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Asia Fresh Expo 2019

Zhang Peng and Tian Kaike from So Sweet, presenting their yellow skinned sweet passion fruit. // 来自济南听甜优品农业发展有限公司的张鹏和田开科的,他们展示他们黄皮甜甜的百香果。
Zhang Peng and Tian Kaike from So Sweet, presenting their yellow skinned sweet passion fruit. // 来自济南听甜优品农业发展有限公司的张鹏和田开科的,他们展示他们黄皮甜甜的百香果。
Team of Zhejiang Zhengji Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. busy talking with visitors. They are specialised in folding baskets, crates and mesh crates for fruits and vegetables. // 浙江正基塑业有限公司团队正忙着与到访者交谈。他们专门从事水果和蔬菜的塑料折叠筐、塑料折叠箱和塑料套叠筐。
Team of Zhejiang Zhengji Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. busy talking with visitors. They are specialised in folding baskets, crates and mesh crates for fruits and vegetables. // 浙江正基塑业有限公司团队正忙着与到访者交谈。他们专门从事水果和蔬菜的塑料折叠筐、塑料折叠箱和塑料套叠筐。
Liu Jingle, general manager from Jintaihua Agriculture Products Co., Ltd.//
Liu Jingle, general manager from Jintaihua Agriculture Products Co., Ltd.//
Shenzhen Fengxianbao Fruit and Vegetable Co., Ltd. Sun Junfeng, manager. //
Shenzhen Fengxianbao Fruit and Vegetable Co., Ltd. Sun Junfeng, manager. //
Chen Shaoyun, Li Dan and Tingting from Lvyuan Packaging, presenting their products. They are specialized in producing packaging for food products. // 来自深圳市绿源包装科技有限公司的陈少云,李丹和婷婷在介绍他们的产品。他们专门生产食品包装。
Chen Shaoyun, Li Dan and Tingting from Lvyuan Packaging, presenting their products. They are specialized in producing packaging for food products. // 来自深圳市绿源包装科技有限公司的陈少云,李丹和婷婷在介绍他们的产品。他们专门生产食品包装。
Shanghai Guolin Trade Co., Ltd. presenting their Koru apple and Ambrosia apple to the visitors. // 上海果林贸易有限公司向参观者展示了他们的Koru苹果和Ambrosia苹果。
Shanghai Guolin Trade Co., Ltd. presenting their Koru apple and Ambrosia apple to the visitors. // 上海果林贸易有限公司向参观者展示了他们的Koru苹果和Ambrosia苹果。
Clara Wang, Chen Lu and Guo Siyuan from Grandfruit. // 来自上海果然丰的王小童,陈璐和郭思源。
Clara Wang, Chen Lu and Guo Siyuan from Grandfruit. // 来自上海果然丰的王小童,陈璐和郭思源。
Team of Fushan Fruit, selling agricultural products from Hainan under their own brand, like wax-apple, sweet potato and passion fruit. // 富山果业团队,在自己的品牌下销售海南农产品,如莲雾、红薯、西番莲等。
Team of Fushan Fruit, selling agricultural products from Hainan under their own brand, like wax-apple, sweet potato and passion fruit. // 富山果业团队,在自己的品牌下销售海南农产品,如莲雾、红薯、西番莲等。
Jack Liu and Guan Ziya from Youzan. Youzan is a software and service company, which provides Chinese companies with high-end background software, to run their own online store. // 来自有赞的刘陈程和关紫雅。有赞是一家为中国企业提供高端后台软件的软件和服务公司,他们经营自己的网店。
Jack Liu and Guan Ziya from Youzan. Youzan is a software and service company, which provides Chinese companies with high-end background software, to run their own online store. // 来自有赞的刘陈程和关紫雅。有赞是一家为中国企业提供高端后台软件的软件和服务公司,他们经营自己的网店。
Yuan Hongmei from Shanghai Fuming New Material Technology Co., Ltd., presenting their Suoxian packaging, which can extend the freshness of your fresh products. // 来自上海复命新材料科技有限公司的销售总监阮红梅,展示了他们的锁鲜包装,该产品可以延长您的新鲜产品的新鲜度。
Yuan Hongmei from Shanghai Fuming New Material Technology Co., Ltd., presenting their Suoxian packaging, which can extend the freshness of your fresh products. // 来自上海复命新材料科技有限公司的销售总监阮红梅,展示了他们的锁鲜包装,该产品可以延长您的新鲜产品的新鲜度。
Zhang Yong and A Li from Renlian Group, an HR company specialized in recruiting new talented employees for the fruit and vegetables sector. // 来自仁联集团的张雍和阿莉,他们是一家人力资源公司,专门为果蔬行业招聘新的人才。
Zhang Yong and A Li from Renlian Group, an HR company specialized in recruiting new talented employees for the fruit and vegetables sector. // 来自仁联集团的张雍和阿莉,他们是一家人力资源公司,专门为果蔬行业招聘新的人才。
Mr. Pang Wenjie from Qinghai Zhiyuan Featured Agriculture Co., Ltd. Their special Yao Gu Ma Er fruit is produced at 2600 meters above see level in Qinghai. // 来自青海知源特色农业开发有限责任公司的销售经理庞文杰显示。他们的特制瑶谷玛尔果产于青海海拔2600米以上处。
Mr. Pang Wenjie from Qinghai Zhiyuan Featured Agriculture Co., Ltd. Their special Yao Gu Ma Er fruit is produced at 2600 meters above see level in Qinghai. // 来自青海知源特色农业开发有限责任公司的销售经理庞文杰显示。他们的特制瑶谷玛尔果产于青海海拔2600米以上处。
Mi Yinping and Xiao Chuan and the boss Ms. Gao of Shenzhen Wego Agricultural Product Trade Co,Ltd., they are focused on supplying import and domestic fruits to over 20 different cities in China. Their products which they sell under their own brandname Fengcheng Shangpin include, dragonfruit, cherries, Red Globe Grapes, oranges etc. // 来自深圳市五谷农产品贸易有限公司的米寅评,小川和高总。他们专注于为中国20多个城市提供进口和国内水果。他们在自己的品牌“丰诚上品”下销售的产品包括:火龙果、樱桃、红地球葡萄、橙子等。
Mi Yinping and Xiao Chuan and the boss Ms. Gao of Shenzhen Wego Agricultural Product Trade Co,Ltd., they are focused on supplying import and domestic fruits to over 20 different cities in China. Their products which they sell under their own brandname Fengcheng Shangpin include, dragonfruit, cherries, Red Globe Grapes, oranges etc. // 来自深圳市五谷农产品贸易有限公司的米寅评,小川和高总。他们专注于为中国20多个城市提供进口和国内水果。他们在自己的品牌“丰诚上品”下销售的产品包括:火龙果、樱桃、红地球葡萄、橙子等。
Zhang Shijie, Wang Xiaohang and Gao Wenwen from Xinli Guniao Caomei Zhongzhi Zhuanye Cooperative. They are specialised in producing and selling strawberries and physalis. // 来自新力菇茑草莓种植合作社的张世杰,王晓航和高文文。他们专门生产和销售草莓和灯笼果。
Zhang Shijie, Wang Xiaohang and Gao Wenwen from Xinli Guniao Caomei Zhongzhi Zhuanye Cooperative. They are specialised in producing and selling strawberries and physalis. // 来自新力菇茑草莓种植合作社的张世杰,王晓航和高文文。他们专门生产和销售草莓和灯笼果。
Presentation given by Mr. Jiang Tingting from Shanghai Irrist Corp., Ltd. about the difficulties when growing bananas and how to solve them. // 来自华维节水科技集团股份有限公司的蒋亭亭介绍了香蕉种植的难点及解决办法。
Presentation given by Mr. Jiang Tingting from Shanghai Irrist Corp., Ltd. about the difficulties when growing bananas and how to solve them. // 来自华维节水科技集团股份有限公司的蒋亭亭介绍了香蕉种植的难点及解决办法。
Chuan Zhifei, Dana Chen, Dan Panpan, Su Xikun and Shi Jianguo from Guangxi Mingte Youguopin Co., Ltd. They are a producer and seller of many kind of different fruits, like oranges, mangos, passion fruit, dragon fruit etc. // 来自广西名特优果品有限公司的陈志飞,陈丹丹,单盼盼,苏锡坤,石建国。他们是多种水果的生产商和销售商,如橙子、芒果、西番莲、火龙果等。
Chuan Zhifei, Dana Chen, Dan Panpan, Su Xikun and Shi Jianguo from Guangxi Mingte Youguopin Co., Ltd. They are a producer and seller of many kind of different fruits, like oranges, mangos, passion fruit, dragon fruit etc. // 来自广西名特优果品有限公司的陈志飞,陈丹丹,单盼盼,苏锡坤,石建国。他们是多种水果的生产商和销售商,如橙子、芒果、西番莲、火龙果等。
Tina Sun from Fresh-Key giving a presentation about the importance of temperature control during transport and storage of bananas. // 来自鲜跃(上海)信息科技有限公司的孙园介绍了香蕉运输和储存过程中温度控制的重要性。
Tina Sun from Fresh-Key giving a presentation about the importance of temperature control during transport and storage of bananas. // 来自鲜跃(上海)信息科技有限公司的孙园介绍了香蕉运输和储存过程中温度控制的重要性。
Mr. Hu Xian from AiRipening giving a presentation about the conditions of bananas after the ripening process. // 来自上海熟之道农业科技有限公司的胡献介绍了香蕉成熟后的情况。
Mr. Hu Xian from AiRipening giving a presentation about the conditions of bananas after the ripening process. // 来自上海熟之道农业科技有限公司的胡献介绍了香蕉成熟后的情况。
Ma Lanzhe from Hainan Runda Modern Agriculture (in the middle) and from Yurun watermelon Mr. Zhang and Mei Huaping, they are producers and sellers of watermelons. // 来自海南润达现代农业的马兰喆(中间)和来自禹润西瓜张先生和梅华平,他们是西瓜种植商。
Ma Lanzhe from Hainan Runda Modern Agriculture (in the middle) and from Yurun watermelon Mr. Zhang and Mei Huaping, they are producers and sellers of watermelons. // 来自海南润达现代农业的马兰喆(中间)和来自禹润西瓜张先生和梅华平,他们是西瓜种植商。
Hao Bo, Huang Daohong, Xuo Nuo and A Mu from Qinqin Jiangpin。 They produce and sell Shine-Muscat Grapes from Yunnan. // 来自亲亲匠品的郝波,黄道宏,徐诺和阿木,他们生产并销售产自云南的阳光玫瑰。
Hao Bo, Huang Daohong, Xuo Nuo and A Mu from Qinqin Jiangpin。 They produce and sell Shine-Muscat Grapes from Yunnan. // 来自亲亲匠品的郝波,黄道宏,徐诺和阿木,他们生产并销售产自云南的阳光玫瑰。
Mr. Wang Renjie from Xi'an Longmenghead Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. They are speciliased in providing fruits from the northwest provinces of China. // 来自西安龙门头供应链管理有限公司的王仁杰,他们专门从事西北地区的水果生产。
Mr. Wang Renjie from Xi'an Longmenghead Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. They are speciliased in providing fruits from the northwest provinces of China. // 来自西安龙门头供应链管理有限公司的王仁杰,他们专门从事西北地区的水果生产。
Zhou Baliang from Lebox and Xiao Yu from the fruit brand Stubborn Old Man. //
Zhou Baliang from Lebox and Xiao Yu from the fruit brand Stubborn Old Man. //
Li Hongpeng (left) from Dandong Rishenglin shengtai Nongye Kaifa Co., Ltd., specialised producer of kiwiberries. And Qi Caili from Dandong Aosen Food Co., Ltd. Aosen Food has its own orchards where they produce the fruits for their fruit drinks. // 来自丹东日生林生态农业开发有限公司的李洪鹏(左),他们是奇异莓的专业生产商。来自丹东奥森食品有限公司的綦采利,他们有自己的果园,在那里生产水果饮料。
Li Hongpeng (left) from Dandong Rishenglin shengtai Nongye Kaifa Co., Ltd., specialised producer of kiwiberries. And Qi Caili from Dandong Aosen Food Co., Ltd. Aosen Food has its own orchards where they produce the fruits for their fruit drinks. // 来自丹东日生林生态农业开发有限公司的李洪鹏(左),他们是奇异莓的专业生产商。来自丹东奥森食品有限公司的綦采利,他们有自己的果园,在那里生产水果饮料。
Mr. Yi Zhonghua and Ms. Huang Xiaolan from Guangxi Orange Source Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Presenting their oranges under the brandname Wuxiangan. // 来自广西桔之源农业开发有限公司的易忠华和黄小兰,在“武鲜柑”品牌下推广他们的橙子。
Mr. Yi Zhonghua and Ms. Huang Xiaolan from Guangxi Orange Source Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Presenting their oranges under the brandname Wuxiangan. // 来自广西桔之源农业开发有限公司的易忠华和黄小兰,在“武鲜柑”品牌下推广他们的橙子。
Mr. Chen Jiaofeng and his team from Jiangsu Paiyuan Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd. They are focused on producing and selling Shine-Muscat grapes all over China. They start with their season in March in Yunnan and end their season in January in Xinjiang. // 来自江苏派缘农业科技有限公司的陈蛟峰和他的团队致力于在中国各地生产和销售阳光玫瑰葡萄。他们的供应期从云南的三月份开始,到新疆的一月份结束。
Mr. Chen Jiaofeng and his team from Jiangsu Paiyuan Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd. They are focused on producing and selling Shine-Muscat grapes all over China. They start with their season in March in Yunnan and end their season in January in Xinjiang. // 来自江苏派缘农业科技有限公司的陈蛟峰和他的团队致力于在中国各地生产和销售阳光玫瑰葡萄。他们的供应期从云南的三月份开始,到新疆的一月份结束。
Team of Agro-Tao (Shanghai) Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. They produce their fruits organically in Zhejiang, Xinjiang, Fujian, Shandong and Liaoning provinces in China. // 农法自然(上海)农业科技有限公司的团队,他们在中国浙江、新疆、福建、山东和辽宁省有机地生产水果。
Team of Agro-Tao (Shanghai) Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. They produce their fruits organically in Zhejiang, Xinjiang, Fujian, Shandong and Liaoning provinces in China. // 农法自然(上海)农业科技有限公司的团队,他们在中国浙江、新疆、福建、山东和辽宁省有机地生产水果。
Mr. Zhang Jun from Hebei Longji Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. They have over 5000 mu of their own fruit orchards in China, where they produce and sell their fruits. // 来自河北龙集农业开发有限公司的张军。他们在中国有超过5000亩自有果园,在那里生产和销售水果。
Mr. Zhang Jun from Hebei Longji Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. They have over 5000 mu of their own fruit orchards in China, where they produce and sell their fruits. // 来自河北龙集农业开发有限公司的张军。他们在中国有超过5000亩自有果园,在那里生产和销售水果。
Li Tao and Steven from Shanghai IRRI Industrial Development Co., Ltd. They are specialised in the ripening of fruits and the preservation of it. // 来自上海研锐实业发展有限公司的李涛和Steven,他们专门从事水果的催熟和保存。
Li Tao and Steven from Shanghai IRRI Industrial Development Co., Ltd. They are specialised in the ripening of fruits and the preservation of it. // 来自上海研锐实业发展有限公司的李涛和Steven,他们专门从事水果的催熟和保存。
Team from ShanlinBaiguo, they supply Chinese apples and cherries. //
Team from ShanlinBaiguo, they supply Chinese apples and cherries. //
Team of Hainan mango market Agricultural Development Ltd. They were presenting their sweet potatoes to the visitors, besides their sweet potatoes, they also supply dragon fruit, mango and wax apples to the Chinese market. // 上海芒果街农业发展股份有限公司的团队正在向参观者展示他们的红薯,除了他们的红薯外,他们还向中国市场供应火龙果、芒果和莲雾。
Team of Hainan mango market Agricultural Development Ltd. They were presenting their sweet potatoes to the visitors, besides their sweet potatoes, they also supply dragon fruit, mango and wax apples to the Chinese market. // 上海芒果街农业发展股份有限公司的团队正在向参观者展示他们的红薯,除了他们的红薯外,他们还向中国市场供应火龙果、芒果和莲雾。
Pan Fei from Rizhao Me Me Dee blueberries. They are specialised in producing and selling blueberries for the Chinese market. // 来自日照每美哒蓝莓的潘飞和同事,他们为中国市场专业生产并销售蓝莓。
Pan Fei from Rizhao Me Me Dee blueberries. They are specialised in producing and selling blueberries for the Chinese market. // 来自日照每美哒蓝莓的潘飞和同事,他们为中国市场专业生产并销售蓝莓。
Mr. Chao Chengda from Nanjing Hulk Biotechnology Co., Ltd. They are specialised in organic fertilizers from fruit restants. // 来自南京绿巨人生物科技有限公司的赵成达,该公司是一家专门从事水果酱有机肥料的公司。
Mr. Chao Chengda from Nanjing Hulk Biotechnology Co., Ltd. They are specialised in organic fertilizers from fruit restants. // 来自南京绿巨人生物科技有限公司的赵成达,该公司是一家专门从事水果酱有机肥料的公司。
Beijing 91biane Technology Co., Ltd. presenting their smart retail cabinets to the visitors, with this machines, consumers can 24 hours a day buy their fruits and vegetables. // 北京阔安科技有限公司在向参观者展示他们的智能零售柜,通过这种零售柜,消费者可以24小时购买他们的水果和蔬菜。
Beijing 91biane Technology Co., Ltd. presenting their smart retail cabinets to the visitors, with this machines, consumers can 24 hours a day buy their fruits and vegetables. // 北京阔安科技有限公司在向参观者展示他们的智能零售柜,通过这种零售柜,消费者可以24小时购买他们的水果和蔬菜。
Shirley Zheng and her colleague from Shaanxi Great Tang Modern Agriculture Co, Ltd. This company is a large-scale agricultural distribution company specialized in the integrated production, storage, processing, and retail of fruit. // 来自陕西大唐现代农业有限公司的Shirley Zheng和同事,该公司是一家专业从事水果综合生产、贮藏、加工、零售的大型农业经销公司。
Shirley Zheng and her colleague from Shaanxi Great Tang Modern Agriculture Co, Ltd. This company is a large-scale agricultural distribution company specialized in the integrated production, storage, processing, and retail of fruit. // 来自陕西大唐现代农业有限公司的Shirley Zheng和同事,该公司是一家专业从事水果综合生产、贮藏、加工、零售的大型农业经销公司。
Lulu and Monica Ou from Shanghai ChenFei Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. They are specialized in food machinery and biological and pharmaceutical machinery. // 来自上海琛菲机械科技有限公司的Lulu和Monica Ou,该公司是一家专业从事食品机械、生物制药机械的公司。
Lulu and Monica Ou from Shanghai ChenFei Machinery Technology Co., Ltd. They are specialized in food machinery and biological and pharmaceutical machinery. // 来自上海琛菲机械科技有限公司的Lulu和Monica Ou,该公司是一家专业从事食品机械、生物制药机械的公司。
Mr. Wang Fei from Hongya Zhongyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. They produce and sell different kind of fruits, like oranges, plums and kiwi fruits. // 来自洪雅众源农业发展有限公司的总经理王飞。他们生产和销售各种水果,如橙子、李子和猕猴桃。
Mr. Wang Fei from Hongya Zhongyuan Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. They produce and sell different kind of fruits, like oranges, plums and kiwi fruits. // 来自洪雅众源农业发展有限公司的总经理王飞。他们生产和销售各种水果,如橙子、李子和猕猴桃。
Zhou Wei from Shenzhen Fresh Mao Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. Presenting one of their products for the Chinese market: peaches. // 来自深圳市新鲜猫农业发展有限公司的总经理周巍向中国市场展示了他们的产品之一:桃子。
Zhou Wei from Shenzhen Fresh Mao Agriculture Development Co., Ltd. Presenting one of their products for the Chinese market: peaches. // 来自深圳市新鲜猫农业发展有限公司的总经理周巍向中国市场展示了他们的产品之一:桃子。
Cui Hongwei from Doudou Haoshiji presenting their dried fruit products. // 来自黑龙江省农垦豆都好食机蔬菜精深加工有限公司的崔鸿伟介绍他们的干果产品。
Cui Hongwei from Doudou Haoshiji presenting their dried fruit products. // 来自黑龙江省农垦豆都好食机蔬菜精深加工有限公司的崔鸿伟介绍他们的干果产品。
Team of Kyrgyzstan Forever Co., Ltd, the China office. They import fresh cherries from Kyrgyzstan into the Chinese market. // 吉尔吉斯坦长久有限责任公司中国办事处。他们从吉尔吉斯斯坦进口新鲜的樱桃到中国市场。
Team of Kyrgyzstan Forever Co., Ltd, the China office. They import fresh cherries from Kyrgyzstan into the Chinese market. // 吉尔吉斯坦长久有限责任公司中国办事处。他们从吉尔吉斯斯坦进口新鲜的樱桃到中国市场。
Mr. Pongsak Ekvinai and his colleague from Thai Fresh Nature Food Co., Ltd. They supply fresh Thai coconuts to the Chinese market. // 来自泰国新鲜食品有限公司的Pongsak Ekvinai先生和他的同事,他们向中国市场供应新鲜的泰国椰子。
Mr. Pongsak Ekvinai and his colleague from Thai Fresh Nature Food Co., Ltd. They supply fresh Thai coconuts to the Chinese market. // 来自泰国新鲜食品有限公司的Pongsak Ekvinai先生和他的同事,他们向中国市场供应新鲜的泰国椰子。
Liu Yongqiang from Shine-Muscat Union China. Providing Shine-Muscat grapes from different plantations in China to the Chinese market. // 来自中国阳光玫瑰联盟的刘永强。他们为中国市场提供来自中国不同种植园的亮阳光玫瑰。
Liu Yongqiang from Shine-Muscat Union China. Providing Shine-Muscat grapes from different plantations in China to the Chinese market. // 来自中国阳光玫瑰联盟的刘永强。他们为中国市场提供来自中国不同种植园的亮阳光玫瑰。
Mr. Feng Yuequan from Changle Longhai Fruit and Vegetable Zhuanye hezuoshe. They import small pumpkins and sell fruits at the wholesale market, to supermarkets, fruitshops and supply to high end businesses. // 来自昌乐龙海水果蔬菜专业合作社的冯曰全。他们进口小南瓜,在批发市场出售水果,超市,水果店和供应给高端企业。
Mr. Feng Yuequan from Changle Longhai Fruit and Vegetable Zhuanye hezuoshe. They import small pumpkins and sell fruits at the wholesale market, to supermarkets, fruitshops and supply to high end businesses. // 来自昌乐龙海水果蔬菜专业合作社的冯曰全。他们进口小南瓜,在批发市场出售水果,超市,水果店和供应给高端企业。
Dafei from Guoguanjia, they import durians from Malaysia for the Chinese market. // 来自果管家的大飞,他们从马来西亚进口榴莲到中国市场。
Dafei from Guoguanjia, they import durians from Malaysia for the Chinese market. // 来自果管家的大飞,他们从马来西亚进口榴莲到中国市场。
Yong Wang (middle) and his team from Yunnan Pure Environment e-commerce Co., Ltd. presenting their Binchuan Fine Grapes with the brandname i bingoer. // 来自云南纯境电子商务有限公司的王勇(中),展示他们的宾川优质葡萄,品牌为宾果儿(I Bingoer)。
Yong Wang (middle) and his team from Yunnan Pure Environment e-commerce Co., Ltd. presenting their Binchuan Fine Grapes with the brandname i bingoer. // 来自云南纯境电子商务有限公司的王勇(中),展示他们的宾川优质葡萄,品牌为宾果儿(I Bingoer)。
Tian Yinghui presenting their company's Xiale Watermelon. All carved in beautiful art pieces.// 田映辉介绍他们公司的夏乐西瓜。这些西瓜都是用漂亮的艺术品雕刻的。
Tian Yinghui presenting their company's Xiale Watermelon. All carved in beautiful art pieces.// 田映辉介绍他们公司的夏乐西瓜。这些西瓜都是用漂亮的艺术品雕刻的。
Mr. Zhou, from Xia County Siji Piaoxiang Huajiao zhuanye hezuoshe. Presenting all of his pepper products. // 来自夏县四季飘香花椒专业合作社的周先生在展示他的所有花椒产品。
Mr. Zhou, from Xia County Siji Piaoxiang Huajiao zhuanye hezuoshe. Presenting all of his pepper products. // 来自夏县四季飘香花椒专业合作社的周先生在展示他的所有花椒产品。
Well fruit //上海诚实果篮果品有限公司
Well fruit //上海诚实果篮果品有限公司
Wu Bin from Hainan Wushen Ecological Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. They are specialised in selling seasonal fruits from Hainan, Sichuan and Yunnan. //
Wu Bin from Hainan Wushen Ecological Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. They are specialised in selling seasonal fruits from Hainan, Sichuan and Yunnan. //
Emily Wang, sales manager of Dalian Fine Fruits Harverst International Trading Co., Ltd. They are specialised in exporting Chinese apples to South East Asia, but also to America and Australia. // 来自大连伊果创慧国际贸易有限公司的销售经理王丽华,他们是一家专业出口中国苹果到东南亚,以及美国和澳大利亚的公司。
Emily Wang, sales manager of Dalian Fine Fruits Harverst International Trading Co., Ltd. They are specialised in exporting Chinese apples to South East Asia, but also to America and Australia. // 来自大连伊果创慧国际贸易有限公司的销售经理王丽华,他们是一家专业出口中国苹果到东南亚,以及美国和澳大利亚的公司。
Team of Shouguang Vegetable Industry Holding Group, showing their different varieties of tomatoes and melons at the expo. // 寿光蔬菜产业控股集团的团队在博览会上展示了他们不同的番茄和甜瓜品种。
Team of Shouguang Vegetable Industry Holding Group, showing their different varieties of tomatoes and melons at the expo. // 寿光蔬菜产业控股集团的团队在博览会上展示了他们不同的番茄和甜瓜品种。
Zhengzhou Chen's Sun Fruit and Vegetable Trade Co., Ltd. Shi Weili and Wang Guanwei. // 郑州陈氏阳光果蔬贸易有限公司的师伟丽和王冠玮。
Zhengzhou Chen's Sun Fruit and Vegetable Trade Co., Ltd. Shi Weili and Wang Guanwei. // 郑州陈氏阳光果蔬贸易有限公司的师伟丽和王冠玮。
Yong Wang from Yunnan Pure Environment e-commerce Co., Ltd. presenting their Binchuan Fine Grapes with the brandname i bingoer. // 来自云南纯境电子商务有限公司的王勇,他们在“宾果儿”(“I Bingoer”)的品牌下,展示将他们的宾川优质葡萄。
Yong Wang from Yunnan Pure Environment e-commerce Co., Ltd. presenting their Binchuan Fine Grapes with the brandname i bingoer. // 来自云南纯境电子商务有限公司的王勇,他们在“宾果儿”(“I Bingoer”)的品牌下,展示将他们的宾川优质葡萄。