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Beijing QingYi Lai Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Specialised in selling vegetables. //专业于销售蔬菜的北京青熠来农业发展有限公司 
Beijing QingYi Lai Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Specialised in selling vegetables. //
Beijing QingYi Lai Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Specialised in selling vegetables. //专业于销售蔬菜的北京青熠来农业发展有限公司
Beijing QingYi Lai Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Specialised in selling vegetables. //
Beijing Xinfadi Yingli Da Guopin Shucai xiaoshou company. Selling bananas from the Philippines in China. //北京新发地英利达果品蔬菜销售有限公司,他们在中国销售来自菲律宾的香蕉。
Beijing Xinfadi Yingli Da Guopin Shucai xiaoshou company. Selling bananas from the Philippines in China. //
Zhang Yuge from Jinxiang Hanxinsheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. //来自金乡县韩鲜生信息科技有限公司的张玉各
Zhang Yuge from Jinxiang Hanxinsheng Information Technology Co., Ltd. //
Xu Yan from Qingdao HaoTianShangPin Packaging Co., Ltd. //来自青岛昊天尚品包装有限公司的总经理徐艳
Xu Yan from Qingdao HaoTianShangPin Packaging Co., Ltd. //
Ma Pengfei from Xile Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. They provide Packing Solutions. //来自昆山西乐机电技术有限公司的马鹏飞,他们供应包装方案。
Ma Pengfei from Xile Technology (Kunshan) Co., Ltd. They provide Packing Solutions. //
Hong Chen from Shanghai Sunshine Group. //来自上海珊色集团的高级助理陈鸿
Hong Chen from Shanghai Sunshine Group. //
Honda Jun from Japan Association of Fruit and Vegetables Export.  //来自日本青果物输出协会的代表理事本田纯
Honda Jun from Japan Association of Fruit and Vegetables Export.  //
Lingbao Apple. // 灵宝苹果
Lingbao Apple. // 灵宝苹果
Shi Aijun from Beijing Baihuan Xiandai Nongye Company. They sell apples. //来自北京百环现代农业有限公司的副总经理史爱军,他们销售苹果。
Shi Aijun from Beijing Baihuan Xiandai Nongye Company. They sell apples. //
Liu Sujuan from Yulu Xiangli, they produce pears. //生产玉露香梨的刘素娟,她们生产梨。
Liu Sujuan from Yulu Xiangli, they produce pears. //
Rex from Qunpin, an online platform for farmers to sell their goods. //来自群拼的运营总监袁毅,该公司是一家面向农民的在线销售平台。 
Rex from Qunpin, an online platform for farmers to sell their goods. //
Audience with honoured guests //观众
Audience with honoured guests //
Pinghe Flourish Fruit Industrial Pomelo.
Pinghe Flourish Fruit Industrial Pomelo.
Beijing Zhengfeng Shangmao Company. They started in 1985 and have grown over the years. They sell fruit and vegetables. //北京正丰商贸有限公司,他们是一家成立于1985年,以农副产品经销,代销,种植,加工,储运,配购配送为主的商贸有限公司。他们销售水果和蔬菜。
Beijing Zhengfeng Shangmao Company. They started in 1985 and have grown over the years. They sell fruit and vegetables. //
Beijing Xinmiaohui Technology Trading Co., Ltd. They do hawthorn wholesale business, but they also supply nectarines, persimmons, grapes and other fruits. //北京兴惠荣商贸有限公司,他们做山楂批发生意,但他们也供应油桃,柿子,葡萄和其他水果。
Beijing Xinmiaohui Technology Trading Co., Ltd. They do hawthorn wholesale business, but they also supply nectarines, persimmons, grapes and other fruits. //
The beautiful Beijing Exhibition Center //美丽而壮观的北京展会中心
The beautiful Beijing Exhibition Center //
Suzy Lee (left) and her colleague from Shenzhen Lvyuan Packaging Technology CO.,LTD. They are specialized in all kind of packaging, for example seasonal fruits, vegetables, seafood, snack foods etc. //深圳市绿源包装科技有限公司的李佳萍和她的同事,该公司专业生产各种包装,如季节性水果、蔬菜、海鲜、快餐食品等。 
Suzy Lee (left) and her colleague from Shenzhen Lvyuan Packaging Technology CO.,LTD. They are specialized in all kind of packaging, for example seasonal fruits, vegetables, seafood, snack foods etc. //
The cute orange exhibition mascot //可爱的橙色展会吉祥物
The cute orange exhibition mascot //
New Zealand Export company, Pure Pac Ltd with Nadine Black. They grow, pack and distribute New Zealand cherries to China, Europe and the US. //新西兰出口公司,Pure Pac Ltd的Nadine Black和。他们种植,加工和分校新西兰的樱桃到中国,欧洲和美国。
New Zealand Export company, Pure Pac Ltd with Nadine Black. They grow, pack and distribute New Zealand cherries to China, Europe and the US. //
新西兰出口公司,Pure Pac Ltd的Nadine Black和。他们种植,加工和分校新西兰的樱桃到中国,欧洲和美国。
Team of Hu Bei QAL Testing Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. QAL provides testing and analysis services for agricultural soil, water, fertilizer, plant tissue and food safety testing. //湖北科艾乐检测科技有限公司团队,该公司为农业土壤、水、肥料、植物组织和食品安全测试提供测试和分析服务。
Team of Hu Bei QAL Testing Science and Technology Co.,Ltd. QAL provides testing and analysis services for agricultural soil, water, fertilizer, plant tissue and food safety testing. //
Opening ceremony of China International Fruit and Vegetable Fair 2018 //2018年中国(北京)国际果蔬展开幕式
Opening ceremony of China International Fruit and Vegetable Fair 2018 //
Team of Shandong Salver Agriculture CO.,LTD. This company is specialised in fruit tree seedling. They have their own demo nursery area in Rizhao, which consists of more than 30.000 acres. For the high-tech technology they cooperate with the Dutch company Verbeek. //山东丰沃农业有限公司团队,该公司专营果树种苗。他们在日照市拥有自己的面积超过30英亩的示范苗圃区。在高科技技术方面,他们与荷兰公司Verbeek合作。
Team of Shandong Salver Agriculture CO.,LTD. This company is specialised in fruit tree seedling. They have their own demo nursery area in Rizhao, which consists of more than 30.000 acres. For the high-tech technology they cooperate with the Dutch company Verbeek. //
Ben Cant from Citrus Australia, they export large amounts of orange and mandarin to China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. They represent 1500 Australian growers with 1500 hectares of fields for their export. //来自澳大利亚柑橘协会的Ben Cant,他们出口大量橙子和橘子到中国,台湾和香港。他们代表1500名澳大利亚种植者,占地1500公顷的出口种植基地。
Ben Cant from Citrus Australia, they export large amounts of orange and mandarin to China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. They represent 1500 Australian growers with 1500 hectares of fields for their export. //
来自澳大利亚柑橘协会的Ben Cant,他们出口大量橙子和橘子到中国,台湾和香港。他们代表1500名澳大利亚种植者,占地1500公顷的出口种植基地。
Jeff Scott from Australian Table Grapes Association. They export table grapes and citrus to China and many other countries in the world. 40% of their exports go to China. //澳大利亚鲜食葡萄种植者协会的总裁Jeff Scot。他们出口食用葡萄和柑橘到中国和世界上许多其他国家。他们产品的40%被出口到中国。
Jeff Scott from Australian Table Grapes Association. They export table grapes and citrus to China and many other countries in the world. 40% of their exports go to China. //
澳大利亚鲜食葡萄种植者协会的总裁Jeff Scot。他们出口食用葡萄和柑橘到中国和世界上许多其他国家。他们产品的40%被出口到中国。
Andrew Mandemaker from Apple & Pear Australia Ltd. Their apples and pears cannot enter China yet, but he hopes that in the future the governments of both countries can come to an agreement. If he could choose, he would like to start with introducing the Pink Lady apple to China. //苹果和梨澳大利亚有限公司的集团质量与创新负责人Andrew Mandemaker。他们的苹果和梨还不能进入中国,但他希望将来两国政府能达成一致。如果他可以选择,他希望先把Pink Lady苹果推广到中国。
Andrew Mandemaker from Apple & Pear Australia Ltd. Their apples and pears cannot enter China yet, but he hopes that in the future the governments of both countries can come to an agreement. If he could choose, he would like to start with introducing the Pink Lady apple to China. //
苹果和梨澳大利亚有限公司的集团质量与创新负责人Andrew Mandemaker。他们的苹果和梨还不能进入中国,但他希望将来两国政府能达成一致。如果他可以选择,他希望先把Pink Lady苹果推广到中国。
Ian Locke from Fruit Growers Tasmania (FGT). They export a lot of Tasmanian fruits to China, for example cherries. Their cherries can directly be exported to China by air, no fumigation is needed. //来自塔斯马尼亚水果种植商协会(FGT)的Ian Cover。他们向中国出口许多塔斯马尼亚水果,例如樱桃。他们的樱桃可以直接被空运到中国,不需要经过熏蒸。
Ian Locke from Fruit Growers Tasmania (FGT). They export a lot of Tasmanian fruits to China, for example cherries. Their cherries can directly be exported to China by air, no fumigation is needed. //
来自塔斯马尼亚水果种植商协会(FGT)的Ian Cover。他们向中国出口许多塔斯马尼亚水果,例如樱桃。他们的樱桃可以直接被空运到中国,不需要经过熏蒸。
John Tyas and his colleague from Avocados Australia Limited (AAL), which is the representative industry body for the Australian avocado industry. Australian avocados do not have access yet to the Chinese market, though they hope with their presence in this exhibition, they can show their commitment and support to an export agreement between their countries.来自Avocados Australia Limited (AAL)的John Tyas和他同事,该公司是澳大利亚鳄梨产业的产业主体代表。澳大利亚的鳄梨还没有进入中国市场,但他们希望参加这次展览,这能够表现他们对两国之间出口协议的承诺和支持。
John Tyas and his colleague from Avocados Australia Limited (AAL), which is the representative industry body for the Australian avocado industry. Australian avocados do not have access yet to the Chinese market, though they hope with their presence in this exhibition, they can show their commitment and support to an export agreement between their countries.
来自Avocados Australia Limited (AAL)的John Tyas和他同事,该公司是澳大利亚鳄梨产业的产业主体代表。澳大利亚的鳄梨还没有进入中国市场,但他们希望参加这次展览,这能够表现他们对两国之间出口协议的承诺和支持。
Ben Reilly from Steritech. They provide X-ray technology to industries that require sterilisation and decontamination. This treatment is heat-free and is used by different import and export fruit companies in Vietnam, India, Thailand and the USA. //来自Steritech的Ben Reilly。他们向需要杀菌和净化的工业提供X射线技术。这种处理是无热的,并被在越南、印度、泰国和美国的不同的进出口水果公司使用。
Ben Reilly from Steritech. They provide X-ray technology to industries that require sterilisation and decontamination. This treatment is heat-free and is used by different import and export fruit companies in Vietnam, India, Thailand and the USA. //
来自Steritech的Ben Reilly。他们向需要杀菌和净化的工业提供X射线技术。这种处理是无热的,并被在越南、印度、泰国和美国的不同的进出口水果公司使用。
Michael Coote from AUSVEG, they export potatoes, onion, brocoli to China, though they hope that they can also export carrots in the future. Other areas they export vegetables to include Singapore, Dubai, Japan, Maleisia and Hong Kong.  //来自AUSVEG的Michael Coote,他们向中国出口土豆、洋葱、椰菜,尽管他们希望将来也能出口胡萝卜。他们出口蔬菜的其他地区包括新加坡、迪拜、日本、马来西亚和香港。
Michael Coote from AUSVEG, they export potatoes, onion, brocoli to China, though they hope that they can also export carrots in the future. Other areas they export vegetables to include Singapore, Dubai, Japan, Maleisia and Hong Kong.  //
来自AUSVEG的Michael Coote,他们向中国出口土豆、洋葱、椰菜,尽管他们希望将来也能出口胡萝卜。他们出口蔬菜的其他地区包括新加坡、迪拜、日本、马来西亚和香港。
Tasmian Fruit Growers.
Tasmian Fruit Growers.
Group picture of Australian companies participating in the exhibition //参加展会的澳大利亚公司团体图片
Group picture of Australian companies participating in the exhibition //
The French Agriculture and Food Council (CAFC), they showed a lot of interesting French products at their booth, such as kiwi berries, shallots, garlic, tomatoes, artichoke, apples etc. All from French. //法国农业食品委员会CAFC,他们在摊位上展出了许多有趣的法国产品,如猕猴桃浆果、小葱、大蒜、西红柿、朝鲜蓟、苹果等。
The French Agriculture and Food Council (CAFC), they showed a lot of interesting French products at their booth, such as kiwi berries, shallots, garlic, tomatoes, artichoke, apples etc. All from French. //
Anton Kruger from FPEF (FRESH PRODUCE EXPORTERS' FORUM). //南非新鲜农产品出口商论坛的首席执行官Anton Kruiger (新鲜产品出口商论坛).
南非新鲜农产品出口商论坛的首席执行官Anton Kruiger (新鲜产品出口商论坛).
Lucien Jansen from PPECB, which is an independent service provider of quality certification and cold chain services for producers and exporters of perishable food products in South Africa. //来自PPECB的Lucien Jansen,PPECB是一家独立的服务提供商,为南非易腐食品的生产商和出口商提供质量认证和冷链服务。
Lucien Jansen from PPECB, which is an independent service provider of quality certification and cold chain services for producers and exporters of perishable food products in South Africa. //
来自PPECB的Lucien Jansen,PPECB是一家独立的服务提供商,为南非易腐食品的生产商和出口商提供质量认证和冷链服务。
South African Embassy Beijing Charles Manuel. //南非大使馆的公使衔参赞(经济)查理斯
South African Embassy Beijing Charles Manuel. //
Willem Bestbier and Dawie Moelich from South African Table Grape Industry (SATI). Their company represents the South African table grape industry.  //南非食用葡萄产业协会 (SATI)的Willem Bestbier和Dawie Moelich。他们的公司代表南非的食用葡萄产业。
Willem Bestbier and Dawie Moelich from South African Table Grape Industry (SATI). Their company represents the South African table grape industry.  //
南非食用葡萄产业协会 (SATI)的Willem Bestbier和Dawie Moelich。他们的公司代表南非的食用葡萄产业。
HORTGRO Elzette Schutte and Jaques du Prez from HORTGRO. They would like to export their blueberries to China, though there is no access yet. The blueberry industry in South Africa is fast developing, it is good for the economy and could benefit to decrease the unemployment. They now already export to the UK, Europe, Middle East, Hong Kong and America. //来自HORTGRO的Elzette Schutte和同事。他们想把蓝莓出口到中国,尽管还没有获得准入权。南非蓝莓产业发展迅速,这有利于经济发展,以及减少失业。他们现在已经出口到英国、欧洲、中东、香港和美国。
HORTGRO Elzette Schutte and Jaques du Prez from HORTGRO. They would like to export their blueberries to China, though there is no access yet. The blueberry industry in South Africa is fast developing, it is good for the economy and could benefit to decrease the unemployment. They now already export to the UK, Europe, Middle East, Hong Kong and America. //
来自HORTGRO的Elzette Schutte和同事。他们想把蓝莓出口到中国,尽管还没有获得准入权。南非蓝莓产业发展迅速,这有利于经济发展,以及减少失业。他们现在已经出口到英国、欧洲、中东、香港和美国。
Derek Donkin from subtrop, which sells fresh fruits on the local market in South Africa and exports to Europe. Their main products are avocado, lychee and mango. //来自Subtrop的Derek Donkin,该公司在南非本土市场上销售新鲜水果,并出口到欧洲。他们的主要产品是鳄梨、荔枝和芒果。
Derek Donkin from subtrop, which sells fresh fruits on the local market in South Africa and exports to Europe. Their main products are avocado, lychee and mango. //
来自Subtrop的Derek Donkin,该公司在南非本土市场上销售新鲜水果,并出口到欧洲。他们的主要产品是鳄梨、荔枝和芒果。
Mack Ramsay and Flora Zhang from California Strawberry Commission. They represent all strawberry growers and shippers California. In 2016 they got access to China and in 2017 the first shipment by air was successfully concluded. Other countries they export to are Japan, Mexico, Canada, Middle East and Korea. //美国加州草莓协会资深中国事务顾问Mack Ramsay和张琰。他们代表加利福尼亚所有的草莓种植者和托运人。在2016年,他们获得至中国市场的准入权,在2017年,第一批空运成功。他们出口的其他国家有日本、墨西哥、加拿大、中东和韩国。
Mack Ramsay and Flora Zhang from California Strawberry Commission. They represent all strawberry growers and shippers California. In 2016 they got access to China and in 2017 the first shipment by air was successfully concluded. Other countries they export to are Japan, Mexico, Canada, Middle East and Korea. //
美国加州草莓协会资深中国事务顾问Mack Ramsay和张琰。他们代表加利福尼亚所有的草莓种植者和托运人。在2016年,他们获得至中国市场的准入权,在2017年,第一批空运成功。他们出口的其他国家有日本、墨西哥、加拿大、中东和韩国。
Team from US Highbush Blueberry Council. They represent all blueberry growers in the US. Frozen and dried blueberries are allowed to enter China, they hope that fresh blueberries will also be allowed soon.//美国高丛蓝莓协会的团队他们代表了美国所有的蓝莓种植者。冷冻和被晒干的蓝莓被允许进入中国,他们希望新鲜蓝莓也将很快被允许进入中国。
Team from US Highbush Blueberry Council. They represent all blueberry growers in the US. Frozen and dried blueberries are allowed to enter China, they hope that fresh blueberries will also be allowed soon.//
Chocolate with blueberry filling from US Highbush Blueberry Council.//美国高地灌木蓝莓理事会的含有蓝莓的巧克力。
Chocolate with blueberry filling from US Highbush Blueberry Council.//
Duane Wells from Fresh New Zealand Persimmons. They represent the persimmon industry from New Zealand. Since two years ago they can export to China, which is an advantage because persimmons are quite important in the Chinese culture. //来自新西兰新鲜柿子协会的Duane Wells。它们代表了新西兰的柿子产业。自从两年前,他们可以出口到中国,这是一个优势,因为柿子在中国文化中非常重要。
Duane Wells from Fresh New Zealand Persimmons. They represent the persimmon industry from New Zealand. Since two years ago they can export to China, which is an advantage because persimmons are quite important in the Chinese culture. //
来自新西兰新鲜柿子协会的Duane Wells。它们代表了新西兰的柿子产业。自从两年前,他们可以出口到中国,这是一个优势,因为柿子在中国文化中非常重要。
Jamiee Burns from ECCO, a New Zeald apple and pear company. They have a new variety that could be interesting for the Chinese market, it is called, the Sunglow. //来自一家新西兰苹果和梨公司ECCO的Jamiee Burns。他们有一个对中国市场来说可能很有趣的新品种,它被称为Sunglow。
Jamiee Burns from ECCO, a New Zeald apple and pear company. They have a new variety that could be interesting for the Chinese market, it is called, the Sunglow. //
来自一家新西兰苹果和梨公司ECCO的Jamiee Burns。他们有一个对中国市场来说可能很有趣的新品种,它被称为Sunglow。
John Moore from Summerfruit Australia. They export apricot, peach, plum and nectarine from Australia. Their top three export countries are China, Middle East and Singapore.  //澳大利亚夏果类商团的行政总裁莫约翰。他们从澳大利亚出口杏、桃、李子和油桃。他们的前三个出口国家是中国、中东和新加坡。
John Moore from Summerfruit Australia. They export apricot, peach, plum and nectarine from Australia. Their top three export countries are China, Middle East and Singapore.  //
Visitors enjoying the prepared dishes from Re gu Meigui company with their own products in it. //参观者享受新平热谷玫瑰农业开发有限公司用他们的产品准备的菜肴。
Visitors enjoying the prepared dishes from Re gu Meigui company with their own products in it. //
special vegetable, purslane, which they will bring on the Chinese market and are also enthusiastic for export. //他们将把马齿苋这种特种蔬菜带来中国市场,也热衷于出口。马齿苋
special vegetable, purslane, which they will bring on the Chinese market and are also enthusiastic for export. //
Mr. Hu and his son from Re gu Meigui company. //新平热谷玫瑰农业开发有限公司的胡先生和他的儿子
Mr. Hu and his son from Re gu Meigui company. //
Team of Youzan. Youzan is a merchant service provider company.有赞团队,有赞是一家商业服务供应商公司。
Team of Youzan. Youzan is a merchant service provider company.
Xing Ye Yuan Group //大连兴业源农产品有限公司
Xing Ye Yuan Group //
RedLove apple, an apple that is red inside and on the outside. //红色之爱苹果,这是一种里面和外面都是红色的苹果品种。
RedLove apple, an apple that is red inside and on the outside. //
Qu Zhenxing and colleague from Guonong Baoxing (Beijing) Agricultural Development CO.,LTD. //国农宝兴(北京)农业开发有限公司的总经理曲振兴和同事
Qu Zhenxing and colleague from Guonong Baoxing (Beijing) Agricultural Development CO.,LTD. //
Huang Fanfan from Luochuan MeiYuGao Biotechnology Co., Ltd, expert company in apple agricultural services, cold chain logistics and marketing. //洛川美域高生物科技有限责任公司 , 一家以苹果农资服务、冷链运输、市场营销为一体的苹果全产业链企业。
Huang Fanfan from Luochuan MeiYuGao Biotechnology Co., Ltd, expert company in apple agricultural services, cold chain logistics and marketing. //
洛川美域高生物科技有限责任公司 , 一家以苹果农资服务、冷链运输、市场营销为一体的苹果全产业链企业。
Reiko Matsunaka from lu dao gudai Yiji history research association. //鹿岛古代遗迹历史研究会的松中怜子。
Reiko Matsunaka from lu dao gudai Yiji history research association. //
Wilson Kim and colleague From Enposs, an energy & power saving systems. //能源博士的总经理金钟仁和同事,能源博士是一家节能公司
Wilson Kim and colleague From Enposs, an energy & power saving systems. //
Ka Bin from Oisix. They sell organic and natural fruit in their online supermarket, started in Shanghai. //来自Oisix的海外部长华敏。他们在他们的网上超市销售有机水果和天然水果,在上海起步。
Ka Bin from Oisix. They sell organic and natural fruit in their online supermarket, started in Shanghai. //
Wuyang Zhou (Joe) , Shohei Naito, Sheng Wei from Nihon Agri, INC.. Japanese export company for premium fruits. Export to Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Filippines and Malesia. //来自Nihon Agri, INC.的周无央,内藤祥平和韦晟。这家日本出口公司出口优质水果到泰国、香港、台湾、菲律宾和马来西亚。
Wuyang Zhou (Joe) , Shohei Naito, Sheng Wei from Nihon Agri, INC.. Japanese export company for premium fruits. Export to Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Filippines and Malesia. //
来自Nihon Agri, INC.的周无央,内藤祥平和韦晟。这家日本出口公司出口优质水果到泰国、香港、台湾、菲律宾和马来西亚。
Oficina Comercial del Perú en la R.P. China. //秘鲁共和国驻华使馆商务处
Oficina Comercial del Perú en la R.P. China. //
Wang Ziying showing all the fruits from Pro México Trade and Investment. //Wang Ziying展示墨西哥投资贸易局的的全部水果。
Wang Ziying showing all the fruits from Pro México Trade and Investment. //
Wang Ziying展示墨西哥投资贸易局的的全部水果。
Liza P. Guinto from Philippines' SL Agritech//Agrifood Corporation. // 来自菲律宾SL Agritech//Agrifood Corporation的Liza P. Guinto。
Liza P. Guinto from Philippines' SL Agritech//Agrifood Corporation. // 
来自菲律宾SL Agritech//Agrifood Corporation的Liza P. Guinto。
Jeffrey C. Tan from Maia Grove Trading. They first traded fruits locally, but now they are expanding to export fresh fruits from the Philippines. //来自Maia Grove Trading的Jeffrey C. Tan。他们首先在本地进行水果交易,但现在他们正在扩大从菲律宾出口新鲜水果。
Jeffrey C. Tan from Maia Grove Trading. They first traded fruits locally, but now they are expanding to export fresh fruits from the Philippines. //
来自Maia Grove Trading的Jeffrey C. Tan。他们首先在本地进行水果交易,但现在他们正在扩大从菲律宾出口新鲜水果。
Jean Mendoza from Eng Send Food Products, they sell vacuum freeze dried mango, guyabana, durian and banana chips.  //来自Eng Send Food Products的Jean Mendoza,他们出售真空冷冻干燥芒果,榴莲和香蕉片。
Jean Mendoza from Eng Send Food Products, they sell vacuum freeze dried mango, guyabana, durian and banana chips.  //
来自Eng Send Food Products的Jean Mendoza,他们出售真空冷冻干燥芒果,榴莲和香蕉片。
Dole Philippines INC. is also present //都乐菲律宾有限公司
Dole Philippines INC. is also present //
AMMU INC, promoting mango FruitPulp and Fruit purees from India by the visitors. //爱妙股份有限公司,该公司促销来自印度的果肉和果泥。
AMMU INC, promoting mango FruitPulp and Fruit purees from India by the visitors. //
Jill and Jessie from Suzhou DORA Agri-tech Co. Ltd., plant nursery company. Provides help with growing crops more efficiently. //苏州朵拉生态农业科技有限公司的销售代表顾瑜和总经理徐园园。该公司是一家植物苗圃公司,帮助作物更有效地生长。
Jill and Jessie from Suzhou DORA Agri-tech Co. Ltd., plant nursery company. Provides help with growing crops more efficiently. //
Chun Wang from Directa Co., Ltd., who sell baby carrots from Bolthouse Farms, the largest producer of baby carrots. Besides this product, they also sell fruit and vegetable juices and cheese. //北京直达农业科技有限公司的首席执行官王淳。他出售来自最大的胡萝卜生产商Bolthouse Farms的迷你胡萝卜。除了这个产品,他们还销售水果,蔬菜汁和奶酪。
Chun Wang from Directa Co., Ltd., who sell baby carrots from Bolthouse Farms, the largest producer of baby carrots. Besides this product, they also sell fruit and vegetable juices and cheese. //
北京直达农业科技有限公司的首席执行官王淳。他出售来自最大的胡萝卜生产商Bolthouse Farms的迷你胡萝卜。除了这个产品,他们还销售水果,蔬菜汁和奶酪。
A lot of interested people for the baby carrot at the Directa Co., Ltd. Booth. //许多对迷你胡萝感兴趣的人在北京直达农业科技有限公司展位前
A lot of interested people for the baby carrot at the Directa Co., Ltd. Booth. //
Xu Long from Fruithas, let some visitors try his apples. //北京果荟农产品有限公司的销售经理徐龙,邀请人们品尝他的苹果。
Xu Long from Fruithas, let some visitors try his apples. //
Some pears of Fruithas. //北京果荟农产品有限公司的一些梨。
Some pears of Fruithas. //
Busy at the booth of the Xinjiang fruits, Tianbian Xiaowan. //繁忙的新疆天边小宛农业科技股份有限公司展位
Busy at the booth of the Xinjiang fruits, Tianbian Xiaowan. //
Mari, Malaysian Durian from the Beijing import company, Regal Plus //北京进口公司乐家环球(北京)有限公司的马来西亚榴莲Mari
Mari, Malaysian Durian from the Beijing import company, Regal Plus //
Some cool photo moment for this happy visitor at Lingbao Apple Stand. //这位访者在灵宝苹果展位的快乐拍照时刻.
Some cool photo moment for this happy visitor at Lingbao Apple Stand. //
Becky from DD Agriculture, she shows the packaging with the Weys Citrus from Sichuan, Meishan. They had a good promotion strategy during this fair, everyone who scanned their wechat QR code could get a free citrus. They sell them in online stores, like Jingdong and their WeChat account. //来自鼎德华夏农业科技集团的生鲜事业部销售经理纪金良,她展示了来自眉山四川的Weys柑橘包装。在这个交易会上,他们有一个很好的促销策略,即每个人扫描他们的微信QR码可以得到免费柑橘。他们在网上商店销售,比如京东和他们的微信账户。
Becky from DD Agriculture, she shows the packaging with the Weys Citrus from Sichuan, Meishan. They had a good promotion strategy during this fair, everyone who scanned their wechat QR code could get a free citrus. They sell them in online stores, like Jingdong and their WeChat account. //
Team of Beijing Lixiang Shenghuo Wanglu fuwu Company. An online platform for suppliers, where they can promote their products. The focus products of this platform are high quality fruits. //北京理享生活网络服务有限公司团队。他们运作一个供应商的在线平台,可以促进供应商的产品销售。该平台的重点产品是高质量的水果。
Team of Beijing Lixiang Shenghuo Wanglu fuwu Company. An online platform for suppliers, where they can promote their products. The focus products of this platform are high quality fruits. //
Mr. Zhang Long from Gansu Ganfu Guoye Jituan Company, discussing his 烟富10 apple with potential customers. Their Gansu apples are produced with organic fertilizer, which makes them organicly produced. //来自甘肃甘富果业集团有限公司的运营部张龙,与潜在客户讨论他的烟富10苹果。他们的甘肃苹果是用有机肥料生产的,这使得它们可以在有机的方式下被生产。
Mr. Zhang Long from Gansu Ganfu Guoye Jituan Company, discussing his 烟富10 apple with potential customers. Their Gansu apples are produced with organic fertilizer, which makes them organicly produced. //
Shen Zhi from Shenguoguo //来自申果果(北京)农业科技有限公司的总经理申治
Shen Zhi from Shenguoguo //
Ryan from FRIGGA also visiting the exhibition. //来自FRIGGA的Ryan也参观了展会。
Ryan from FRIGGA also visiting the exhibition. //
Zhou Li from Shou zhi Xianfugan with his team. They are specialized in producing and selling orange, tangerine, citrus. //寿之仙富柑的总经理周李和他的团队。他们专门生产和销售橙子、蜜橘、柑橘。
Zhou Li from Shou zhi Xianfugan with his team. They are specialized in producing and selling orange, tangerine, citrus. //
Oliver Huesmann from Fruit Consulting, Import and Export quality control in Spain. //Fruit Consulting的首席执行官奥利弗.休斯曼,该家公司是一家位于西班牙的进出口质量控制公司。
Oliver Huesmann from Fruit Consulting, Import and Export quality control in Spain. //
Fruit Consulting的首席执行官奥利弗.休斯曼,该家公司是一家位于西班牙的进出口质量控制公司。
Gai Wei and Zhou Yang from MAF RODA Machinery (Yantai) Co., Ltd. They are specialized in sorting line technology. //来自迈夫诺达机械设备(烟台)有限公司的中国区销售经理盖伟和销售工程师周杨,他们专门发展分拣生产线技术。
Gai Wei and Zhou Yang from MAF RODA Machinery (Yantai) Co., Ltd. They are specialized in sorting line technology. //
Longkai Li from Lesui (Shanghai) Industrial Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch. They are specialized in packaging. //来自乐岁(上海)实业有限公司的销售部区域经理李龙凯,他们专业生产包装。
Longkai Li from Lesui (Shanghai) Industrial Co., Ltd. Beijing Branch. They are specialized in packaging. //
Visitors tasting the Red hearted kiwi fruit from Shanghai Yi Kailong Network Technology Co. Ltd. //访客品尝上海益凯龙网络科技有限公司的红心猕猴桃。
Visitors tasting the Red hearted kiwi fruit from Shanghai Yi Kailong Network Technology Co. Ltd. //
Xiao Haiyuan from Zhejiang Lemeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. //来自浙江乐檬信息技术有限公司的客户经理肖海媛
Xiao Haiyuan from Zhejiang Lemeng Information Technology Co., Ltd. //
Team of Hainan KIO Ecological Agriculture Co., LTD, selling many kind of different products, with production bases in Hainan, Sichuan and Yunnan. //琼海珏玥果蔬产销农民专业合作社的团队,该公司销售各种不同的产品,在海南、四川和云南设有生产基地。
Team of Hainan KIO Ecological Agriculture Co., LTD, selling many kind of different products, with production bases in Hainan, Sichuan and Yunnan. //
Red dragon fruit from KIO. //琼海珏玥果蔬产销农民专业合作社的红心火龙果
Red dragon fruit from KIO. //
Tina from Dehezi. Specialized company in cold chain logistics. //来自德和资(北京)人工环境技术有限公司的市场部经理段玉,该公司专门从事冷链物流。
Tina from Dehezi. Specialized company in cold chain logistics. //
Tina from Dehezi. Specialized company in cold chain logistics. //来自德和资(北京)人工环境技术有限公司的市场部经理段玉,该公司专门从事冷链物流。
Tina from Dehezi. Specialized company in cold chain logistics. //
Jason from Li huamao. They sell pear syrup and also canned yellow peaches. Their pears are produced in Anhui and 30% is sold as fresh fruit and about 70% of the output is used to make pear syrup. //来自安徽梨多宝食品营销有限公司的胡义杨,他们销售梨糖浆和罐装黄桃。他们的梨是在安徽生产的,30%作为新鲜水果出售,约70%的产量用来制作梨糖浆。
Jason from Li huamao. They sell pear syrup and also canned yellow peaches. Their pears are produced in Anhui and 30% is sold as fresh fruit and about 70% of the output is used to make pear syrup. //
Team of 8fresh, selling all kind of imported products, like cherries and blueberries from Chile, Coconuts from Thailand.八鲜网的团队,他们销售各种进口产品,如智利的樱桃和蓝莓,泰国的椰子。
Team of 8fresh, selling all kind of imported products, like cherries and blueberries from Chile, Coconuts from Thailand.
Beijing Qifan Youbao Shangmao Company, with their beautiful stand full with Fujian pomelos. //北京奇帆柚宝商贸有限公司,他们漂亮的展位摆满了福建柚子。
Beijing Qifan Youbao Shangmao Company, with their beautiful stand full with Fujian pomelos. //
Beijing Qifan Youbao Shangmao Company, with their beautiful stand full with Fujian pomelos. //北京奇帆柚宝商贸有限公司,他们漂亮的展位摆满了福建柚子。
Beijing Qifan Youbao Shangmao Company, with their beautiful stand full with Fujian pomelos. //
Mao Yongxi from Beijing Xinfadi Yongxi Shangmao company. She sells all kind of vegetables, mostly leek. //北京新发地勇习商贸有限公司董事长毛勇习。她销售各种蔬菜,主要是韭菜。
Mao Yongxi from Beijing Xinfadi Yongxi Shangmao company. She sells all kind of vegetables, mostly leek. //
Beijing Taihechuangye International Trading Co., Ltd. They sell all kind of imported fruits, for example, Thai durian, longan, mangosteen, pomelo. //北京泰和创业国际贸易有限公司,他们出售各种进口水果,例如泰国榴莲、龙眼、山竹、柚子。
Beijing Taihechuangye International Trading Co., Ltd. They sell all kind of imported fruits, for example, Thai durian, longan, mangosteen, pomelo. //
Victor Shi from Beijing George International Trade Co., Ltd. Selling all different kiwi fruit brands, pineapples, bananas etc. //来自北京兆丰百源国际贸易有限公司的外贸部总经理助理石文元,该公司出售各种不同的猕猴桃品牌,菠萝,香蕉等。
Victor Shi from Beijing George International Trade Co., Ltd. Selling all different kiwi fruit brands, pineapples, bananas etc. //
Yan Xueqiang from Lao Yan Shu Cai Vegetable sells different kind of vegetables. For examples, different tomato varieties and cucumber. These products are mainly produced in Shandong. //来自北京尚宇宏源商贸有限公司的总经理闫学强,他们出售不同种类的蔬菜。例如,不同的番茄品种和黄瓜。这些产品主要是在山东生产的。
Yan Xueqiang from Lao Yan Shu Cai Vegetable sells different kind of vegetables. For examples, different tomato varieties and cucumber. These products are mainly produced in Shandong. //
Team of Yolego, selling a diversity of fresh fruits. The fruits are partly origing from China and partly imported. Hainan dragonfruit, Xinjiang apple and pear and Yunnan orange. //北京悠乐果科技发展有限公司的团队,他们销售各种新鲜水果。这些水果部分来源于中国,部分进口。包括海南火龙果、新疆苹果、梨和云南橙。
Team of Yolego, selling a diversity of fresh fruits. The fruits are partly origing from China and partly imported. Hainan dragonfruit, Xinjiang apple and pear and Yunnan orange. //
Team of Beijing Peng Cheng Wan Da Guopin Company. Their main product is watermelon and other melon varieties.//北京鹏程万达果品有限公司的团队,其主要产品是西瓜等瓜类品种。
Team of Beijing Peng Cheng Wan Da Guopin Company. Their main product is watermelon and other melon varieties.//
Beautiful watermelon sculpture. //美丽的西瓜雕刻。
Beautiful watermelon sculpture. //
Beautiful watermelon sculpture. 美丽的西瓜雕刻。
Beautiful watermelon sculpture. 
Gannan Qicheng Xinfadi Guoshui (Beijing) guopin company. //新发地果水(北京)果品有限公司的赣南脐橙
Gannan Qicheng Xinfadi Guoshui (Beijing) guopin company. //
special packaging for easy use of Qicheng.//便于脐橙使用的特殊包装 
special packaging for easy use of Qicheng.//
Xiao Lin from Beijing Lin Shi yi Jia Company. They sell mangoes throughout the whole year. Mangoes from Vietnam. //来自北京林氏亿嘉商贸中心的小林,他们全年销售来自越南的芒果。
Xiao Lin from Beijing Lin Shi yi Jia Company. They sell mangoes throughout the whole year. Mangoes from Vietnam. //
Liu Xinpo from King of cherry of Xinfadi. They import Australian cherries, sell Gansu apples, gan nan navel orange and have a 3000 mu cherry planting base. //来自北京新发地润福园商贸有限公司的董事长刘新玻,他们进口澳洲樱桃,出售甘肃苹果,赣南脐橙,并有3000亩樱桃种植基地。
Liu Xinpo from King of cherry of Xinfadi. They import Australian cherries, sell Gansu apples, gan nan navel orange and have a 3000 mu cherry planting base. //
They sell, Hainan papaya, mango, star fruit etc. and From sichuan, red hearted kiwi fruit, pears etc. //来自杨氏企业的经理杨红,他们出售海南木瓜,芒果,星果等,以及四川的红心猕猴桃,梨等。
They sell, Hainan papaya, mango, star fruit etc. and From sichuan, red hearted kiwi fruit, pears etc. //
Duan Jiandong from Jishan 板枣. //来自山西稷山板枣北京配送中心的主任/销售经理段建东
Duan Jiandong from Jishan 板枣. //
Royal Fresh International PTY. Ltd. in a meeting.Royal Fresh International PTY. Ltd.在开会。
Royal Fresh International PTY. Ltd. in a meeting.
Royal Fresh International PTY. Ltd.在开会。
Royal Fresh International PTY. Ltd. in a meeting.Royal Fresh International PTY. Ltd.在开会。
Royal Fresh International PTY. Ltd. in a meeting.
Royal Fresh International PTY. Ltd.在开会。
Xiao yu and Wang Lijun from Beijing Xinghuirongshangmaoyouxiangongsi. //来自北京兴惠荣商贸有限公司的总经理小雨和董事长王丽君
Xiao yu and Wang Lijun from Beijing Xinghuirongshangmaoyouxiangongsi. //
Seeka the New Zealand company. //新西兰公司Seeka
Seeka the New Zealand company. //
Food Philippines, Department of Agriculture, 1898.
Food Philippines, Department of Agriculture, 1898.
Songming Zhang from ForAvo and Johan Immelman from AvoOwner shaking hands.
Songming Zhang from ForAvo and Johan Immelman from AvoOwner shaking hands.
Guan Luanjun from Bian e xiansheng. He provides the 24h selfserive fruit and vegetable vending machine. You can scan a QR code to open it, take something out and pay directly. It weighs automatically how much you took out of the machine. //来自北京阔安科技有限公司的管銮军。
Guan Luanjun from Bian e xiansheng. He provides the 24h selfserive fruit and vegetable vending machine. You can scan a QR code to open it, take something out and pay directly. It weighs automatically how much you took out of the machine. //
Zhi Wang from Higreen (Tianjin) Logistics of Agricultural Products Co., Ltd.  //来自海吉星(天津)农产品物流园的王志
Zhi Wang from Higreen (Tianjin) Logistics of Agricultural Products Co., Ltd.  //
Xiao yu and Wang Lijun from Beijing Xinghuirongshangmaoyouxiangongsi. //来自北京兴惠荣商贸有限公司的总经理小雨和董事长王丽君
Xiao yu and Wang Lijun from Beijing Xinghuirongshangmaoyouxiangongsi. //