenting the displays. // Nature's Pride的Adrielle Dankier正在记录陈列 产品信息。
Staff of Olé are giving free fruit tasting and are trained to informed clients about the fruit's characteristics including origin and ripeness. // 华润万 家的员工提供免费的水果以供品尝,并告知客户水果的特性,包括产地 和成熟度。
Staff of Olé are giving free fruit tasting and are trained to informed clients about the fruit's characteristics including origin and ripeness. // 华润万 家的员工提供免费的水果以供品尝,并告知客户水果的特性,包括产地 和成熟度。
Early cherries from China's in special gift packaging. // 以特殊礼品包装的中国早熟樱桃。
Early cherries from China's in special gift packaging. // 以特殊礼品包装的中国早熟樱桃。
Jose Antonio Gomez from Camposol together with Roger Gay from Cocanmex from Mexico. // Camposol的Jose Antonio Gomez和来自墨西哥Cocanmex Roger Gay。
Jose Antonio Gomez from Camposol together with Roger Gay from Cocanmex from Mexico. // Camposol的Jose Antonio Gomez和来自墨西哥Cocanmex Roger Gay。
Fresh import fruits on display in Olé Shenzhen. // 深圳华 润万家陈列的新鲜进口水果。
Fresh import fruits on display in Olé Shenzhen. // 深圳华 润万家陈列的新鲜进口水果。
Gift boxes filled with imported fruits, including Camposol's mangoes and exotic produce from Taiwan. // 装 满进口水果的礼品盒,包括Camposol的芒果和来自台湾的异国农产 品。
Gift boxes filled with imported fruits, including Camposol's mangoes and exotic produce from Taiwan. // 装 满进口水果的礼品盒,包括Camposol的芒果和来自台湾的异国农产 品。
Gift boxes filled with imported fruits, including Camposol's mangoes and exotic produce from Taiwan. // 装 满进口水果的礼品盒,包括Camposol的芒果和来自台湾的异国农产 品。
Gift boxes filled with imported fruits, including Camposol's mangoes and exotic produce from Taiwan. // 装 满进口水果的礼品盒,包括Camposol的芒果和来自台湾的异国农产 品。
Gift packaging filled with Chilean grapes. The origin is clearly market on the box. // 装满智利葡萄的礼品包装。原产 地被清晰地显然在盒子上。
Gift packaging filled with Chilean grapes. The origin is clearly market on the box. // 装满智利葡萄的礼品包装。原产 地被清晰地显然在盒子上。
Gift packaging filled with Chilean grapes. The origin is clearly market on the box. // 装满智利葡萄的礼品包装。原产 地被清晰地显然在盒子上。
Gift packaging filled with Chilean grapes. The origin is clearly market on the box. // 装满智利葡萄的礼品包装。原产 地被清晰地显然在盒子上。
Pineapples from Taiwan. // 来自台湾的凤梨。
Pineapples from Taiwan. // 来自台湾的凤梨。
Gift packaging with two mangoes from Southern China. // 装有来自中国南部的两个芒果的礼品包装。
Gift packaging with two mangoes from Southern China. // 装有来自中国南部的两个芒果的礼品包装。
Fresh mangoes from Southern China. // 装有来自中国南部的新 鲜芒果。
Fresh mangoes from Southern China. // 装有来自中国南部的新 鲜芒果。
Darren Keating, CEO of PMA Australia-New Zealand chats with Sam Manujith from The Avolution (Australia). // 澳大 利亚-新西兰农产品营销协会的首席执行官Darren Keating与The Avolution(澳大利亚)的Sam Manujith交谈。
Darren Keating, CEO of PMA Australia-New Zealand chats with Sam Manujith from The Avolution (Australia). // 澳大 利亚-新西兰农产品营销协会的首席执行官Darren Keating与The Avolution(澳大利亚)的Sam Manujith交谈。
Gift box filled with imported nectarines. // 装有进口油桃 的礼盒。
Gift box filled with imported nectarines. // 装有进口油桃 的礼盒。
Juan Camilo Barrera from PROCOLOMBIA chats with PMA's Richard Owen. // PROCOLOMBIA的Juan Camilo Barrera与农产品 营销协会Richard Owen交谈。
Juan Camilo Barrera from PROCOLOMBIA chats with PMA's Richard Owen. // PROCOLOMBIA的Juan Camilo Barrera与农产品 营销协会Richard Owen交谈。
Staff of Olé are trained to give out fruit samples and information. To the left, Cathy Burns, CEO of PMA. // 华 润万家的员工接受提供水果样品和信息的培训。左边是农产品营销协会 的首席执行官Cathy Burns。
Staff of Olé are trained to give out fruit samples and information. To the left, Cathy Burns, CEO of PMA. // 华 润万家的员工接受提供水果样品和信息的培训。左边是农产品营销协会 的首席执行官Cathy Burns。
Blueberries and raspberries grown by Driscoll's. Driscoll's has recently launched blueberry production in Mainland China. // Driscoll's种植的蓝莓和覆盆子。 Driscoll's最近在中国大陆已经推出了蓝莓生产。
Blueberries and raspberries grown by Driscoll's. Driscoll's has recently launched blueberry production in Mainland China. // Driscoll's种植的蓝莓和覆盆子。 Driscoll's最近在中国大陆已经推出了蓝莓生产。
Info sheet about ripeness and taste of fresh bananas. // 关于新鲜香蕉的成熟度和味道的信息表。
Info sheet about ripeness and taste of fresh bananas. // 关于新鲜香蕉的成熟度和味道的信息表。
Dole is one of China's largest banana importers and ripening providers. // 都乐是中国最大的香蕉进口商和催熟供应 商之一。
Dole is one of China's largest banana importers and ripening providers. // 都乐是中国最大的香蕉进口商和催熟供应 商之一。
Produce range by Dole, including several banana varieties, guave and fresh pineapples, all marketed under the Dole brand. // 都乐陈列的产品类别,包括几个香蕉品 种,木瓜和新鲜菠萝,所有产品都是在都乐品牌下被营销的。
Produce range by Dole, including several banana varieties, guave and fresh pineapples, all marketed under the Dole brand. // 都乐陈列的产品类别,包括几个香蕉品 种,木瓜和新鲜菠萝,所有产品都是在都乐品牌下被营销的。
Hami melons, popular Chinese domestic fruit variety. // 受欢迎的中国水果品种哈密甜瓜。
Hami melons, popular Chinese domestic fruit variety. // 受欢迎的中国水果品种哈密甜瓜。
Inspecting the shelves at Olé in Shenzhen. To the right is Piet Prinsloo from South Africa's ZZ2. // 检查在深圳的 华润万家的货架。右边是ZZ2的Piet Prinsloo。
Inspecting the shelves at Olé in Shenzhen. To the right is Piet Prinsloo from South Africa's ZZ2. // 检查在深圳的 华润万家的货架。右边是ZZ2的Piet Prinsloo。
Inspecting the shelves at Olé in Shenzhen, in the middle is Sam Manujith from The Avolution from Australia. // 检 查在深圳的华润万家的货架。中间是The Avolution的Sam Manujith。
Inspecting the shelves at Olé in Shenzhen, in the middle is Sam Manujith from The Avolution from Australia. // 检 查在深圳的华润万家的货架。中间是The Avolution的Sam Manujith。
Sam Manujith, The Avolution, and Roger Gay, Cocanmex. // The Avolution的Sam Manujith和Cocanmex的Roger Gay。
Sam Manujith, The Avolution, and Roger Gay, Cocanmex. // The Avolution的Sam Manujith和Cocanmex的Roger Gay。
Tim Riley, President of The Guimarra Companies, chats with Richard Owen, PMA. // Guimarra Companies的Tim Riley 和农产品营销协会的Richard Owen交谈。
Tim Riley, President of The Guimarra Companies, chats with Richard Owen, PMA. // Guimarra Companies的Tim Riley 和农产品营销协会的Richard Owen交谈。
Imported stonefruit on display at Olé in Shenzhen. //深圳 华润万家陈列的进口核果。
Imported stonefruit on display at Olé in Shenzhen. //深圳 华润万家陈列的进口核果。
Terry Chan, Dole China, in conversation with Jose Antonio Gomez, Camposol. // 中国都乐的Terry Chan,与 Camposol的Jose Antonio Gomez交谈中。
Terry Chan, Dole China, in conversation with Jose Antonio Gomez, Camposol. // 中国都乐的Terry Chan,与 Camposol的Jose Antonio Gomez交谈中。
Staff of Olé is present to inform and promote fresh fruits on sale. // 华润万家的员工在宣传及推销出售的新鲜水 果。
Staff of Olé is present to inform and promote fresh fruits on sale. // 华润万家的员工在宣传及推销出售的新鲜水 果。
Fresh fruits on display at Olé in Shenzhen. // 深圳华润万 家陈列的新鲜水果。
Fresh fruits on display at Olé in Shenzhen. // 深圳华润万 家陈列的新鲜水果。
Fresh fruits on display at Olé in Shenzhen. In the middle are early domestic strawberries from China. // 深 圳华润万家陈列的新鲜水果。中间是中国的国产早熟草莓。
Fresh fruits on display at Olé in Shenzhen. In the middle are early domestic strawberries from China. // 深 圳华润万家陈列的新鲜水果。中间是中国的国产早熟草莓。
Group's photo of the international crowd that traveled down to Shenzhen to attend PMA Fresh Connections: China and the retail tours organised during the days before the conference. // 前往深圳参加“农产品营销协会:中国站”的国 际人士和在大会之前参加零售巡回活动的人们的集体照片。
Group's photo of the international crowd that traveled down to Shenzhen to attend PMA Fresh Connections: China and the retail tours organised during the days before the conference. // 前往深圳参加“农产品营销协会:中国站”的国 际人士和在大会之前参加零售巡回活动的人们的集体照片。
Cathy Burns, CEO of PMA, is warmy welcomed by the shop manager of Olé Shenzhen. // 农产品营销协会的首席执行官Cathy Burns,受到深圳华润万家店经理的热烈欢迎。
Cathy Burns, CEO of PMA, is warmy welcomed by the shop manager of Olé Shenzhen. // 农产品营销协会的首席执行官Cathy Burns,受到深圳华润万家店经理的热烈欢迎。
Entry to a new Shenzhen outlet of Yonghui Superstores. The store was opened last year September.// 在深圳的一家 新开的永辉大型超市的入口处。这家商店是去年九月开张的。
Entry to a new Shenzhen outlet of Yonghui Superstores. The store was opened last year September.// 在深圳的一家 新开的永辉大型超市的入口处。这家商店是去年九月开张的。
Entry to a new Shenzhen outlet of Yonghui Superstores. At the entrance are fresh flowers and fruits on display. // 在深圳的一家新开的永辉大型超市的入口处。入口处陈列有鲜花和 水果。
Entry to a new Shenzhen outlet of Yonghui Superstores. At the entrance are fresh flowers and fruits on display. // 在深圳的一家新开的永辉大型超市的入口处。入口处陈列有鲜花和 水果。
Yonghui combines retail shopping with online ordering and at home delivery. In addition, its shops have spaces for lunch and snacks in which food from the supermarket is freshly prepared. // 永辉结合零售购物网上订货和送货上 门。此外,它的商店还供应午餐和小吃,超市里的食物都是刚刚准备好 的。
Yonghui combines retail shopping with online ordering and at home delivery. In addition, its shops have spaces for lunch and snacks in which food from the supermarket is freshly prepared. // 永辉结合零售购物网上订货和送货上 门。此外,它的商店还供应午餐和小吃,超市里的食物都是刚刚准备好 的。
Yonghui combines retail shopping with online ordering and at home delivery. In addition, its shops have spaces for lunch and snacks in which food from the supermarket is freshly prepared. // 永辉结合零售购物网上订货和送货上 门。此外,它的商店还供应午餐和小吃,超市里的食物都是刚刚准备好 的。
Yonghui combines retail shopping with online ordering and at home delivery. In addition, its shops have spaces for lunch and snacks in which food from the supermarket is freshly prepared. // 永辉结合零售购物网上订货和送货上 门。此外,它的商店还供应午餐和小吃,超市里的食物都是刚刚准备好 的。
Lunch at Yonghui Superstores, Shenzhen. To the left Manolo Reyes, NatureSweet, Gary York, Robinson Fresh, Fried de Schouwer, Greenhouse Produce and Megan Schulz, Giumarra Companies. // 在深圳永辉的午餐聚餐。从左边开始: Manolo Reyes, NatureSweet, Gary York, Robinson Fresh, Fried de Schouwer, Greenhouse Produce 和Megan Schulz, Giumarra Companies.
Lunch at Yonghui Superstores, Shenzhen. To the left Manolo Reyes, NatureSweet, Gary York, Robinson Fresh, Fried de Schouwer, Greenhouse Produce and Megan Schulz, Giumarra Companies. // 在深圳永辉的午餐聚餐。从左边开始: Manolo Reyes, NatureSweet, Gary York, Robinson Fresh, Fried de Schouwer, Greenhouse Produce 和Megan Schulz, Giumarra Companies.
Lunch at Yonghui,Shenzhen. To the right, Richard Owen, PMA and Svatka Kubankova, Robinson Fresh. // 在深圳永辉的 午餐聚餐。右边是农产品营销协会的Richard Owen和Robinson Fresh的Svatka Kubankova。
Lunch at Yonghui,Shenzhen. To the right, Richard Owen, PMA and Svatka Kubankova, Robinson Fresh. // 在深圳永辉的 午餐聚餐。右边是农产品营销协会的Richard Owen和Robinson Fresh的Svatka Kubankova。
Lunch at Yonghui Superstores, Shenzhen. To the right, Ed Treacy, PMA. // 在深圳永辉的午餐聚餐。右边是农产品营销协会的 Ed Treacy。
Lunch at Yonghui Superstores, Shenzhen. To the right, Ed Treacy, PMA. // 在深圳永辉的午餐聚餐。右边是农产品营销协会的 Ed Treacy。
Lunch at Yonghui, Shenzhen. A large delegation of growers and shippers from Australia attended Fresh Connections after traveling through China for over a week. // 在深圳永辉的午餐聚餐。
Lunch at Yonghui, Shenzhen. A large delegation of growers and shippers from Australia attended Fresh Connections after traveling through China for over a week. // 在深圳永辉的午餐聚餐。
Lunch at Yonghui, Shenzhen. To the right Roger Gay, Cocanmex and Sarahi Dominguez, PMA. // 在深圳永辉的午餐聚 餐。在右边Roger Gay, Cocanmex 和 Sarahi Dominguez, PMA
Lunch at Yonghui, Shenzhen. To the right Roger Gay, Cocanmex and Sarahi Dominguez, PMA. // 在深圳永辉的午餐聚 餐。在右边Roger Gay, Cocanmex 和 Sarahi Dominguez, PMA
Lunch at Yonghui, Shenzhen. From the right; John Oxford, L&M Companies, Tommie van Zyl, ZZ2, Stephen Barnard, Mission Produce. In the back, Piet Prinsloo, ZZ2. // 在深 圳永辉的午餐聚餐。从右边开始John Oxford, L&M Companies, Piet Prinsloo, ZZ2, Stephen Barnard, Mission Produce.
Lunch at Yonghui, Shenzhen. From the right; John Oxford, L&M Companies, Tommie van Zyl, ZZ2, Stephen Barnard, Mission Produce. In the back, Piet Prinsloo, ZZ2. // 在深 圳永辉的午餐聚餐。从右边开始John Oxford, L&M Companies, Piet Prinsloo, ZZ2, Stephen Barnard, Mission Produce.
Lunch at Yonghui, Shenzhen. // 在深圳永辉的午餐聚餐。
Lunch at Yonghui, Shenzhen. // 在深圳永辉的午餐聚餐。
Peaches by Joy Wing Mau. The company sources fruit internationally and also has different lines of Chinese fruit varieties. // 佳沃鑫荣懋的桃子。该公司从全球采购国际水 果,也有不同的中国水果品种线。
Peaches by Joy Wing Mau. The company sources fruit internationally and also has different lines of Chinese fruit varieties. // 佳沃鑫荣懋的桃子。该公司从全球采购国际水 果,也有不同的中国水果品种线。
Blueberries by Joy Wing Mau, under the company's Joyvio brand. The company is known in China for it's blueberry production and marketing. // 佳沃鑫荣懋在其公司品牌Joyvio 下营销的蓝莓。该公司在中国以其蓝莓生产和销售二闻名。
Blueberries by Joy Wing Mau, under the company's Joyvio brand. The company is known in China for it's blueberry production and marketing. // 佳沃鑫荣懋在其公司品牌Joyvio 下营销的蓝莓。该公司在中国以其蓝莓生产和销售二闻名。
Avocados from Mexico. // 来自墨西哥的鳄梨。
Avocados from Mexico. // 来自墨西哥的鳄梨。
An interested crowd at Yonghui, Shenzhen. // 在深圳永辉感 兴趣的人群。
An interested crowd at Yonghui, Shenzhen. // 在深圳永辉感 兴趣的人群。
Fresh Chinese domestic fruits on display at Yonghui Superstores.
Fresh Chinese domestic fruits on display at Yonghui Superstores.
To the left the store manager of the Yonghui Superstores outlet. The shop opened last year September. // 左边是永 辉超市的商店经理。这家商店在去年九月开业。
To the left the store manager of the Yonghui Superstores outlet. The shop opened last year September. // 左边是永 辉超市的商店经理。这家商店在去年九月开业。
To the left the store manager of the Yonghui Superstores outlet, who is giving a short store introduction. To the right Mabel Zhuang, PMA's representative in China. // 左 边是永辉超市的商店经理,他真正做一个简短的店面介绍。右边是农产 品营销协会在中国的代表Mabel Zhuang。
To the left the store manager of the Yonghui Superstores outlet, who is giving a short store introduction. To the right Mabel Zhuang, PMA's representative in China. // 左 边是永辉超市的商店经理,他真正做一个简短的店面介绍。右边是农产 品营销协会在中国的代表Mabel Zhuang。
Lisa Cork of Fresh Produce Marketing is holding a papaya and having a laugh with Tommie van Zyl, ZZ2, to her right and Clive Garrett of ZZ2 to her left. To the rigt of the photo is the store manager of Yonghui. // Fresh Produce Marketing的Lisa Cork手里正拿着一个木瓜,与右边的ZZ2 的Tommie van Zyl微笑合影和ZZ2的Clive Garrett 。
Lisa Cork of Fresh Produce Marketing is holding a papaya and having a laugh with Tommie van Zyl, ZZ2, to her right and Clive Garrett of ZZ2 to her left. To the rigt of the photo is the store manager of Yonghui. // Fresh Produce Marketing的Lisa Cork手里正拿着一个木瓜,与右边的ZZ2 的Tommie van Zyl微笑合影和ZZ2的Clive Garrett 。
Widespread interest from the crowds at the Yonghui shop. // 在永辉商店的大量感兴趣的人群。
Widespread interest from the crowds at the Yonghui shop. // 在永辉商店的大量感兴趣的人群。
Chinese grown 'Ugly' citrus. // 中国种植的丑橘。
Chinese grown 'Ugly' citrus. // 中国种植的丑橘。
To the right, David Marguleas of Sun World International. // 右边是Sun World International的David Marguleas。
To the right, David Marguleas of Sun World International. // 右边是Sun World International的David Marguleas。
Imported durian from Thailand. // 来自泰国的进口榴莲。
Imported durian from Thailand. // 来自泰国的进口榴莲。
Entrance to the Yonghui Superstores supermarket in Shenzhen. In the middle television screens that show shots of New Zealand kiwifruit orchards and kiwifruit sorting and packaging processes. // 永辉超市的入口处。在中 间的电视屏幕上,展示着新西兰猕猴桃果园和猕猴桃的分拣和包装过 程。
Entrance to the Yonghui Superstores supermarket in Shenzhen. In the middle television screens that show shots of New Zealand kiwifruit orchards and kiwifruit sorting and packaging processes. // 永辉超市的入口处。在中 间的电视屏幕上,展示着新西兰猕猴桃果园和猕猴桃的分拣和包装过 程。
Entrance to the Yonghuis Superstores outlet. // 永辉超市 的入口处。
Entrance to the Yonghuis Superstores outlet. // 永辉超市 的入口处。
Felipe Villamizar of Maria Flowers is happy to see fresh flowers at the entrance of the shop. // Maria Flowers的 Felipe Villamizar很高兴在商店的入口处看到鲜花。
Felipe Villamizar of Maria Flowers is happy to see fresh flowers at the entrance of the shop. // Maria Flowers的 Felipe Villamizar很高兴在商店的入口处看到鲜花。
Entrance to the Yonghui Superstores shop. In the middle television screens that show shots of New Zealand kiwifruit orchards and kiwifruit sorting and packaging processes. // 永辉超市的入口处。在中间的电视屏幕上,展示着新 西兰猕猴桃果园和猕猴桃的分拣和包装过程。
Entrance to the Yonghui Superstores shop. In the middle television screens that show shots of New Zealand kiwifruit orchards and kiwifruit sorting and packaging processes. // 永辉超市的入口处。在中间的电视屏幕上,展示着新 西兰猕猴桃果园和猕猴桃的分拣和包装过程。
Fresh fruits on display at Yonghui. // 永辉展出的新鲜水 果。
Fresh fruits on display at Yonghui. // 永辉展出的新鲜水 果。
To the left, Tommie van Zyl from ZZ2 (South Africa) together with his son Bertie van Zyl. // 左边是ZZ2(南 非)的Tommie van Zyl和他的儿子Bertie van Zyl.
To the left, Tommie van Zyl from ZZ2 (South Africa) together with his son Bertie van Zyl. // 左边是ZZ2(南 非)的Tommie van Zyl和他的儿子Bertie van Zyl.
Adrielle Dankier of Nature's Pride is having a laugh. // Nature's Pride的Adrielle Dankier在大笑。
Adrielle Dankier of Nature's Pride is having a laugh. // Nature's Pride的Adrielle Dankier在大笑。
Group photo at the entrance of Hema Fresh, Alibaba latest 'online to offline' retail concept, combining instore sales and catering with at home delivery in the neighborhood of each shop. // 盒马入口处的集体合影,阿里巴 巴最新的“线上到线下”的零售概念,结合店内销售和餐饮与各店附近的 送货到家。
Group photo at the entrance of Hema Fresh, Alibaba latest 'online to offline' retail concept, combining instore sales and catering with at home delivery in the neighborhood of each shop. // 盒马入口处的集体合影,阿里巴 巴最新的“线上到线下”的零售概念,结合店内销售和餐饮与各店附近的 送货到家。
Busy shopping at Hema Fresh in Shenzhen. // 在深圳的盒马 的忙碌的购物人群。
Busy shopping at Hema Fresh in Shenzhen. // 在深圳的盒马 的忙碌的购物人群。
Sam Manujith, The Avolution, next to shelf filled with imported avocadoes. // The Avolution的Sam Manujith,在摆 满了进口鳄梨的货架旁边。
Sam Manujith, The Avolution, next to shelf filled with imported avocadoes. // The Avolution的Sam Manujith,在摆 满了进口鳄梨的货架旁边。
Hema Fresh promised at home delivery of online orders within 30 minutes after ordering. The shop is fulled with staff collecting and preparing orders. // 盒马承诺在 订货后的30分钟内实现对在线订单的配送。商店里等待收集和准备订单 的员工。
Hema Fresh promised at home delivery of online orders within 30 minutes after ordering. The shop is fulled with staff collecting and preparing orders. // 盒马承诺在 订货后的30分钟内实现对在线订单的配送。商店里等待收集和准备订单 的员工。
Cathy Burns, PMA, together with Richard Owen, PMA. // 农 产品营销协会的Cathy Burns和农产品营销协会的Richard Owen一 起。
Cathy Burns, PMA, together with Richard Owen, PMA. // 农 产品营销协会的Cathy Burns和农产品营销协会的Richard Owen一 起。
Staff at Hema Fresh helping out at the fruit and veg department of the shop. // 盒马的员工在商店的水果和蔬菜部门 帮忙。
Staff at Hema Fresh helping out at the fruit and veg department of the shop. // 盒马的员工在商店的水果和蔬菜部门 帮忙。
Vegetables on display at Hema Fresh. // 盒马展出的蔬菜。
Vegetables on display at Hema Fresh. // 盒马展出的蔬菜。
To the right, Krystle Dowling, PMA, and Ed Treacy. // 右 边是农产品营销协会的Krystle Dowling和Ed Treacy。
To the right, Krystle Dowling, PMA, and Ed Treacy. // 右 边是农产品营销协会的Krystle Dowling和Ed Treacy。
Hema fresh promises at home deliveries within 30 minutes after ordering. The goods are collected in the shop and put in bags, after which they are send to the back of the shop to be prepared for transport along this rail system. // 盒马承诺在订货后的30分钟内实现对在线订单的配送。货 物在商店里被收好后放进袋子里,然后被送到商店后面,以备沿着这条 铁路被运输。
Hema fresh promises at home deliveries within 30 minutes after ordering. The goods are collected in the shop and put in bags, after which they are send to the back of the shop to be prepared for transport along this rail system. // 盒马承诺在订货后的30分钟内实现对在线订单的配送。货 物在商店里被收好后放进袋子里,然后被送到商店后面,以备沿着这条 铁路被运输。
Customers trying out some freshly cut fruits at Hema Fresh. // 客户正在盒马尝试切好的水果。
Customers trying out some freshly cut fruits at Hema Fresh. // 客户正在盒马尝试切好的水果。
In less than two years after opening its first shops, Hema has opened 9 shops across China and is planning to open up many more in the near future. // 在不到两年的时间 内开设首家店铺后,盒马已经在中国开设了9家店面,并计划在不久的 将来开放更多的店面。
In less than two years after opening its first shops, Hema has opened 9 shops across China and is planning to open up many more in the near future. // 在不到两年的时间 内开设首家店铺后,盒马已经在中国开设了9家店面,并计划在不久的 将来开放更多的店面。
As in the Yonghui Superstores, Hema Fresh also offers clients fresh food and snacks, prepared by onside chef to the liking of the customer. // 和在永辉超市一样,盒马还 为客户提供新鲜的食物和点心,厨师根据客户的喜好现场准备食物。
As in the Yonghui Superstores, Hema Fresh also offers clients fresh food and snacks, prepared by onside chef to the liking of the customer. // 和在永辉超市一样,盒马还 为客户提供新鲜的食物和点心,厨师根据客户的喜好现场准备食物。
To the left John Albanese, grower from Australia. Shenzhen is a last stop after a trip through China to explore China's fresh produce industry. // 左边是来自澳大 利亚的种植者John Albanese。深圳是在全中国的探索中国的新鲜农产 品行业之旅经过的最后一站。
To the left John Albanese, grower from Australia. Shenzhen is a last stop after a trip through China to explore China's fresh produce industry. // 左边是来自澳大 利亚的种植者John Albanese。深圳是在全中国的探索中国的新鲜农产 品行业之旅经过的最后一站。
Cooling bags at Hema Fresh, Shenzhen. // 深圳盒马的冷却 袋。
Cooling bags at Hema Fresh, Shenzhen. // 深圳盒马的冷却 袋。
Customers can place online orders and see the store's latest products on offer via Hema Fresh's APP. // 客户可 以在线下订单,通过盒马的应用软件,看到商店的最新产品。
Customers can place online orders and see the store's latest products on offer via Hema Fresh's APP. // 客户可 以在线下订单,通过盒马的应用软件,看到商店的最新产品。
Hema's store manager explains how fresh produce is key for the shop's success. // 盒马的商店经理解释了生鲜农产品是 如何成为该店取得成功的关键的。
Hema's store manager explains how fresh produce is key for the shop's success. // 盒马的商店经理解释了生鲜农产品是 如何成为该店取得成功的关键的。
The freshest freshly cut pineapples. // 最新鲜的鲜切菠萝。
The freshest freshly cut pineapples. // 最新鲜的鲜切菠萝。
Young crowd enjoying the scene at one of Pagoda's outlets in Shenzhen. Pagoda is a fruit chain store with over 2,800 branches across China. // 小朋友在深圳的一家百 果园欣赏美景,享受美食。百果园是一家在全中国拥有超过2800家分 店的水果连锁店。
Young crowd enjoying the scene at one of Pagoda's outlets in Shenzhen. Pagoda is a fruit chain store with over 2,800 branches across China. // 小朋友在深圳的一家百 果园欣赏美景,享受美食。百果园是一家在全中国拥有超过2800家分 店的水果连锁店。
Pagoda's shop attendees welcoming clients. // 百果园员工 欢迎客户。
Pagoda's shop attendees welcoming clients. // 百果园员工 欢迎客户。
Fresh tomatoes from China. // 来自中国的新鲜番茄。
Fresh tomatoes from China. // 来自中国的新鲜番茄。
Pagoda is the first distributor of Mission Produce avocados in China, ripened by Lantao. // 百果园是Mission Produce鳄梨在中国的第一个分销商,由兰涛进行催熟。
Pagoda is the first distributor of Mission Produce avocados in China, ripened by Lantao. // 百果园是Mission Produce鳄梨在中国的第一个分销商,由兰涛进行催熟。
Pagoda's shop attendee offering avocado tastings. // 百果 园的店面推销员正在供应供品尝的鳄梨。
Pagoda's shop attendee offering avocado tastings. // 百果 园的店面推销员正在供应供品尝的鳄梨。
Chinese domestic Hami melon on sale at Pagoda. // 在百果 园出售的哈密甜瓜。
Chinese domestic Hami melon on sale at Pagoda. // 在百果 园出售的哈密甜瓜。
John Oxford from L&M Companies is trying a bite of domestic Hami melon. // L&M Companies的John Oxford正在试 着一块国产的哈密甜瓜。
John Oxford from L&M Companies is trying a bite of domestic Hami melon. // L&M Companies的John Oxford正在试 着一块国产的哈密甜瓜。
Pagoda's shops are usually small sized stores often conveniently placed close to the customer in local neighborhoods. // 百果园的商店通常是小型商店,经常被方便地开 在靠近客户的地方社区。
Pagoda's shops are usually small sized stores often conveniently placed close to the customer in local neighborhoods. // 百果园的商店通常是小型商店,经常被方便地开 在靠近客户的地方社区。
Fresh avocado on sale at Pagoda. Pagoda has recently signed a new agreement together with Mission Produce and Lantao to open up a second avocado ripening centre in Southern China. // 百果园正在出售的新鲜鳄梨。百果园最近与 Mission Produce和兰涛签署了一项新的在中国南部建立第二家催熟 中心的协议。
Fresh avocado on sale at Pagoda. Pagoda has recently signed a new agreement together with Mission Produce and Lantao to open up a second avocado ripening centre in Southern China. // 百果园正在出售的新鲜鳄梨。百果园最近与 Mission Produce和兰涛签署了一项新的在中国南部建立第二家催熟 中心的协议。
To the left Steve Barnard, President at Mission Produce, together with Retief du Toit from ZZ2 and Bertie van Zyl, also ZZ2. // 左边是Mission Produce的Steve Barnard, 同ZZ2的Retief du Toit和Bertie van Zyl 一起。
To the left Steve Barnard, President at Mission Produce, together with Retief du Toit from ZZ2 and Bertie van Zyl, also ZZ2. // 左边是Mission Produce的Steve Barnard, 同ZZ2的Retief du Toit和Bertie van Zyl 一起。
A taste of cherries. // 品尝樱桃。
A taste of cherries. // 品尝樱桃。
Pagoda's shop manager is waving goodbye. // 百果园的经理 在挥手告别。
Pagoda's shop manager is waving goodbye. // 百果园的经理 在挥手告别。