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Austin Gu (middle) together with his team of Cydiance. They are a professional provider of data loggers. Cydiance develops solutions for supply chain monitoring and management since 2014. // 来自上海芯点信息科技有限公司的顾少卿和他的团队。他们是数据记录仪的专业供应商。上海芯点信息科技有限公司从2014年开始开发供应链监控和管理解决方案。
Austin Gu (middle) together with his team of Cydiance. They are a professional provider of data loggers. Cydiance develops solutions for supply chain monitoring and management since 2014. // 来自上海芯点信息科技有限公司的顾少卿和他的团队。他们是数据记录仪的专业供应商。上海芯点信息科技有限公司从2014年开始开发供应链监控和管理解决方案。
George Liu, CEO of Frutacloud. As an importer they import fruits from all over the world, distribute and market it for the Chinese market. They import from Chile, Peru, Canada, France, Egypt, South Africa, Thailand, Japan, New Zealand and Australia.来自好果云的首席执行官刘子睿。作为进口商,他们从世界各地进口水果,并为中国市场分销和销售。它们从智利、秘鲁、加拿大、法国、埃及、南非、泰国、日本、新西兰和澳大利亚进口。
George Liu, CEO of Frutacloud. As an importer they import fruits from all over the world, distribute and market it for the Chinese market. They import from Chile, Peru, Canada, France, Egypt, South Africa, Thailand, Japan, New Zealand and Australia.
He Rong, Jian Liu (middle), Global buying specialist and Bao Lingxin from Zhejiang Sango Trade Co., Ltd. They are present at different wholesale markets in China in first, second and third tier cities. They sell domestic and imported fruits.来自浙江祥果贸易有限公司的国际采购何容,集团副总经理刘健(中)和来自Zhejiang Sango Trade Co., Ltd.的鲍凌鑫。他们目前活跃在中国一、二及三线城市的各个批发市场。他们出售国内和进口水果。
He Rong, Jian Liu (middle), Global buying specialist and Bao Lingxin from Zhejiang Sango Trade Co., Ltd. They are present at different wholesale markets in China in first, second and third tier cities. They sell domestic and imported fruits.
来自浙江祥果贸易有限公司的国际采购何容,集团副总经理刘健(中)和来自Zhejiang Sango Trade Co., Ltd.的鲍凌鑫。他们目前活跃在中国一、二及三线城市的各个批发市场。他们出售国内和进口水果。
Richard Chan from China Merchants Port (South China) Management Center. Managing import and export of fruits and vegetables in Shenzhen Shekou and Chiwan port.来自招商局港口(华南)营运中心的商务部副总经理陈柏麒。他们对深圳蛇口、赤湾口岸进行果蔬进出口管理。
Richard Chan from China Merchants Port (South China) Management Center. Managing import and export of fruits and vegetables in Shenzhen Shekou and Chiwan port.
The whole team of Guangzhou Zhanhui Trade Co., Ltd. Their main focus is importing fruits from Thailand (durian, longan and mangosteen), Vietnam (dragon fruit and durian), Australia, America and Chile.广州市展卉贸易有限公司的整个团队。他们主要从泰国(榴莲、龙眼和芒果)、越南(火龙果和榴莲)、澳大利亚、美国和智利进口水果。
The whole team of Guangzhou Zhanhui Trade Co., Ltd. Their main focus is importing fruits from Thailand (durian, longan and mangosteen), Vietnam (dragon fruit and durian), Australia, America and Chile.
Zhanhui's own Thai coconut brand. These coconuts are ready to eat, with pre-cut holes, you can drink directly from the coconut. Its vacuum packaging keeps the coconut fresh广州市展卉贸易有限公司自己的泰国椰子品牌。这些椰子是即食的,有预先切好的洞,可以直接从椰子里喝。它的真空包装使椰子保持新鲜。
Zhanhui's own Thai coconut brand. These coconuts are ready to eat, with pre-cut holes, you can drink directly from the coconut. Its vacuum packaging keeps the coconut fresh
Shanghai Wonong Import & Export Co., Ltd. They are focused on direct sourcing of high-quality fruits, cold-chain logistics management, distribution business and brand management in eastern China, but is also growing in northeast, southwest and central China.上海沃农进出口有限公司,该公司专注于华东地区的优质水果的直接采购、冷链物流管理、分销业务和品牌管理,同时也在东北、西南和华中地区发展壮大。
Shanghai Wonong Import & Export Co., Ltd. They are focused on direct sourcing of high-quality fruits, cold-chain logistics management, distribution business and brand management in eastern China, but is also growing in northeast, southwest and central China.
Xiaoe Song from Nanjing Sanyong International Trading Co., Ltd. They import fruits from all over the world for the eastern market in China, which include Anhui, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang province. They sell for most part at the wholesale market, but also for online, retail and direct retail stores.来自南京三永国际贸易有限公司的宋晓娥,他们从世界各地进口水果,销往中国东部市场,包括安徽、山东、江苏、浙江等地。它们大部分在批发市场被销售,但也用于在线、零售和直营零售商店。
Xiaoe Song from Nanjing Sanyong International Trading Co., Ltd. They import fruits from all over the world for the eastern market in China, which include Anhui, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang province. They sell for most part at the wholesale market, but also for online, retail and direct retail stores.
Luis Chadwick Fresard and Jessie Chan from Global Andes Company Limited. Busy working in their booth. Their company is focused on importing and wholesaling of fruit and seafood in Hong Kong and China. They import fruits from Chile, Peru, Mexico, Argentina and India.来自特鲜环球有限公司的路易斯和陈桂雯忙着在他们的展位上工作。他们的公司专注于在中国香港和中国大陆进口和批发水果和海鲜。他们从智利、秘鲁、墨西哥、阿根廷和印度进口水果。
Luis Chadwick Fresard and Jessie Chan from Global Andes Company Limited. Busy working in their booth. Their company is focused on importing and wholesaling of fruit and seafood in Hong Kong and China. They import fruits from Chile, Peru, Mexico, Argentina and India.
Weide Cheng (Director) with Ms. Liang from Guangzhou HuaSheng Fresh Fruit. They are focused on selling cherries, grapes, blueberries and kiwi fruits.来自广州华盛鲜果行的董事长程伟德和梁小姐。他们主要销售樱桃、葡萄、蓝莓和猕猴桃。
Weide Cheng (Director) with Ms. Liang from Guangzhou HuaSheng Fresh Fruit. They are focused on selling cherries, grapes, blueberries and kiwi fruits.
Li Qi, Ai Zhifeng and Liu Jinfa from Xinjiangguoye. They have their own production bases in China, with Xinjiang as their biggest production place. They sell their fruits in their own fruitstores in China. Furthermore, beside their own produced fruits, they sell fruits from all over the world. Xinjiangguoye thus covers planting, trade and retail.来自新疆果业集团有限公司的李奇、艾志峰和副总经理刘金发。他们在中国有自己的生产基地,新疆是他们最大的生产地。他们在中国自己的水果店卖水果。此外,他们除了自己生产的水果外,还出售来自世界各地的水果。因此,新疆果业涵盖种植、贸易和零售。
Li Qi, Ai Zhifeng and Liu Jinfa from Xinjiangguoye. They have their own production bases in China, with Xinjiang as their biggest production place. They sell their fruits in their own fruitstores in China. Furthermore, beside their own produced fruits, they sell fruits from all over the world. Xinjiangguoye thus covers planting, trade and retail.
Busy times at the booth of Shenzhen Maoxiong Co., Ltd. They are a large producer of vegetables in China and export all yearround, mostly to South East Asian countries.深圳市茂雄实业有限公司展位前的忙碌景象,他们是在中国的一家大型蔬菜生产商,常年出口,主要销往东南亚国家。
Busy times at the booth of Shenzhen Maoxiong Co., Ltd. They are a large producer of vegetables in China and export all yearround, mostly to South East Asian countries.
Beautiful carved watermelon from Maoxiong. Also some apples, peaches and lemons with their Maoxiong logo.来自茂雄的西瓜雕刻精美。还有一些印有茂雄标志的苹果、桃子和柠檬。
Beautiful carved watermelon from Maoxiong. Also some apples, peaches and lemons with their Maoxiong logo.
Zeng Xiaofang,colleague and Kiki Guo from Shenzhen Chengwu Gold Rock Agriculture Limited. Their company is focused on selling organic vegetables, fruits and salads in China under their own brand Nature Star.来自深圳城武金石农业开发有限公司的市场经理曾小芳和Kiki Guo。他们的公司专注于在中国在期自有品牌自然之星下,销售有机蔬菜,水果和沙拉。
Zeng Xiaofang,colleague and Kiki Guo from Shenzhen Chengwu Gold Rock Agriculture Limited. Their company is focused on selling organic vegetables, fruits and salads in China under their own brand Nature Star.
来自深圳城武金石农业开发有限公司的市场经理曾小芳和Kiki Guo。他们的公司专注于在中国在期自有品牌自然之星下,销售有机蔬菜,水果和沙拉。
Different salad packaging from Shenzhen Chengwu Gold Rock Agriculture Limited with their Nature Star brand.深圳市诚武金石农业有限公司的在他们的品牌自然之星下营销的不同色拉包装
Different salad packaging from Shenzhen Chengwu Gold Rock Agriculture Limited with their Nature Star brand.
Tony Fu and his colleague from Shenzhen Lanhai International Logistics Co., Ltd. As a professional cold chain logistics company, they are specializing in food, vegetable, and fruit import and export transportation.来自深圳市蓝海国际物流有限公司的副总经理傅景志。深圳市兰海国际物流有限公司是一家专业从事食品、蔬菜、水果进出口运输的冷链物流公司。
Tony Fu and his colleague from Shenzhen Lanhai International Logistics Co., Ltd. As a professional cold chain logistics company, they are specializing in food, vegetable, and fruit import and export transportation.
Leon Huang and Tiger from Smart International Logistics Co., Ltd. Providing logistics services to domestic and foreign companies.来自山东捷丰国际储运有限公司的销售经理黄剑雄和冻柜销售主管栾虎杰,他们为国内外公司提供物流服务。
Leon Huang and Tiger from Smart International Logistics Co., Ltd. Providing logistics services to domestic and foreign companies.
Imported Brazilian melons from Bollo brand. The very sweet Etiqueta Negra Melon.Bollo品牌的乌金蜜瓜,这是一种非常甜的黑甜瓜。
Imported Brazilian melons from Bollo brand. The very sweet Etiqueta Negra Melon.
Team of Grandfruit. Grandfruit has changed from a traditional wholesaler to an integrated enterprise including self-owned cold storage, traditional wholesale, on-line & off-line, end users retail thoses models. They are the official sales partner of Spanish Bollo in China.果然丰团队。果然丰已经从传统的批发商转变为自营冷库、传统批发、线上线下、终端用户零售模式的综合性企业。他们是西班牙Bollo在中国的官方销售伙伴。
Team of Grandfruit. Grandfruit has changed from a traditional wholesaler to an integrated enterprise including self-owned cold storage, traditional wholesale, on-line & off-line, end users retail thoses models. They are the official sales partner of Spanish Bollo in China.
Mr. Wang Haibo, President of Shanghai Ivcsun Industrial Development Co., Ltd. They are a supplier of premium local and imported produce to Chinese consumers, a leading wholesale business, and a professional service provider for local and international suppliers.来自上海爱泽实业发展有限公司的董事长总经理王海波。他们是一家为中国消费者提供优质本地和进口产品的供应商,一家领先的批发企业,以及为本地和国际供应商提供专业服务的供应商。
Mr. Wang Haibo, President of Shanghai Ivcsun Industrial Development Co., Ltd. They are a supplier of premium local and imported produce to Chinese consumers, a leading wholesale business, and a professional service provider for local and international suppliers.
Lihong Liu from Sanmenxia Hong Fong Fruits and Vegetables Co., Ltd. Their company is a large producer of apples. They export them mostly to the South East Asian and Russian market.来自三门峡市鸿丰果蔬有限公司的刘丽红,他们公司是苹果的大生产商,主要出口到东南亚和俄罗斯市场。
Lihong Liu from Sanmenxia Hong Fong Fruits and Vegetables Co., Ltd. Their company is a large producer of apples. They export them mostly to the South East Asian and Russian market.
The masquotte of Mr. Avocado, Mr. Avocado and Miss Carrot. Their main focus is importing avocados and researching to plant avocados in China. Though this year they broadened their products with also selling carrots.牛油果先生的吉祥物Miss Carrot和牛油果先生。他们主要进口牛油果和研究在中国种植牛油果。尽管今年他们扩大了产品范围,还销售胡萝卜。
The masquotte of Mr. Avocado, Mr. Avocado and Miss Carrot. Their main focus is importing avocados and researching to plant avocados in China. Though this year they broadened their products with also selling carrots.
牛油果先生的吉祥物Miss Carrot和牛油果先生。他们主要进口牛油果和研究在中国种植牛油果。尽管今年他们扩大了产品范围,还销售胡萝卜。
Emma from Mr. Avocado, with the masquotte of Mr. Avocado, Mr. Avocado and Miss Carrot. Their main focus is importing avocados and researching to plant avocados in China. Though this year they broadened their products with also selling carrots.来自牛油果先生的潘晓梦和牛油果先生的吉祥物Miss Carrot。他们主要进口火龙果和研究在中国种植火龙果。尽管今年他们扩大了产品范围,还销售胡萝卜。
Emma from Mr. Avocado, with the masquotte of Mr. Avocado, Mr. Avocado and Miss Carrot. Their main focus is importing avocados and researching to plant avocados in China. Though this year they broadened their products with also selling carrots.
来自牛油果先生的潘晓梦和牛油果先生的吉祥物Miss Carrot。他们主要进口火龙果和研究在中国种植火龙果。尽管今年他们扩大了产品范围,还销售胡萝卜。
Rachel Law with her colleagues from Shenzhen Yuanxing Fruit Co., Ltd. Yuanxing has built great partnership with fruits importer and exporter from over 20 countries, and channels its products well all over China.来自深圳市源兴果品股份有限公司的国际事业部助理罗斯曼。深圳市源兴果品股份有限公司与来自20多个国家的水果进出口商建立了良好的合作关系,产品畅销中国各地。
Rachel Law with her colleagues from Shenzhen Yuanxing Fruit Co., Ltd. Yuanxing has built great partnership with fruits importer and exporter from over 20 countries, and channels its products well all over China.
Busy times at the booth of Goodfarmer Foods Holding (Group) Limited Company. They are one of the leading banana importers and sellers in the Chinese market.佳农食品控股(集团)股份有限公司展位前的忙碌景象。他们是中国市场上主要的香蕉进出口商之一。
Busy times at the booth of Goodfarmer Foods Holding (Group) Limited Company. They are one of the leading banana importers and sellers in the Chinese market.
Zoey Zhang and Lili Wang from Shanghai Jiuye Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. Jiuye provides different services, for storage, ripening, transportation and shipment of fruits in the Chinese market.来自上海久业供应链管理有限公司的Zhuoran Zhang 和Lili Wang,该公司为中国市场水果的储存、成熟、运输和装运提供各种服务。
Zoey Zhang and Lili Wang from Shanghai Jiuye Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. Jiuye provides different services, for storage, ripening, transportation and shipment of fruits in the Chinese market.
来自上海久业供应链管理有限公司的Zhuoran Zhang 和Lili Wang,该公司为中国市场水果的储存、成熟、运输和装运提供各种服务。
Chen Rong and Vincent Qian from Shanghai Guowang Produce Co., Ltd. With their office in Guangzhou Jiangnan market, they import fruits from U.S., Canada, Chile, Peru,Australian, New Zealand and Egypt. Their main products are listed shortly: Cherries, grapes, apples, oranges and some stone fruits.来自上海果王食品有限公司的陈蓉和副董事兼总经理钱寅俊。该公司在广州江南市场设有办事处,从美国、加拿大、智利、秘鲁、澳大利亚、新西兰和埃及进口水果。他们的主要产品有:樱桃、葡萄、苹果、桔子和一些核果。
Chen Rong and Vincent Qian from Shanghai Guowang Produce Co., Ltd. With their office in Guangzhou Jiangnan market, they import fruits from U.S., Canada, Chile, Peru,Australian, New Zealand and Egypt. Their main products are listed shortly: Cherries, grapes, apples, oranges and some stone fruits.
Chunjie Wang and Jian Ke Huang Sales Director from Shanghai Nowfrutti Co., Ltd. They are mainly engaged in the import of fresh fruit and the marketing and wholesale of various fruit. With their Disney Fruit packaging they have a good position in the Chinese market.来自上海农富果品有限公司(广州)的Chunjie Wang及销售主管黄健科。他们主要从事新鲜水果的进口和各种水果的销售批发。他们的迪斯尼水果包装在中国市场占有很好的地位。
Chunjie Wang and Jian Ke Huang Sales Director from Shanghai Nowfrutti Co., Ltd. They are mainly engaged in the import of fresh fruit and the marketing and wholesale of various fruit. With their Disney Fruit packaging they have a good position in the Chinese market.
来自上海农富果品有限公司(广州)的Chunjie Wang及销售主管黄健科。他们主要从事新鲜水果的进口和各种水果的销售批发。他们的迪斯尼水果包装在中国市场占有很好的地位。
Different Disney fruit packaging from Nowfrutti.来自上海农富果品有限公司(广州)的各种迪士尼水果包装
Different Disney fruit packaging from Nowfrutti.
Jeff Chen, Purchasing Manager from Shanghai Yu Hua Fruits Co., Ltd. They import fruits from all over the world, with thier main import products: cherries, kiwis, citrus, grapes, avocados, tropical fruits and other stone fruits.来自上海御华果品有限公司的采购经理陈继辉。他们从世界各地进口水果,主要进口产品有:樱桃、猕猴桃、柑橘、葡萄、鳄梨、热带水果和其他核果。
Jeff Chen, Purchasing Manager from Shanghai Yu Hua Fruits Co., Ltd. They import fruits from all over the world, with thier main import products: cherries, kiwis, citrus, grapes, avocados, tropical fruits and other stone fruits.
Martin Salge, International Business Director from Xing Ye Yuan Group. They import and export fruits for the Chinese market. Their main export products are apples, pomelos, pears, grapes and oranges. Those fruits are exported to Canada, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Italy. Now they import more than 13 varieties of fruits from more than 11 different countries.来自兴业源集团的国际业务部总监Martin Salge。他们为中国市场进出口水果。他们的主要出口产品是苹果、柚子、梨、葡萄和桔子。这些水果被出口到加拿大、印度尼西亚、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚、意大利。现在他们从11个不同的国家进口了13多种水果。
Martin Salge, International Business Director from Xing Ye Yuan Group. They import and export fruits for the Chinese market. Their main export products are apples, pomelos, pears, grapes and oranges. Those fruits are exported to Canada, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Italy. Now they import more than 13 varieties of fruits from more than 11 different countries.
来自兴业源集团的国际业务部总监Martin Salge。他们为中国市场进出口水果。他们的主要出口产品是苹果、柚子、梨、葡萄和桔子。这些水果被出口到加拿大、印度尼西亚、新加坡、泰国、马来西亚、意大利。现在他们从11个不同的国家进口了13多种水果。
Candy and Laurie from Laiwu Taifeng Foods Co., Ltd. They export ginger, garlic, potatoes, apple and carrots all over the world. Furthermore, they also import grapes, citrus and dragon fruit from Israel, South Africa, Australia and Vietnam.来自莱芜泰丰食品有限公司的赵敏和王娟。他们出口生姜、大蒜、土豆、苹果和胡萝卜到世界各地。此外,他们还从以色列、南非、澳大利亚和越南进口葡萄、柑橘和龙果。
Candy and Laurie from Laiwu Taifeng Foods Co., Ltd. They export ginger, garlic, potatoes, apple and carrots all over the world. Furthermore, they also import grapes, citrus and dragon fruit from Israel, South Africa, Australia and Vietnam.
Zeng Qinglu from Beijing Fruitong Science and Technology Co., Ltd. They are specialised in turn key projects of CA storage rooms, cold rooms, ripening rooms, freezing or deep freezing rooms, logistic center and sorting & grading systems.来自北京福瑞通科技有限公司的规划总监曾庆禄。他们专业从事气调库储藏室、冷藏室、催熟室、冷冻或深冷冻室、物流中心、分拣分级系统等重大工程。
Zeng Qinglu from Beijing Fruitong Science and Technology Co., Ltd. They are specialised in turn key projects of CA storage rooms, cold rooms, ripening rooms, freezing or deep freezing rooms, logistic center and sorting & grading systems.
Team of Guohai.Guohai团队。
Team of Guohai.
Quan Qin from CCA Packaging Manufacturing Ltd. Specialised in offering different packaging solutions for fresh products worldwide.来自江西三百山果业有限公司的总经理覃全。该公司专注于为全球新鲜产品提供不同的包装解决方案。
Quan Qin from CCA Packaging Manufacturing Ltd. Specialised in offering different packaging solutions for fresh products worldwide.
Thomas Wang from Shenzhen Cool Chain Logistics Co., Ltd. They are a a professional logistics enterprise, which dedicated to the international cold chain service of fresh products. Cool Chain is their new brand, which they showed for the first time at Asia Fruit Logistica.来自深圳市酷川冷链物流有限公司的Thomas Wang。他们是一家专业的物流企业,致力于新鲜产品的国际冷链服务。酷链是他们的新品牌,这是他们第一次参加亚洲国际果蔬展。
Thomas Wang from Shenzhen Cool Chain Logistics Co., Ltd. They are a a professional logistics enterprise, which dedicated to the international cold chain service of fresh products. Cool Chain is their new brand, which they showed for the first time at Asia Fruit Logistica.
来自深圳市酷川冷链物流有限公司的Thomas Wang。他们是一家专业的物流企业,致力于新鲜产品的国际冷链服务。酷链是他们的新品牌,这是他们第一次参加亚洲国际果蔬展。
Jessy Zhang from Hebei Jinzhou Great Wall Economy Trade Co., Ltd. They are a grower, packer and exporter of Hebei pears, apples and grapes. They have over 10 years of experience and export their products worldwide.来自河北省晋州市长城经贸有限公司市场部的张晶。他们是一家河北梨、苹果、葡萄的种植者、加工商和出口商。他们有超过10年的经验,产品被出口到世界各地。
Jessy Zhang from Hebei Jinzhou Great Wall Economy Trade Co., Ltd. They are a grower, packer and exporter of Hebei pears, apples and grapes. They have over 10 years of experience and export their products worldwide.
Team of Guangdong Holyfresh Fruits Co., Ltd. They are specialised in growing, packing and exporting fruits, with main focus on grapes, citrus, pears and hami melon. They export to South East Asia, Middle East and Russia. They sell under their own brand, HolyFresh and SpriFresh.广东省圣鲜果品有限公司团队,该公司专业从事水果的种植、加工和出口,主要经营葡萄、柑橘、梨和哈密瓜。它们被出口到东南亚、中东和俄罗斯。他们在自己的品牌下进行出售:HolyFresh和SpriFresh。
Team of Guangdong Holyfresh Fruits Co., Ltd. They are specialised in growing, packing and exporting fruits, with main focus on grapes, citrus, pears and hami melon. They export to South East Asia, Middle East and Russia. They sell under their own brand, HolyFresh and SpriFresh.
Ivy Yang and Daniel Chirinos Dongo from Riverking International Co., Ltd. They are specialised in importing fruits from import fruit from countries including USA, Chile, Africa, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and Vietnam. Products include cherry, kiwi, grapes, orange, apple, Southeast Asia fruit and they are also the sales agent of high quality domestic fruit, such as blueberry and prune.来自悦美国际贸易有限公司的品项助理杨晓琳和Daniel Chirinos Dongo。他们专门从美国、智利、非洲、秘鲁、澳大利亚、新西兰、泰国和越南等国进口水果。产品包括樱桃、猕猴桃、葡萄、桔子、苹果、东南亚水果等,同时也是蓝莓、李子等国内优质水果的销售代理。
Ivy Yang and Daniel Chirinos Dongo from Riverking International Co., Ltd. They are specialised in importing fruits from import fruit from countries including USA, Chile, Africa, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and Vietnam. Products include cherry, kiwi, grapes, orange, apple, Southeast Asia fruit and they are also the sales agent of high quality domestic fruit, such as blueberry and prune.
来自悦美国际贸易有限公司的品项助理杨晓琳和Daniel Chirinos Dongo。他们专门从美国、智利、非洲、秘鲁、澳大利亚、新西兰、泰国和越南等国进口水果。产品包括樱桃、猕猴桃、葡萄、桔子、苹果、东南亚水果等,同时也是蓝莓、李子等国内优质水果的销售代理。
Pieter Kok from Capefive. Their production base is located in the Cape (South Africa) and Cape Five has branched out to strategic locations worldwide. Today, it comprises a group of international companies in the Netherlands, Hong Kong and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), which supply quality apples, pears, citrus and stone fruit worldwide.来自Cape Five的Pieter Kok。他们的生产基地位于南非的开普敦,Cape Five已经扩展到世界各地的战略要地。今天,它由包括在荷兰、中国香港和中国大陆提供国际优质苹果、梨、柑橘和核果的一组国际公司组成。
Pieter Kok from Capefive. Their production base is located in the Cape (South Africa) and Cape Five has branched out to strategic locations worldwide. Today, it comprises a group of international companies in the Netherlands, Hong Kong and the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), which supply quality apples, pears, citrus and stone fruit worldwide.
来自Cape Five的Pieter Kok。他们的生产基地位于南非的开普敦,Cape Five已经扩展到世界各地的战略要地。今天,它由包括在荷兰、中国香港和中国大陆提供国际优质苹果、梨、柑橘和核果的一组国际公司组成。
Claire Chung and Yan Wong from Pomina Enterprise Co., Ltd. They export different Taiwanese fruits, such as pineapple, wax apple, custard apples, mangoes and dragon fruit.来自农企业有限公司出口部的钟佾瑾和Yan Wong,他们出口不同的台湾水果,如菠萝、蜡苹果、奶油苹果、芒果和火龙果。
Claire Chung and Yan Wong from Pomina Enterprise Co., Ltd. They export different Taiwanese fruits, such as pineapple, wax apple, custard apples, mangoes and dragon fruit.
来自农企业有限公司出口部的钟佾瑾和Yan Wong,他们出口不同的台湾水果,如菠萝、蜡苹果、奶油苹果、芒果和火龙果。
David Li from O'Nature Bio-Tech Co., Ltd. They are specialised in selling pears, apples, grapefruit and carrots. They sell on the domestic market and abroad.来自O'Nature生物科技有限公司的David Li,他们专门销售梨、苹果、葡萄柚和胡萝卜。他们在国内外市场销售。
David Li from O'Nature Bio-Tech Co., Ltd. They are specialised in selling pears, apples, grapefruit and carrots. They sell on the domestic market and abroad.
来自O'Nature生物科技有限公司的David Li,他们专门销售梨、苹果、葡萄柚和胡萝卜。他们在国内外市场销售。
Team of Shanghai Huizhan International Trade Co., Ltd. // 上海展卉国际贸易有限公司团队
Team of Shanghai Huizhan International Trade Co., Ltd. // 上海展卉国际贸易有限公司团队
Rachel Wang & colleague from Jinxiang Jinxiyuan Food Co., Ltd. They are doing fruit and vegetable import and export. They have their own production bases and processing factories in China. Their main products are garlic, onions, apple, carrot and chili.来自金乡县金禧园食品有限公司的业务经理王艳菊。他们从事水果和蔬菜的进出口业务。他们在中国有自己的生产基地和加工厂。他们的主要产品是大蒜、洋葱、苹果、胡萝卜和辣椒。
Rachel Wang & colleague from Jinxiang Jinxiyuan Food Co., Ltd. They are doing fruit and vegetable import and export. They have their own production bases and processing factories in China. Their main products are garlic, onions, apple, carrot and chili.
Wendy Liu from Dehezi (Beijing) Artificial Environmental Technology Co. Ltd.. They specialize in the integrated constructions of CA storage with technology R&D, production and sales, project design and construction as well as client support.来自德和资(北京)人工环境技术有限公司的Wendy Liu。该公司专业从事气调库仓储一体化建设,技术研发、生产销售、项目设计施工及客户支持。
Wendy Liu from Dehezi (Beijing) Artificial Environmental Technology Co. Ltd.. They specialize in the integrated constructions of CA storage with technology R&D, production and sales, project design and construction as well as client support.
来自德和资(北京)人工环境技术有限公司的Wendy Liu。该公司专业从事气调库仓储一体化建设,技术研发、生产销售、项目设计施工及客户支持。
Jenny and David Wang and colleague from JiangXi Hongyuan Fruit Co., Ltd. They are one of leading and direct suppliers of various fresh fruits in China, especially the fresh citrus fruits - mandarins. They export to more than 60 different countries worldwide.来自江西省鸿远果业股份有限公司的业务员邱珍珍。该公司是中国各种新鲜水果,特别是新鲜柑橘类水果的主要直接供应商之一。他们出口到全球60多个国家。
Jenny and David Wang and colleague from JiangXi Hongyuan Fruit Co., Ltd. They are one of leading and direct suppliers of various fresh fruits in China, especially the fresh citrus fruits - mandarins. They export to more than 60 different countries worldwide.
Alice Liu from Quanyuan Modern Agriculture (Group) Limited by Share Ltd. Specialised in growing, packing, marketing and exporting fruits, mainly apples, pears, peaches, cherries, grapes and garlic. Their products have been sold to Southeast Asia, Middle East, Europe and Canada as well as domestic supermarkets such as Walmart, Carrefour, etc.来自泉源农业(集团)股份有限公司的经理刘军萍。该公司专业从事水果的种植、加工、销售和出口,主要经营苹果、梨、桃、樱桃、葡萄和大蒜。产品远销东南亚、中东、欧洲、加拿大等国家和沃尔玛、家乐福等国内超市。
Alice Liu from Quanyuan Modern Agriculture (Group) Limited by Share Ltd. Specialised in growing, packing, marketing and exporting fruits, mainly apples, pears, peaches, cherries, grapes and garlic. Their products have been sold to Southeast Asia, Middle East, Europe and Canada as well as domestic supermarkets such as Walmart, Carrefour, etc.
Liu Xiaoli and colleague from China Sichuan Xin Xi Yi Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. busy talking with visitors. They are specialised in growing, packing, selling and exporting lemons.来自四川省鑫希夷农业开发有限公司的销售经理刘晓莉忙于与到访者交谈。他们专门种植、包装、销售和出口柠檬。
Liu Xiaoli and colleague from China Sichuan Xin Xi Yi Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. busy talking with visitors. They are specialised in growing, packing, selling and exporting lemons.
Tina Sun from Fresh-Key. Specialised in keeping the fruit products fresh with customised dataloggers.来自鲜联的Tina Sun,该公司专门使用定制数据记录仪以保持产品新鲜。
Tina Sun from Fresh-Key. Specialised in keeping the fruit products fresh with customised dataloggers.
来自鲜联的Tina Sun,该公司专门使用定制数据记录仪以保持产品新鲜。
Team of Hunan Fruit-mate Agricultural Science & Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. Importing different fruit from all over the world, cherries, dragon fruit, longan, durian, red Globe Grape and mangosteen.湖南果友农业科技(集团)有限公司团队,他们从世界各地进口各种水果,樱桃、火龙眼、龙眼、榴莲、红地球葡萄、芒果。
Team of Hunan Fruit-mate Agricultural Science & Technology (Group) Co., Ltd. Importing different fruit from all over the world, cherries, dragon fruit, longan, durian, red Globe Grape and mangosteen.
Jude and Chen Jingen from Qingdao Great New Material Technology. They are specialised in packaging for fresh products.来自Qingdao Great New Material Technology的徐超和陈金根。他们专门从事新鲜产品的包装。
Jude and Chen Jingen from Qingdao Great New Material Technology. They are specialised in packaging for fresh products.
来自Qingdao Great New Material Technology的徐超和陈金根。他们专门从事新鲜产品的包装。
Mr. Pang, General Manager, and colleagues from Botou Panglong Fruit Products Co., Ltd. Specialised in growing, packing and exporting pears.来自泊头市庞龙果品有限责任公司的庞连波,该公司专门从事梨的种植、加工和出口。
Mr. Pang, General Manager, and colleagues from Botou Panglong Fruit Products Co., Ltd. Specialised in growing, packing and exporting pears.
Mr. Liu Xueyue from Yantai Changhe Food Co., Ltd. They are specialised in growing and selling apples.来自烟台长和食品有限公司的经理刘学跃。他们专门种植和销售苹果。
Mr. Liu Xueyue from Yantai Changhe Food Co., Ltd. They are specialised in growing and selling apples.
Cindy from Brilliant Century Agriculture Developing (Dalian) Co., Ltd. They sell their products in domestic and foreign markets. Main fruits are, apple, pear, nectarine, frozen strawberry, ginger and garlic.来自辉煌世纪农业开发(大连)有限公司的销售张倩。他们的产品远销海内外市场。主要水果有苹果、梨、油桃、冷冻草莓、姜和大蒜。
Cindy from Brilliant Century Agriculture Developing (Dalian) Co., Ltd. They sell their products in domestic and foreign markets. Main fruits are, apple, pear, nectarine, frozen strawberry, ginger and garlic.
West Hu from JiangXi Green Orchard Fruit Co.,Ltd. They plant, sort, pack and market Nanfeng mandarin, red globe grape for the Chinese market and import a lot of different citrus fruits.来自江西绿园果业有限公司的贸易经理胡伟强。他们为中国市场种植、分类、加工和销售南丰蜜柑、红地球葡萄,并进口大量不同种类的柑橘类水果。
West Hu from JiangXi Green Orchard Fruit Co.,Ltd. They plant, sort, pack and market Nanfeng mandarin, red globe grape for the Chinese market and import a lot of different citrus fruits.
Ray Lewis from Jining Glory Foodstuff Co.,Ltd. They are a grower, packer and exporter of fresh and dehydrated vegetables and fruits from China.来自济宁汇昌农产品有限公司的销售经理Ray Lewis。他们是一家中国新鲜脱水蔬菜和水果的种植商、加工商和出口商。
Ray Lewis from Jining Glory Foodstuff Co.,Ltd. They are a grower, packer and exporter of fresh and dehydrated vegetables and fruits from China.
来自济宁汇昌农产品有限公司的销售经理Ray Lewis。他们是一家中国新鲜脱水蔬菜和水果的种植商、加工商和出口商。
Akinari Iida from Kyoto Wholesale market. Selling different kind of products from Japan.京都批发市场的Akinari Iida。他销售来自日本的不同种类的产品。
Akinari Iida from Kyoto Wholesale market. Selling different kind of products from Japan.
京都批发市场的Akinari Iida。他销售来自日本的不同种类的产品。
Debby from SPM Biosciences(Beijing) Inc. They research and supply effective, safe and environment friendly agrochemicals to the customers. They supply pre-harvest and post-harvest products.来自禾金正生物科技(北京)股份有限公司的Debby。他们研究并向客户提供有效、安全、环保的农用化学品。他们供应采前和采后的产品。
Debby from SPM Biosciences(Beijing) Inc. They research and supply effective, safe and environment friendly agrochemicals to the customers. They supply pre-harvest and post-harvest products.
Busy times at DCF Produce Co., Ltd. They specialize in the production, supply and distribution of agricultural products.DCF Produce Co., Ltd.展位前的忙碌景象,该公司主要从事农产品的生产、供应和分销。
Busy times at DCF Produce Co., Ltd. They specialize in the production, supply and distribution of agricultural products.
DCF Produce Co., Ltd.展位前的忙碌景象,该公司主要从事农产品的生产、供应和分销。
Team of Every Glory Plastics Package Ltd. in a meeting with a client. They are specialized in all kind of packaging, also fresh products.各荣耀塑料包装有限公司团队与客户见面。他们是专门经营各种包装,也包括新鲜农产品。
Team of Every Glory Plastics Package Ltd. in a meeting with a client. They are specialized in all kind of packaging, also fresh products.
Richard and Steven Leung of Alfa Fruit Packers. Steven works together with his son Richard exporting apples worldwide.来自冠臣果蔬的梁尚伟和梁嘉深。梁嘉深和他的儿子梁尚伟一起向世界各地出口苹果。
Richard and Steven Leung of Alfa Fruit Packers. Steven works together with his son Richard exporting apples worldwide.
Mrs. Xinyu Fruits Agricultural Corporation. Specialised in importing bananas to the Chinese market.来自新余市水果农业公司的梁小姐。该公司专门向中国市场进口香蕉。
Mrs. Xinyu Fruits Agricultural Corporation. Specialised in importing bananas to the Chinese market.
Zhongxing Packaging team together with a client discussing the different packaging options.中兴包装团队与一家客户一起讨论不同的包装方案。
Zhongxing Packaging team together with a client discussing the different packaging options.
Kimi from Gama International Co., Ltd. They are specialised in exporting Taiwanese fruits like pomelo, persimmon and other kind of fruits.来自嘉鎷贸易有限公司的Kimi。该公司主要出口台湾水果,如柚子、柿子等。
Kimi from Gama International Co., Ltd. They are specialised in exporting Taiwanese fruits like pomelo, persimmon and other kind of fruits.
Carrie Kao from RIC International Corp. specializes in the import and export of high-quality fresh fruit, selling different kind of fruits from Taiwan, as pineapple, dragon fruit, mango and guava etc.来自翔景国际有限公司的高瑜壎。该公司主要从事优质新鲜水果的进出口业务,销售来自台湾的菠萝、火龙果、芒果、番石榴等水果。
Carrie Kao from RIC International Corp. specializes in the import and export of high-quality fresh fruit, selling different kind of fruits from Taiwan, as pineapple, dragon fruit, mango and guava etc.
Bruce Huang from California Farm Cooperative Society. Taiwanese produced vegetables sold abroad.来自加州果菜连锁合作社的黄裕程。他们的台湾产的蔬菜被销往国外。
Bruce Huang from California Farm Cooperative Society. Taiwanese produced vegetables sold abroad.
Huang Siwei from Green & Juicy Organic International Co., Ltd. Import and export of organic fruit and vegetables in Taiwan.来自国际有机生鲜有限公司的黄思蓓。他们在台湾进出口有机果蔬。
Huang Siwei from Green & Juicy Organic International Co., Ltd. Import and export of organic fruit and vegetables in Taiwan.
Gaoxiong Moonlight Mountain Vegetable and Fruit Marketing Cooperative busy talking with a customer. They export their Taiwanese produced pineapple and dragon fruit.高雄市月光山蔬果连锁合作社忙着和一位参观者交谈。他们出口台湾产的菠萝和火龙果。
Gaoxiong Moonlight Mountain Vegetable and Fruit Marketing Cooperative busy talking with a customer. They export their Taiwanese produced pineapple and dragon fruit.
Bruce Lu from Shaanxi Qifeng Ikiwi Import&Export Co., Ltd. Specialised in growing, packing, sorting, developing, selling kiwi fruits.来自陕西齐峰爱奇果进出口有限公司的鲁文博。他们专业从事猕猴桃的种植、加工、分类、开发、销售。
Bruce Lu from Shaanxi Qifeng Ikiwi Import&Export Co., Ltd. Specialised in growing, packing, sorting, developing, selling kiwi fruits.
Henry Wang from Jiutai Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd. His company is specialised in growing and exporting pomelo, furthermore, also imports Polish apples.来自久泰现代农业有限公司的汪恒定,他的公司是一家专业种植和出口柚子的公司,此外,还进口波兰苹果。
Henry Wang from Jiutai Modern Agriculture Co., Ltd. His company is specialised in growing and exporting pomelo, furthermore, also imports Polish apples.
Mr. Han and his colleagues from Zhengzhou Chen's Sun Fruit and Vegetable Trade Co., Ltd. The company is mainly engaged in importing foreign fruit and selling domestic fine fruit. Their foreign fruits are including the Chilean cherry, Thai longan, mangosteen, durian, Vietnam dragon fruit, lychee and so on.来自郑州陈阳光果蔬贸易有限公司的韩先生和他的同事,该公司主要从事进口国外水果和销售国内精品水果。他们的外国水果包括智利樱桃、泰国龙眼、芒果、榴莲、越南火龙果、荔枝等。
Mr. Han and his colleagues from Zhengzhou Chen's Sun Fruit and Vegetable Trade Co., Ltd. The company is mainly engaged in importing foreign fruit and selling domestic fine fruit. Their foreign fruits are including the Chilean cherry, Thai longan, mangosteen, durian, Vietnam dragon fruit, lychee and so on.
Mars Kuo from Gaoxiong Qi Shan Fruit and Vegetable Co-operative. Selling fresh and processed banana and pineapples from Taiwan.来自高雄市旗山果菜连锁合作社的经理郭泰呈。他们出售台湾产的新鲜及加工的香蕉及菠萝。
Mars Kuo from Gaoxiong Qi Shan Fruit and Vegetable Co-operative. Selling fresh and processed banana and pineapples from Taiwan.
Shin-Wei Lai from Chi-Gen Vegetable & Fruit Co-operative. Producing and exporting fresh Taiwan Guava.来自高雄市吉建果菜连锁合作社的赖信维。他们生产并出口新鲜的台湾甜脆芭乐。
Shin-Wei Lai from Chi-Gen Vegetable & Fruit Co-operative. Producing and exporting fresh Taiwan Guava.
Mike Wang with his colleagues from Guangzhou Green Belt Food Co., Ltd. They trade their products under Altaifresh Limited. As a fresh fruit importer, exporter and distributor in China, Altaifresh imports various fruits from Australia, Chile, South Africa, Peru, New Zealand, Mexico, Spain, Egypt, Israel, etc.王迈克和他的来自广州绿带食品有限公司的同事们。他们以Altaifresh有限公司经营他们的产品。作为中国的鲜果进出口商和经销商,Altaifresh从澳大利亚、智利、南非、秘鲁、新西兰、墨西哥、西班牙、埃及、以色列等国进口各种水果。
Mike Wang with his colleagues from Guangzhou Green Belt Food Co., Ltd. They trade their products under Altaifresh Limited. As a fresh fruit importer, exporter and distributor in China, Altaifresh imports various fruits from Australia, Chile, South Africa, Peru, New Zealand, Mexico, Spain, Egypt, Israel, etc.
Tessa (Sales Executive) and her colleague from Wo Hing Food (HK) Co.,Ltd. They export and produce different kinds of foodstuffs from China, such as garlic, granulated garlic, garlic powder, chilly, chilly powder, fresh ginger, vegetables, fruits (Fuji Apples, pears and mandarins) to every part of the world.来自和兴食品(香港)有限公司的黎晓晖(销售主管)以及同事。他们从中国出口和生产各种各样的食品,如大蒜、大蒜粒、大蒜粉、辣椒、辣椒粉、生姜、蔬菜、水果(富士苹果、梨和柑橘)到世界的每一个角落。
Tessa (Sales Executive) and her colleague from Wo Hing Food (HK) Co.,Ltd. They export and produce different kinds of foodstuffs from China, such as garlic, granulated garlic, garlic powder, chilly, chilly powder, fresh ginger, vegetables, fruits (Fuji Apples, pears and mandarins) to every part of the world.
Edda from Xi'An Fuyang Agriculture Technology Co.,Ltd. They are a professional fruit export trading company, the main exports to southeast Asia countries fruit such as apple, pear, lemon, hami melon ect.来自西安富洋农业科技有限公司的苏列娟。该公司是一家专业的水果出口贸易公司,主要出口苹果、梨、柠檬、哈密瓜等水果到东南亚国家。
Edda from Xi'An Fuyang Agriculture Technology Co.,Ltd. They are a professional fruit export trading company, the main exports to southeast Asia countries fruit such as apple, pear, lemon, hami melon ect.
Yao Yao from Hongxing Industrial Group Co.,Ltd. Domestic production and trade of fruits and vegetables and export worldwide.来自红星实业集团有限公司的高级商务经理姚尧。他们从事果蔬的国内生产贸易并将其出口世界各地。
Yao Yao from Hongxing Industrial Group Co.,Ltd. Domestic production and trade of fruits and vegetables and export worldwide.
Cherry (middle) with her team from Zhejiang RainDew Fruit Co., Ltd.来自浙江雨露空间果品有限公司的Cherry(中)与她的团队。
Cherry (middle) with her team from Zhejiang RainDew Fruit Co., Ltd.
Ann from Anhui Pine Summit Co., Ltd. helping a customer at the counter. They import fruits from all over the world to supply the Chinese market. They import from North and South America, South Africa, Germany, France, Italy, Egypt, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand.来自安徽徽岳贸易有限公司的总经理沈力在柜台帮助一位客人。他们从世界各地进口水果以供应中国市场。他们从北美和南美、南非、德国、法国、意大利、埃及、越南、澳大利亚和新西兰进口。

Ann from Anhui Pine Summit Co., Ltd. helping a customer at the counter. They import fruits from all over the world to supply the Chinese market. They import from North and South America, South Africa, Germany, France, Italy, Egypt, Vietnam, Australia and New Zealand.

Kai Yang from Shanghai Yishengying trading Co.,Ltd. They import fruit from all over the world for example from Chile, Peru, Mexico, Egypt, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and more.来自上海溢升盈贸易有限公司的总经理杨凯。该公司从世界各地进口水果,如智利、秘鲁、墨西哥、埃及、南非、澳大利亚、新西兰、美国、加拿大等。
Kai Yang from Shanghai Yishengying trading Co.,Ltd. They import fruit from all over the world for example from Chile, Peru, Mexico, Egypt, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and more.
Jeffery Chen from Guangzhou New Origin Fresh Co.,Ltd. They focus on importing fresh fruits from Australia, South Africa and South America etc. And they bring the fruit to markets in China and South East Asia.来自广州佳果源进出口贸易有限公司的进口专员陈志威。他们主要从澳大利亚、南非和南美等地进口新鲜水果,并将这些水果带到中国和东南亚市场。
Jeffery Chen from Guangzhou New Origin Fresh Co.,Ltd. They focus on importing fresh fruits from Australia, South Africa and South America etc. And they bring the fruit to markets in China and South East Asia.
Team of Lurra (Shenzhen) Trading Co., Ltd. busy presenting their products to visitors. They mainly trade grapes, persimmon, strawberry and loquat.乐拉(深圳)贸易有限公司团队忙着向参观者展示他们的产品。他们主要经营葡萄、柿子、草莓和枇杷。
Team of Lurra (Shenzhen) Trading Co., Ltd. busy presenting their products to visitors. They mainly trade grapes, persimmon, strawberry and loquat.
Victor from Dongguan Raytek Blister Packaging Co.,Ltd. Specialised in all kind of packaging.来自东莞瑞泰吸塑包装有限公司的维克托,该公司专业供应各类包装。
Victor from Dongguan Raytek Blister Packaging Co.,Ltd. Specialised in all kind of packaging.
Cai Youcai and Maggie Huang from Zhangpu Yicai Fruit&Vegetable Co.,Ltd. They are specialized in fresh fruit & vegetable of plantation, processing,harvest, storage and export. Main products are pomelo, mandarin, orange, carrots and cabbage.来自漳浦县益才果蔬有限公司的总经理蔡有财和业务经理黄艺英。该公司是一家集种植、加工、收获、贮藏、出口为一体的鲜果蔬菜企业。主要产品有柚子、柑橘、胡萝卜和卷心菜。
Cai Youcai and Maggie Huang from Zhangpu Yicai Fruit&Vegetable Co.,Ltd. They are specialized in fresh fruit & vegetable of plantation, processing,harvest, storage and export. Main products are pomelo, mandarin, orange, carrots and cabbage.
Small Lei from Hebei Tianbo Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. Sepcialised in growing, packing and exporting pears.来自河北天波工贸有限公司的副总经理赵小磊。该公司专门从事梨的种植、加工和出口。
Small Lei from Hebei Tianbo Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. Sepcialised in growing, packing and exporting pears.
Xianyang Lvyuan Agricultural Trade Co.
Xianyang Lvyuan Agricultural Trade Co.
Lili Yan , Manager, From Uniseed (Gansu) Co., Ltd. Producer and seller of fresh fruits and vegetables. Their main products consist of apple, pear, linze, jujube, grape, onion, sweet potato and potato.来自优尼赛德(甘肃)有限公司的经理李丽燕,该公司是一家新鲜水果和蔬菜的生产商和销售商。主要产品有苹果、梨、红枣、葡萄、洋葱、红薯、马铃薯等。
Lili Yan , Manager, From Uniseed (Gansu) Co., Ltd. Producer and seller of fresh fruits and vegetables. Their main products consist of apple, pear, linze, jujube, grape, onion, sweet potato and potato.
Dennis Clock (right) with his team from Jiangxi Reemoon Technology Holdings Co., Ltd. Reemoon is specialized in developing, manufacturing and supplying postharvest equipment and solutions for fruit and vegetables, including sorting machine, washer, dryer, waxing machine and other accessory equipment.来自江西绿萌科技控股有限公司的钟新红和他的团队。该公司是一家专业从事水果和蔬菜采后设备和解决方案的开发、制造和供应的公司,包括分选机、清洗机、烘干机、打蜡机和其他附属设备。
Dennis Clock (right) with his team from Jiangxi Reemoon Technology Holdings Co., Ltd. Reemoon is specialized in developing, manufacturing and supplying postharvest equipment and solutions for fruit and vegetables, including sorting machine, washer, dryer, waxing machine and other accessory equipment.
Louis Liang, Msr. Zhou, Leo Chen and colleague from Guangzhou Archer Fresh Co., Ltd. They import and export high quality fruits at the Chinese market, with main products grape, cherry and citrus.来自广州旭箭果业有限公司的总经理梁振操,周小姐,陈先生。他们在中国市场进出口优质水果,主要产品有葡萄、樱桃和柑橘。
Louis Liang, Msr. Zhou, Leo Chen and colleague from Guangzhou Archer Fresh Co., Ltd. They import and export high quality fruits at the Chinese market, with main products grape, cherry and citrus.
Busy times at Pagoda booth.百果园展位前的忙碌景象
Busy times at Pagoda booth.
Kerry Yuan and Coco Tong from Joy Wing Mau ready to welcome visitors at their booth.鑫荣懋集团股份有限公司的团队在他们的展位前欢迎参观者。欢乐咏茂团队准备在他们的展位欢迎参观者。
Kerry Yuan and Coco Tong from Joy Wing Mau ready to welcome visitors at their booth.
Galsang Xie, Amy Ji and colleagues of Great-Sun Foods Co., Ltd. Currently, their products are exported to the United States, Canada, Australia, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, India, the Middle East and etc. With main products grapes and navel orange.来自宏辉果蔬股份有限公司的纪粉萍,谢佩清和同事们,目前,他们的产品被出口到美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,南洋,香港,印度,中东等,主要产品为葡萄和脐橙。
Galsang Xie, Amy Ji and colleagues of Great-Sun Foods Co., Ltd. Currently, their products are exported to the United States, Canada, Australia, Southeast Asia, Hong Kong, India, the Middle East and etc. With main products grapes and navel orange.
Team from Xiamen Lucky Farm Important and Export Co.,Ltd. Their business scope includes processing, packing and exporting fruits and vegetables as well as importing fruits. Their products are being exported to Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, India, Japan and Australia.厦门市利凯华进出口有限公司团队,他们的经营范围包括果蔬加工、包装和果蔬进出口。他们的产品正被出口到马来西亚、新加坡、菲律宾、印度、日本和澳大利亚。
Team from Xiamen Lucky Farm Important and Export Co.,Ltd. Their business scope includes processing, packing and exporting fruits and vegetables as well as importing fruits. Their products are being exported to Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, India, Japan and Australia.
Sally Zhang from Laiwu Intop Import & Export Co., Ltd. They are specialised in producing and supplying fresh vegetables and fruits for domestic and foreign markets. Their main products are, garlic, ginger, onion, potato, pear, grape, baby mandarin, taro, chestnut and carrot.来自莱芜英拓进出口有限公司的销售经理张金英。他们为海内外市场专业生产和供应新鲜蔬菜和水果。主要产品有大蒜、姜、洋葱、土豆、梨、葡萄、蜜柑、芋头、板栗、胡萝卜。
Sally Zhang from Laiwu Intop Import & Export Co., Ltd. They are specialised in producing and supplying fresh vegetables and fruits for domestic and foreign markets. Their main products are, garlic, ginger, onion, potato, pear, grape, baby mandarin, taro, chestnut and carrot.
Lin Zheng Shun from Fujian Ningde Yongjia Trade Co.,Ltd. The company has the self-manage export authority and affiliated plants and farms are distributed over Fujian, Guangdong, Beijing and northeast areas. The vegetables not only sell well domestically, but are popular in Europe, Southeast Asia, Canada, America and Hong Kong.来自福建省宁德市永佳贸易有限公司的林郑顺。公司拥有自营出口权,所属工厂和农场分布在福建、广东、北京和东北地区。这些蔬菜不仅在国内畅销,而且在欧洲、南洋、加拿大、美国和中国香港很受欢迎。
Lin Zheng Shun from Fujian Ningde Yongjia Trade Co.,Ltd. The company has the self-manage export authority and affiliated plants and farms are distributed over Fujian, Guangdong, Beijing and northeast areas. The vegetables not only sell well domestically, but are popular in Europe, Southeast Asia, Canada, America and Hong Kong.
Xu Xueqing from Gold Anda Agricultural Technology Development Co. Ltd. Gold Anda is an international fruit import and export company. Besides the Chinese market, they also supply the South East Asian market with fruits.来自深圳市金安达农业发展有限公司的总经理徐雪晴。金安达是一家国际水果进出口公司。除了中国市场,他们还向东南亚市场供应水果。
Xu Xueqing from Gold Anda Agricultural Technology Development Co. Ltd. Gold Anda is an international fruit import and export company. Besides the Chinese market, they also supply the South East Asian market with fruits.
Boix Machinery team in meeting with a client. This Spanish company has its own office in China and is focused on providing the best packaging solutions.博伊克斯机械团队与客户会面。这家西班牙公司在中国有自己的办事处,致力于提供最好的包装解决方案。
Boix Machinery team in meeting with a client. This Spanish company has its own office in China and is focused on providing the best packaging solutions.
Shirley Yang from Xinji Shengyi Fruits Co.,Ltd. They are a professional pear producer and exporter.来自辛集市盛溢果品有限公司的Shirley Yang。该公司是一家专业的梨生产和出口企业。
Shirley Yang from Xinji Shengyi Fruits Co.,Ltd. They are a professional pear producer and exporter.
来自辛集市盛溢果品有限公司的Shirley Yang。该公司是一家专业的梨生产和出口企业。
Zhou Gang from Farming Method of Nature (Yantai) Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ldt. They are focused on producing products in the most natural way, to give the safest quality to the consumers.来自农法自然(烟台)农业科技有限公司的周钢。他们专注于以最自然的方式生产产品,为消费者提供最安全的质量。
Zhou Gang from Farming Method of Nature (Yantai) Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ldt. They are focused on producing products in the most natural way, to give the safest quality to the consumers.
Amanda Peng from Shenyang Qupai Trading Co.,Ltd. Their company is a Chinese specialized, incorporated and internationalized importer, wholesaler, retailer and distributor of fine-quality imported fruits.来自沈阳曲牌贸易有限公司的彭倩。该公司是一家中国专业化、法人化、国际化的进口优质水果的进口商、批发商、零售商和经销商。
Amanda Peng from Shenyang Qupai Trading Co.,Ltd. Their company is a Chinese specialized, incorporated and internationalized importer, wholesaler, retailer and distributor of fine-quality imported fruits.
Julie Zhu (middle) from Dalian Yidu Group Co.,Ltd. Yidu is an important player in China in the fruit and vegetable export trade and has its own cold chain logistic companies and ecological agriculture projects to support its import and export activities来自毅都集团有限公司的朱露(中)。该公司是中国果蔬出口贸易的重要参与者,拥有自己的冷链物流公司和生态农业项目,支持其进出口业务。
Julie Zhu (middle) from Dalian Yidu Group Co.,Ltd. Yidu is an important player in China in the fruit and vegetable export trade and has its own cold chain logistic companies and ecological agriculture projects to support its import and export activities
Sundy from Xianfeng Fruit Co.,Ltd. A importer of fresh fruits worldwide with their own fruits chain stores in China. Their main import products are: American cherry, Black grape, Mexican avocado, New Zealand kiwi fruit, Australian citrus, Taiwan honey pomelo, thai durian, Philippines pineapple.

Sundy from Xianfeng Fruit Co.,Ltd. A importer of fresh fruits worldwide with their own fruits chain stores in China. Their main import products are: American cherry, Black grape, Mexican avocado, New Zealand kiwi fruit, Australian citrus, Taiwan honey pomelo, thai durian, Philippines pineapple.


Jacqueline Chan & Stanley Chan from Panalpina China Ltd. Panalpina provides supply chain solutions. The company combines its core products – Air Freight, Ocean Freight, and Logistics and Manufacturing – to deliver globally integrated, tailor-made end-to-end solutions for twelve core industries.来自泛亚班拿中国有限公司的Jacqueline Chan和 Stanley Chan。Panalpina提供供应链解决方案。该公司将其核心产品——空运、海运、物流和制造业——结合起来,为12个核心行业提供全球集成、量身定制的端到端解决方案。
Jacqueline Chan & Stanley Chan from Panalpina China Ltd. Panalpina provides supply chain solutions. The company combines its core products – Air Freight, Ocean Freight, and Logistics and Manufacturing – to deliver globally integrated, tailor-made end-to-end solutions for twelve core industries.
来自泛亚班拿中国有限公司的Jacqueline Chan和 Stanley Chan。Panalpina提供供应链解决方案。该公司将其核心产品——空运、海运、物流和制造业——结合起来,为12个核心行业提供全球集成、量身定制的端到端解决方案。
Sylvia from Shanghai Leopard Fruit Trading Co. Ltd. Leopard Fruit Trading (Shanghai) Company is the WOFE of Jaguar, the Fresh Company in China, focusing on importing and exporting fresh fruits. They mainly import citrus, pears, table grapes and stone fruits from worldwide to the Chinese market.来自豹果贸易(上海)有限公司的Sylvia。豹果贸易(上海)有限公司是豹果在中国的生鲜公司,主要从事生鲜水果的进出口业务。他们主要从世界各地向中国市场进口柑橘、梨、鲜食葡萄和核果。
Sylvia from Shanghai Leopard Fruit Trading Co. Ltd. Leopard Fruit Trading (Shanghai) Company is the WOFE of Jaguar, the Fresh Company in China, focusing on importing and exporting fresh fruits. They mainly import citrus, pears, table grapes and stone fruits from worldwide to the Chinese market.
Holly Du from Fresh Company. Specialised in different packaging solutions.来自东入案莞零碳包装有限公司的杜红丽总经理。
Holly Du from Fresh Company. Specialised in different packaging solutions.
Big gathering at Cosco Shipping Container Line Agencies Limited. Cosco is one of the largest carriers of refrigerated cargo in the world and provide its services all over the world.

Big gathering at Cosco Shipping Container Line Agencies Limited. Cosco is one of the largest carriers of refrigerated cargo in the world and provide its services all over the world.


Danny from Gaoxiong City Fang Jing Cooperative. Selling proccessed as fresh fruits from Taiwanese production base. // 来自高雄市芳境果蔬远销合作社的经理萧旦伦。他们出售在台湾生产基地加工的新鲜水果。
Danny from Gaoxiong City Fang Jing Cooperative. Selling proccessed as fresh fruits from Taiwanese production base. // 来自高雄市芳境果蔬远销合作社的经理萧旦伦。他们出售在台湾生产基地加工的新鲜水果。
Deng Yumeng from Guangzhou Qingyi Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. Specialised in growing, packing and exporting Chinese apples. // 来自广州青怡农业科技有限公司的进出口专员邓雨萌,该公司专业种植、包装和出口中国苹果。
Deng Yumeng from Guangzhou Qingyi Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. Specialised in growing, packing and exporting Chinese apples. // 来自广州青怡农业科技有限公司的进出口专员邓雨萌,该公司专业种植、包装和出口中国苹果。
Jessica Li from Easiland Commercial Co.,Ltd. Specialised in exporting garlic, fresh or processed worldwide. // 来自Easiland Commercial Co.,Ltd.的Jessica Li,该公司致力于出口大蒜、新鲜大蒜或加工大蒜。
Jessica Li from Easiland Commercial Co.,Ltd. Specialised in exporting garlic, fresh or processed worldwide. // 来自Easiland Commercial Co.,Ltd.的Jessica Li,该公司致力于出口大蒜、新鲜大蒜或加工大蒜。
Ms. Vivian from Shaanxi Shengfeng Imp&Exp Trading Co.,Ltd. Focused on apple export. // 来自陕西盛丰进出口贸易有限公司的Vivian女士,该公司专注于苹果的生产和出口。
Ms. Vivian from Shaanxi Shengfeng Imp&Exp Trading Co.,Ltd. Focused on apple export. // 来自陕西盛丰进出口贸易有限公司的Vivian女士,该公司专注于苹果的生产和出口。
Shaanxi Hovo import and export Co., Ltd. in a meeting with a client. Main products for export are grapes, apple, mandarin, potatoes etc. // Shaanxi Hovo import and export Co., Ltd.在与客户见面。该公司的主要出口产品有葡萄、苹果、柑桔、土豆等。
Shaanxi Hovo import and export Co., Ltd. in a meeting with a client. Main products for export are grapes, apple, mandarin, potatoes etc. // Shaanxi Hovo import and export Co., Ltd.在与客户见面。该公司的主要出口产品有葡萄、苹果、柑桔、土豆等。
Tony Huang, Zee Ruan and Jaap Pees from FruitMax China. FruitMax China supplies the Chinese market with fruits from around the world. Their selected group of growers stands for top quality and are fully certified for China. // 来自FruitMax China的Tony Huang, Zee Ruan和Jaap Pees。FruitMax China为中国市场供应来自世界各地的水果。他们挑选的一批种植者代表着最高质量,并获得了中国的全面认证。
Tony Huang, Zee Ruan and Jaap Pees from FruitMax China. FruitMax China supplies the Chinese market with fruits from around the world. Their selected group of growers stands for top quality and are fully certified for China. // 来自FruitMax China的Tony Huang, Zee Ruan和Jaap Pees。FruitMax China为中国市场供应来自世界各地的水果。他们挑选的一批种植者代表着最高质量,并获得了中国的全面认证。
Clarence Hu from Guizhou Shouyang Fruit. Shouyang is a professional company of a collection of agricultural development, fruit planting, processing and marketing. Business scope covers fruits wholesale, retail, cooperation with super markets, and fruit stores chain operation etc. // 来自贵州首杨企业管理有限公司的Clarence Hu。首杨是一家集农业开发、水果种植、加工、销售为一体的专业公司。经营范围包括水果批发、零售、超市合作、水果连锁经营等。
Clarence Hu from Guizhou Shouyang Fruit. Shouyang is a professional company of a collection of agricultural development, fruit planting, processing and marketing. Business scope covers fruits wholesale, retail, cooperation with super markets, and fruit stores chain operation etc. // 来自贵州首杨企业管理有限公司的Clarence Hu。首杨是一家集农业开发、水果种植、加工、销售为一体的专业公司。经营范围包括水果批发、零售、超市合作、水果连锁经营等。
Team of Asia Global at their booth. Logistics services company for domestic and foreign companies. // Yong Quan和他的来自泛亚的同事在他们的展位上。他们为中外公司提供物流服务。包括进出口服务、出入境检验检疫服务、订票服务和冷链运输服务。
Team of Asia Global at their booth. Logistics services company for domestic and foreign companies. // Yong Quan和他的来自泛亚的同事在他们的展位上。他们为中外公司提供物流服务。包括进出口服务、出入境检验检疫服务、订票服务和冷链运输服务。
Gai Wei from Maf Roda Machinery (Yantai) Co.,Ltd. Provider of sorting line machinery. // 来自迈夫诺达机械设备(烟台)有限公司的中国区销售经理盖伟,该公司提供分选线机械。他们提供用于分级、加工和处理新鲜水果和蔬菜的装置。
Gai Wei from Maf Roda Machinery (Yantai) Co.,Ltd. Provider of sorting line machinery. // 来自迈夫诺达机械设备(烟台)有限公司的中国区销售经理盖伟,该公司提供分选线机械。他们提供用于分级、加工和处理新鲜水果和蔬菜的装置。
Viola Lam and her colleague from Hapag-Lloyd (China) Ltd. // 来自赫伯罗特(中国)有限公司的香港业务总监林雅。赫伯罗特(中国)有限公司是一家领先的全球班轮运输公司。
Viola Lam and her colleague from Hapag-Lloyd (China) Ltd. // 来自赫伯罗特(中国)有限公司的香港业务总监林雅。赫伯罗特(中国)有限公司是一家领先的全球班轮运输公司。
Joy Chang from Seng Seng Plastic Co.,Ltd. // 来自生昇塑膠股份有限公司的销售经理Joy Chang,他们是一家生产、供应、开发和生产高品质低密度聚乙烯袋、聚对苯二甲酸丙酯袋和复合袋的公司。
Joy Chang from Seng Seng Plastic Co.,Ltd. // 来自生昇塑膠股份有限公司的销售经理Joy Chang,他们是一家生产、供应、开发和生产高品质低密度聚乙烯袋、聚对苯二甲酸丙酯袋和复合袋的公司。
Weika Machinery.
Weika Machinery.
Cathy Fang from Chesen BioChem Co., Ltd. Chesen BioChem Co., Ltd is one of the leading manufacturer of agriculture protection products in China, specialized in research, development, production and market of agrochemicals. // 来自采森生物化学有限公司的Cathy Fang,该公司是中国领先的农业防护用品生产企业之一,专业从事农用化学品的研发、生产和销售。
Cathy Fang from Chesen BioChem Co., Ltd. Chesen BioChem Co., Ltd is one of the leading manufacturer of agriculture protection products in China, specialized in research, development, production and market of agrochemicals. // 来自采森生物化学有限公司的Cathy Fang,该公司是中国领先的农业防护用品生产企业之一,专业从事农用化学品的研发、生产和销售。
Team of Shenyang Renhe and Datong Trading Group Co., Ltd.. Specialised in sweet potato planting and trading. At the fair presented their new variety, Elizabeth. // 沈阳仁和大同贸易集团有限公司团队。该公司专门种植和交易红薯。在展会上,他们展示了他们的新品种伊丽莎白。
Team of Shenyang Renhe and Datong Trading Group Co., Ltd.. Specialised in sweet potato planting and trading. At the fair presented their new variety, Elizabeth. // 沈阳仁和大同贸易集团有限公司团队。该公司专门种植和交易红薯。在展会上,他们展示了他们的新品种伊丽莎白。
Han Zhen from Beijing Mingjinlong Fruit Trading Co., Ltd. // 来自北京明晋隆水果贸易有限公司的销售总经理韩震,他们进口各种水果,如葡萄、桔子、樱桃、芒果、榴莲等。
Han Zhen from Beijing Mingjinlong Fruit Trading Co., Ltd. // 来自北京明晋隆水果贸易有限公司的销售总经理韩震,他们进口各种水果,如葡萄、桔子、樱桃、芒果、榴莲等。
Team of Yantai Boshida Group. They produce different kind of flavors of apple chips. // 烟台博士达集团团队。他们生产不同口味的苹果片。
Team of Yantai Boshida Group. They produce different kind of flavors of apple chips. // 烟台博士达集团团队。他们生产不同口味的苹果片。
Li Dan from Lvyuan Packaging. They are a professional packaging manufacturer, with their own factory located in Shenzhen. The main production is a variety of packing boxes for seasonal fruits, vegetables, seafood, and snack foods and so on. According to the specific requirements and suggestions of each client they can manufacture different boxes.

Li Dan from Lvyuan Packaging. They are a professional packaging manufacturer, with their own factory located in Shenzhen. The main production is a variety of packing boxes for seasonal fruits, vegetables, seafood, and snack foods and so on. According to the specific requirements and suggestions of each client they can manufacture different boxes.


Zhou Xiaoqin from Sichuan NingDian Agriculture Co., Ltd. Main product is lemons. // 来自四川省柠点农业有限公司的总经理助理/区域经理周小琴,主要产品是柠檬。
Zhou Xiaoqin from Sichuan NingDian Agriculture Co., Ltd. Main product is lemons. // 来自四川省柠点农业有限公司的总经理助理/区域经理周小琴,主要产品是柠檬。
Maria from Laiwu Manhing Vegetables Fruits Corporation. They mainly export ginger and garlic, and also can supply potato, onion, taro and apple.来自山东省万兴食品有限公司的销售代表毕晓凤。他们主要出口生姜和大蒜,也供应土豆、洋葱、芋头和苹果。
Maria from Laiwu Manhing Vegetables Fruits Corporation. They mainly export ginger and garlic, and also can supply potato, onion, taro and apple.
Ma Jia from Qixia Hengyuan Fruit & Vegetable, specialised in apple production and export to more than 10 countries.来自栖霞市恒源果蔬的马佳。该公司专业生产苹果并出口到10多个国家。
Ma Jia from Qixia Hengyuan Fruit & Vegetable, specialised in apple production and export to more than 10 countries.

Windy Gu from Shandong Yuesheng Fruits Vegetables Co., Ltd. Producer and exporter of apples, chestnut, garlic, ginger and pears. // 来自山东月笙果蔬有限公司的Windy Gu,该公司是苹果、板栗、大蒜、生姜、梨的生产和出口企业。
Windy Gu from Shandong Yuesheng Fruits Vegetables Co., Ltd. Producer and exporter of apples, chestnut, garlic, ginger and pears. // 来自山东月笙果蔬有限公司的Windy Gu,该公司是苹果、板栗、大蒜、生姜、梨的生产和出口企业。
Simon Lee And Lucien Chen from Aoweite Biotechnology Co.,Ltd. They are specialised in providing companies post harvest solutions for fruits and vegetables. // 来自Aoweite Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.的Simon Lee和Lucien Chen,他们专门为公司提供水果和蔬菜的采后解决方案。
Simon Lee And Lucien Chen from Aoweite Biotechnology Co.,Ltd. They are specialised in providing companies post harvest solutions for fruits and vegetables. // 来自Aoweite Biotechnology Co.,Ltd.的Simon Lee和Lucien Chen,他们专门为公司提供水果和蔬菜的采后解决方案。
Alice Dai from JinXiang Hopelong Food Co.,Ltd. They are a leading export company of fresh products, deep-processed products and quick-frozen products. The export market covers Europe, America, Southeast Asia, Africa, Middle East and so on, in total more than 70 it consist of countries and regions. // 来自金乡市和福隆食品有限公司的销售经理代云,该公司是一家以新鲜产品、深加工产品和速冻产品为主的出口公司。出口市场覆盖欧洲、美洲、东南亚、非洲、中东等国家和地区70多个。
Alice Dai from JinXiang Hopelong Food Co.,Ltd. They are a leading export company of fresh products, deep-processed products and quick-frozen products. The export market covers Europe, America, Southeast Asia, Africa, Middle East and so on, in total more than 70 it consist of countries and regions. // 来自金乡市和福隆食品有限公司的销售经理代云,该公司是一家以新鲜产品、深加工产品和速冻产品为主的出口公司。出口市场覆盖欧洲、美洲、东南亚、非洲、中东等国家和地区70多个。
Alice Su from Xiamen Rainbow Fruits Co.,Ltd. Trades fresh grapes, mandarins, oranges, lemons, pomelos, melons, pears, apples & carrots mainly. Its current markets include Southeast Asia, South Asia, Middle East, North America, Europe & Russia. // 来自厦门润博果业有限公司市场部的苏伟苗,该公司主要经营鲜葡萄、柑桔、柠檬、柚子、西瓜、梨、苹果和胡萝卜。目前的市场包括东南亚、南亚、中东、北美、欧洲和俄罗斯。
Alice Su from Xiamen Rainbow Fruits Co.,Ltd. Trades fresh grapes, mandarins, oranges, lemons, pomelos, melons, pears, apples & carrots mainly. Its current markets include Southeast Asia, South Asia, Middle East, North America, Europe & Russia. // 来自厦门润博果业有限公司市场部的苏伟苗,该公司主要经营鲜葡萄、柑桔、柠檬、柚子、西瓜、梨、苹果和胡萝卜。目前的市场包括东南亚、南亚、中东、北美、欧洲和俄罗斯。
Clara Wang Shandong Jinan Haoyuan Agricutlural Products Co., Ltd. Their main products for export are apples, pears, citrus and other fruits. // Shandong Jinan Haoyuan Agricutlural Products Co., Ltd的Clara Wang.主要出口苹果、梨、柑橘等水果。
Clara Wang Shandong Jinan Haoyuan Agricutlural Products Co., Ltd. Their main products for export are apples, pears, citrus and other fruits. // Shandong Jinan Haoyuan Agricutlural Products Co., Ltd的Clara Wang.主要出口苹果、梨、柑橘等水果。
Jinxiang Tianjia Food Company Limited. Providing fresh garlic products. // 金乡天佳食品有限公司。该公司新鲜大蒜产品。
Jinxiang Tianjia Food Company Limited. Providing fresh garlic products. // 金乡天佳食品有限公司。该公司新鲜大蒜产品。
Hunan Green Union Agricultural Development Tech Co., Ltd. // 湖南绿盟农业发展科技有限公司。
Hunan Green Union Agricultural Development Tech Co., Ltd. // 湖南绿盟农业发展科技有限公司。
Guanxian Dongyuan Agricultural Product Co., Ltd. Specialised in different varieties of pears. // 冠县东源农产品有限公司专业生产不同品种的梨
Guanxian Dongyuan Agricultural Product Co., Ltd. Specialised in different varieties of pears. // 冠县东源农产品有限公司专业生产不同品种的梨
Amy Zhang and her colleague from Jining Fuyuan Fruits & Vegetables Co., Ltd. Professional export company of Chinese fruits and vegetables. Their main products consist of: garlic, ginger, chestnut, onion, sweet corn, red grape and baby mandarin. // 来自济宁富源果菜有限公司的张静和她的同事,该公司专业出口果蔬。主要产品有:大蒜、生姜、板栗、洋葱、甜玉米、红葡萄、蜜柑等。
Amy Zhang and her colleague from Jining Fuyuan Fruits & Vegetables Co., Ltd. Professional export company of Chinese fruits and vegetables. Their main products consist of: garlic, ginger, chestnut, onion, sweet corn, red grape and baby mandarin. // 来自济宁富源果菜有限公司的张静和她的同事,该公司专业出口果蔬。主要产品有:大蒜、生姜、板栗、洋葱、甜玉米、红葡萄、蜜柑等。
Kevin Lee from Chongqing Jin Guo Yuan Import&export Trade Co.Ltd. They are a multinational which specializes in fruit import and export. // 来自重庆金果源进出口贸易有限公司的国际采购经理李健豪,该公司是一家专业从事水果进出口的跨国公司。
Kevin Lee from Chongqing Jin Guo Yuan Import&export Trade Co.Ltd. They are a multinational which specializes in fruit import and export. // 来自重庆金果源进出口贸易有限公司的国际采购经理李健豪,该公司是一家专业从事水果进出口的跨国公司。
Tzone Digital Tech Co., Ltd. Professional manufacturer of temperature data logger for fresh produce. They are focused on bringing the best solution for their customers. // 深圳天圆数码科技有限公司专业生产新鲜农产品温度数据记录仪。他们专注于为客户提供最佳解决方案。
Tzone Digital Tech Co., Ltd. Professional manufacturer of temperature data logger for fresh produce. They are focused on bringing the best solution for their customers. // 深圳天圆数码科技有限公司专业生产新鲜农产品温度数据记录仪。他们专注于为客户提供最佳解决方案。
Melvin Xavier from Cold Chain Connect. Cold Chain Connect is a global perishable cargo alliance. Their objective is to bring together partners who have the know-how and expertise in moving perishable cargo under one roof. // 来自Cold Chain Connect的Melvin Xavier。Cold Chain Connect是一个全球易腐货物联盟。他们的目标是将在同一屋檐下搬运易腐货物方面拥有专门知识和专长的合作伙伴聚集在一起。
Melvin Xavier from Cold Chain Connect. Cold Chain Connect is a global perishable cargo alliance. Their objective is to bring together partners who have the know-how and expertise in moving perishable cargo under one roof. // 来自Cold Chain Connect的Melvin Xavier。Cold Chain Connect是一个全球易腐货物联盟。他们的目标是将在同一屋檐下搬运易腐货物方面拥有专门知识和专长的合作伙伴聚集在一起。
Nancy Lu from Shanghai Fuming New Material Technology Co., Ltd. They develop special food packaging to extend the shelflife of different fruits and vegetables. // 来自上海复命新材料科技有限公司的陆美华,他们开发了特殊的食品包装,以延长不同水果和蔬菜的货架期。
Nancy Lu from Shanghai Fuming New Material Technology Co., Ltd. They develop special food packaging to extend the shelflife of different fruits and vegetables. // 来自上海复命新材料科技有限公司的陆美华,他们开发了特殊的食品包装,以延长不同水果和蔬菜的货架期。
Johnson Xia from Pinghu jianxin extruded net packaging co,.ltd. // 来自平湖市建新挤塑网包装有限公司夏天放。
Johnson Xia from Pinghu jianxin extruded net packaging co,.ltd. // 来自平湖市建新挤塑网包装有限公司夏天放。
来自广东富易的Ivy Chan 女士 (右二)以及同事们。公司的主要产品包括荔枝、紫心番薯、生姜等。Mrs Ivy Chan (2nd from right) and her colleagues from Guangdong Fuyi Agricultural Product Co., Ltd. The company supplies a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables including lychee, sweet potatoes and ginger.
来自广东富易的Ivy Chan 女士 (右二)以及同事们。公司的主要产品包括荔枝、紫心番薯、生姜等。
Mrs Ivy Chan (2nd from right) and her colleagues from Guangdong Fuyi Agricultural Product Co., Ltd. The company supplies a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables including lychee, sweet potatoes and ginger.
招商局港口(华南)运营中心的陈柏麒经理(左二)在展位上接待来宾。Mr Chen Boqi from Shekou port (2nd from the left) is receiving visitors at the booth.
Mr Chen Boqi from Shekou port (2nd from the left) is receiving visitors at the booth.
Mr. Alvin G. Chneg from JBT FoodTech. This is a food technology provider based in the US, the company’s service including coating & cleaners, decay control, packaging technologies and produce identification.
Mr. Alvin G. Chneg from JBT FoodTech. This is a food technology provider based in the US, the company’s service including coating & cleaners, decay control, packaging technologies and produce identification.
马来西亚金荣公司是榴莲供应商与出口商。公司的新鲜榴莲与冷冻榴莲出口至多个国家。GoldThon is a Malaysian durian supplier and exporter. The company exports fresh durian and frozen durian to different countries.
GoldThon is a Malaysian durian supplier and exporter. The company exports fresh durian and frozen durian to different countries.
精密实业有限公司是食品包装研发商与供应商。照片中为留君铭女士。Mrs Liu Junming from Finest Industrial Co., Ltd., the company is a packaging developer and supplier.
Mrs Liu Junming from Finest Industrial Co., Ltd., the company is a packaging developer and supplier.
常州杰记水果销售有限公司为国产鲜梨供应商。周振锋总经理带领团队参展。Mr Zhou Zhenfeng from Changzhou Jieji Fruit Sales Co., Ltd. The company supplies fresh pears.
Mr Zhou Zhenfeng from Changzhou Jieji Fruit Sales Co., Ltd. The company supplies fresh pears.
上海嘉果食品有限公司的主要产品包括牛油果、梨、柠檬等。The main products of SHANGHAI SUPAFRESH TRADING CO., LTD. Includes avocados, pears and lemons.
The main products of SHANGHAI SUPAFRESH TRADING CO., LTD. Includes avocados, pears and lemons.
裕隆保鲜食品供应各种鲜梨产品。照片中为纪宇总经理。Mr Jiyu from XinjiYulong Freshfood Co., Ltd. The company supplies a variety of fresh pears.
Mr Jiyu from XinjiYulong Freshfood Co., Ltd. The company supplies a variety of fresh pears.
中美国玉的产品为水果玉米。照片中为齐秀涓副总经理。Mrs Qi Xiujuan from Zome Fruity Corn S&T Development Co., Ltd. Sweet corn is their main product.
Mrs Qi Xiujuan from Zome Fruity Corn S&T Development Co., Ltd. Sweet corn is their main product.
泾川县陇原红(富原红)果品贸易有限责任公司的主要产品为苹果、哈密瓜等。傅少升经理带领团队参展。Mr Fu Shaosheng is leading the team at the booth. Jing Chuan Long Yuan Hong (Fu Yuan Hong) Fruits Trading Co., Ltd's main products including apples and melons.
Mr Fu Shaosheng is leading the team at the booth. Jing Chuan Long Yuan Hong (Fu Yuan Hong) Fruits Trading Co., Ltd's main products including apples and melons.
来自蛇口集装箱码头的钟女士以及来自深圳市健诚业国际货运代理有限公司的梁建先生。Mrs Zhong from Shekou port and Mr liangjian from Shenzhen Kin Shing Yip International agent Co., Ltd.
Mrs Zhong from Shekou port and Mr liangjian from Shenzhen Kin Shing Yip International agent Co., Ltd.
亚盛好食邦食品集团有限公司是西北特色农业食品生产商。公司主要的产品为洋葱、马铃薯、梨、红枣等产品。马瑜总监(左一)带领团队参展。Mr Ma Yu from Gansu Yasheng Hiosbon Food Group Co., Ltd. The company supplies a wide range of fruits and vegetables from North-West China, including onions, potatoes, pears and Chinese dates.
Mr Ma Yu from Gansu Yasheng Hiosbon Food Group Co., Ltd. The company supplies a wide range of fruits and vegetables from North-West China, including onions, potatoes, pears and Chinese dates.
静宁县陇原红果品经销有限责任公司的主要出口产品为苹果。马彩霞经理(左二)带领团队与来自印度的客户洽谈。Mrs Ma Caixia (2nd from left) from Long Yuan Hong Fruits Selling Co., Ltd. Jingning County is receiving visitors from India.
Mrs Ma Caixia (2nd from left) from Long Yuan Hong Fruits Selling Co., Ltd. Jingning County is receiving visitors from India.
聊城青美商贸有限公司为鲜梨供应商。王向阳总经理带领团队参展。Mr Wang Xiangyang from Liaocheng Qingmei Commercial and Trading Co., Ltd. The company supplies fresh pears.
Mr Wang Xiangyang from Liaocheng Qingmei Commercial and Trading Co., Ltd. The company supplies fresh pears.
Sensitech is a supply chain solution provider based in the US. Their Asia-Pacific team participated in the exhibition.
Sensitech is a supply chain solution provider based in the US. Their Asia-Pacific team participated in the exhibition.
绿德礼投资有限公司一家在中国专注于生长快速的进口水果销售和咨询公司。Greenliving investment Group Limited provides consultant service to fruit importers.
Greenliving investment Group Limited provides consultant service to fruit importers.
石家庄图丰贸易有限公司的参展代表。该公司的主要产品为河北鲜梨。Representatives from Shijiazhuang Tufeng Trading Co., Ltd. The company supplies fresh pears from Hebei, China.
Representatives from Shijiazhuang Tufeng Trading Co., Ltd. The company supplies fresh pears from Hebei, China.
深圳市五果丰果品有限公司在中国新疆维吾尔自治区有多个种植基地,产品包括红提、梨、哈密瓜、等多个品种。产品大多出口至东南亚及中东等地区。SHENZHEN WUGUOFENG FRUITS CO., LTD supplies a wide range of fruits from Xinjiang, China. Most of the products are exported to South-East Asia and the Middle East. 
SHENZHEN WUGUOFENG FRUITS CO., LTD supplies a wide range of fruits from Xinjiang, China. Most of the products are exported to South-East Asia and the Middle East. 
蛇口港于周三在展位上举办了客户联谊活动。Networking event at the booth of Shekou port on 5 September.
Networking event at the booth of Shekou port on 5 September.
Aomori Trading Co. Ltd's apple products. The company also supplies branded "hello kitty" apple from Japan.
Aomori Trading Co. Ltd's apple products. The company also supplies branded "hello kitty" apple from Japan.
Mr Phan Vu Hoang from FRESHFRUITis receiving visitors at the booth. The company supplies a wide variety of fresh fruits from Vietnam, including mangos, dragon fruits, passion fruits and coconuts.
Mr Phan Vu Hoang from FRESHFRUITis receiving visitors at the booth. The company supplies a wide variety of fresh fruits from Vietnam, including mangos, dragon fruits, passion fruits and coconuts.
A sales representative at Freshfruit booth.
A sales representative at Freshfruit booth.
Mr Tu Phan (director) from Anh Duong Sao Co., Ltd. The company supplies a wide range of tropical fruits from Vietnam.
Mr Tu Phan (director) from Anh Duong Sao Co., Ltd. The company supplies a wide range of tropical fruits from Vietnam.
Mrs Nithinunt Botcharoen (General Manager) of S.F.M. International Trading Co., Ltd. The company supplies a wide range of tropical fruits and vegetables from Thailand.
Mrs Nithinunt Botcharoen (General Manager) of S.F.M. International Trading Co., Ltd. The company supplies a wide range of tropical fruits and vegetables from Thailand.
Mr Tony Nguyen is presenting Ant Farm. The company supplies a variety of fresh exotic fruits from Vietnam.
Mr Tony Nguyen is presenting Ant Farm. The company supplies a variety of fresh exotic fruits from Vietnam.
Mr Ngo Tuong Vy and his colleague from GHANH THU. The company supplies a variety of fruits from Vietnam.
Mr Ngo Tuong Vy and his colleague from GHANH THU. The company supplies a variety of fruits from Vietnam.
Mrs Demy from Fruits and Greens Co. The company supplies a variety of fresh fruits and dragon fruit chips from Vietnam.
Mrs Demy from Fruits and Greens Co. The company supplies a variety of fresh fruits and dragon fruit chips from Vietnam.
Mr Tran Ngoc Hoang and his colleague from Queen Farm. The company supplies fresh dragon fruit from Vietnam.
Mr Tran Ngoc Hoang and his colleague from Queen Farm. The company supplies fresh dragon fruit from Vietnam.
Mrs Tram Tran of VINA T&T GROUP. The company supplies a variety of fresh fruits from Vietnam.
Mrs Tram Tran of VINA T&T GROUP. The company supplies a variety of fresh fruits from Vietnam.
Mr Dennis Nghia Than Trong (a member of the board) and his colleagues from Viet Agricultural Science.
Mr Dennis Nghia Than Trong (a member of the board) and his colleagues from Viet Agricultural Science.
Mr Nguyen Xuan Truc (CEO) is leading his team from Elite Foods JSC at the exhibition.
Mr Nguyen Xuan Truc (CEO) is leading his team from Elite Foods JSC at the exhibition.
Mr Huynh Phuc Duy, the director of Viet Exotic Fruit Co., Ltd. The company supplies a variety of fresh exotic fruits from Vietnam.
Mr Huynh Phuc Duy, the director of Viet Exotic Fruit Co., Ltd. The company supplies a variety of fresh exotic fruits from Vietnam.
Mr Mai Xuan Thin (CEO) of Red Dragon Co., Ltd. The company supplies fresh fruits from Vietnam including dragon fruit and lemons.
Mr Mai Xuan Thin (CEO) of Red Dragon Co., Ltd. The company supplies fresh fruits from Vietnam including dragon fruit and lemons.
Mr Nguyen Huu Thien, the manager at Hand & Hand Co., Ltd. Banana is their main product.
Mr Nguyen Huu Thien, the manager at Hand & Hand Co., Ltd. Banana is their main product.
Mr Soonthorn Sritawee (managing director) from Blue River Products Limited. The company supplies a variety of tropical fruits and vegetables from Thailand.
Mr Soonthorn Sritawee (managing director) from Blue River Products Limited. The company supplies a variety of tropical fruits and vegetables from Thailand.
Mrs Nguyen Chien (sales executive) and her colleague are presenting VINAGRIN Import Export Co., LTd.
Mrs Nguyen Chien (sales executive) and her colleague are presenting VINAGRIN Import Export Co., LTd.
Mrs Dinh Thu Huong (sales & purchase manager) and her colleague are presenting DOVECO.
Mrs Dinh Thu Huong (sales & purchase manager) and her colleague are presenting DOVECO.
Mr Thanh Nguyen Quoc Truong (marketing manager) of Unifarm. The company supplies processed fruits such as dried banana chips.
Mr Thanh Nguyen Quoc Truong (marketing manager) of Unifarm. The company supplies processed fruits such as dried banana chips.
Ms Stacy Hemmasart of Kodanmal Group Co., Ltd. is receiving a visitor at the booth. The company supplies a variety of fresh fruits from Thailand.
Ms Stacy Hemmasart of Kodanmal Group Co., Ltd. is receiving a visitor at the booth. The company supplies a variety of fresh fruits from Thailand.
Mr Taka is presenting Nihon Agri, Inc. The company supplies a variety of premium Japanese fruits.
Mr Taka is presenting Nihon Agri, Inc. The company supplies a variety of premium Japanese fruits.
云南美之脆食品有限公司代加工各种冻干食品。Yunnan Mei Zhi Cui is a processed-food service provider, the company produces a variety of frozen and dry foods.
Yunnan Mei Zhi Cui is a processed-food service provider, the company produces a variety of frozen and dry foods.
来自HQTS的黄美林女士(左)与林丹女士(右)。HQTS 为水果公司提供产品质量技术支持。Mrs Marina Huang (Left) and Mrs Lynda Lin (right) of HQTS. The company provides Audits, inspections, and product testing services to fruit companies.
来自HQTS的黄美林女士(左)与林丹女士(右)。HQTS 为水果公司提供产品质量技术支持。
Mrs Marina Huang (Left) and Mrs Lynda Lin (right) of HQTS. The company provides Audits, inspections, and product testing services to fruit companies.
来自烟台玉益果蔬食品有限公司的王梦娇总经理。苹果为该公司主要产品。Mrs Jennifer Wang (general manager) at Yantai Yuyi Fruit & Vegetable foodstuff Co., Ltd. Apple is their main product.
Mrs Jennifer Wang (general manager) at Yantai Yuyi Fruit & Vegetable foodstuff Co., Ltd. Apple is their main product.
Mrs Phanita Telavanich (1st on the left) and her colleagues from Chatchawal Orchid Co., Ltd. The company supplies flowers, fruits (mangosteen, mango, durian, etc.) and vegetables (asparagus, baby corn, okra, etc.) from Thailand.
Mrs Phanita Telavanich (1st on the left) and her colleagues from Chatchawal Orchid Co., Ltd. The company supplies flowers, fruits (mangosteen, mango, durian, etc.) and vegetables (asparagus, baby corn, okra, etc.) from Thailand.
Mr Jim Yau (3rd from the left) from Full Well Packaging Company Limited is introducing the company's packaging solutions to the visitors.
Mr Jim Yau (3rd from the left) from Full Well Packaging Company Limited is introducing the company's packaging solutions to the visitors.
来自天水市秦州区西京果蔬销售专业合作社的范富变女士。公司主要产品包括苹果、鲜梨等。Mrs Fan Fubian from Tianshui Qinzhou Jingxi Cooperative. The company supplies pears and apples from Gansu province, China.
Mrs Fan Fubian from Tianshui Qinzhou Jingxi Cooperative. The company supplies pears and apples from Gansu province, China.
来自天水百盛果品有限公司的刘贵生总经理。公司的经营范围包括各种苹果以及鲜梨产品的收购及进口。Mr Liu Guisheng from Tianshui Baisheng Fruit Co., Ltd. The company specialized in exporting apples and pears.
Mr Liu Guisheng from Tianshui Baisheng Fruit Co., Ltd. The company specialized in exporting apples and pears.
来自甘肃亚盛国际贸易有限公司的马瑜总经理。公司自有种植基地,内销并出口多种蔬果。Mr Mayu from Gansu Yasheng International Trading Co., Ltd. The company has its own production base, exports a wide variety of fruits and vegetables from Gansu, China.
Mr Mayu from Gansu Yasheng International Trading Co., Ltd. The company has its own production base, exports a wide variety of fruits and vegetables from Gansu, China.
来自金德百合的祝菱女士。公司的主要产品为甜百合。Mrs Zhuling from Kingdomlily. Sweet lily is their main product.
Mrs Zhuling from Kingdomlily. Sweet lily is their main product.
来自甘肃一冰电子商务发展有限公司的刘一冰董事长。公司主要种植中国甘肃省的特色农产品,利用电子商务平台销售。Mrs Liu Yibing from Yi Bing E-commerce. The company grows a variety of vegetables in Gansu China and sale them on e-commerce platform.
Mrs Liu Yibing from Yi Bing E-commerce. The company grows a variety of vegetables in Gansu China and sale them on e-commerce platform.
来自甘肃百和塬生态农业有限公司的任笃之总经理(左)与井春玲销售总监(右)。该公司在甘肃有种植基地,主要产品有甜百合、土豆等。Mr Raymond Ren (left) and Mrs Jing (right) of Gansu Baiheyuan Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. The company has a production base in Gansu province. Their main products including sweet lily and potato.
Mr Raymond Ren (left) and Mrs Jing (right) of Gansu Baiheyuan Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. The company has a production base in Gansu province. Their main products including sweet lily and potato.
Sales representatives from Joon International Co., Ltd. The company supplies a variety of fresh fruits from South Korea, including melons, grapes, and peaches.
Sales representatives from Joon International Co., Ltd. The company supplies a variety of fresh fruits from South Korea, including melons, grapes, and peaches.
来自甘肃甘富果业集团有限公司的宫万丰经理。苹果是该公司的主要产品。Mr Gong Wanfeng from Gansu Ganfu Guoye. Apple is their main product.
Mr Gong Wanfeng from Gansu Ganfu Guoye. Apple is their main product.
来自上海彬越贸易有限公司的陈建彬总经理(左)与刘洁商务经理(右)。公司从各国进口40多种水果,进口量达1800柜/年。Mr Steven Chen (left) and Mrs Liu Jie (right) from Shanghai Binyue Trading Co., Ltd. The company imports more than 40 types of fruits from different countries, with 1800 container/year sales volume.
Mr Steven Chen (left) and Mrs Liu Jie (right) from Shanghai Binyue Trading Co., Ltd. The company imports more than 40 types of fruits from different countries, with 1800 container/year sales volume.
Mr Carlos Gruzat from the Chilie Kiwifruit Committee and Mr Andres Armstrong from the Chilie Blueberry Committee.
Mr Carlos Gruzat from the Chilie Kiwifruit Committee and Mr Andres Armstrong from the Chilie Blueberry Committee.
来自深圳市优俊果农产品有限公司的刘芳园女士以及她的同事们。Mrs Liu Fangyuan (middle) and her colleagues are presenting at the booth(Shenzhen Uking Fruit Produce Co., Ltd)
Mrs Liu Fangyuan (middle) and her colleagues are presenting at the booth(Shenzhen Uking Fruit Produce Co., Ltd)
来自佳兴企业有限公司的Jeremy Tan (右二)及同事们在与访问者洽谈。该公司是位于新加坡的包装材料供应商。Mr Jeremy Tan (2nd from the right) from Jia Shing Enterprise Pte. Ltd.and his colleagues are receiving visitors. The company is an international packaging supplier based in Singapore.
来自佳兴企业有限公司的Jeremy Tan (右二)及同事们在与访问者洽谈。该公司是位于新加坡的包装材料供应商。
Mr Jeremy Tan (2nd from the right) from Jia Shing Enterprise Pte. Ltd.and his colleagues are receiving visitors. The company is an international packaging supplier based in Singapore.
来自天津燕都甘栗食品有限公司的朱文杰经理。该公司的主要产品为甘栗。Mrs Zhu Wenjie from Tianjin Yandu Chestnut Foods Co., Ltd. Chestnut is their main product.
Mrs Zhu Wenjie from Tianjin Yandu Chestnut Foods Co., Ltd. Chestnut is their main product.
来自四川省安岳县合胜柠檬产业有限公司的尹学琼总经理。公司种植基地位于四川省安岳县。Mrs Yin Xueqiong from Sichuan Anyue County Hoseng Lemon Industry Co., Ltd. The company has lemon production base in Anyue, Sichuan.
Mrs Yin Xueqiong from Sichuan Anyue County Hoseng Lemon Industry Co., Ltd. The company has lemon production base in Anyue, Sichuan.
来自IDEALISTS的Lucia. 公司生产用于蔬果的生物基包装材料。Lucia from IDEALISTS. The company produces 100% compostable packaging material.
来自IDEALISTS的Lucia. 公司生产用于蔬果的生物基包装材料。
Lucia from IDEALISTS. The company produces 100% compostable packaging material.
成都新朝阳作物科学有限公司是原产地水果综合服务商,产品包括猕猴桃、橙子、芒果等。Chengdu New Sun Crop Science Co., Ltd is an integrated service provider for fruits and vegetables. Product range including kiwi fruits, orange and mango.
Chengdu New Sun Crop Science Co., Ltd is an integrated service provider for fruits and vegetables. Product range including kiwi fruits, orange and mango.
来自Gloria Farming 的Tina Tian 女士(右)。公司在中国陕西有种植基地,主要产品包括苹果和鲜梨。Mrs Tina Tian (right) from Gloria Farming (Xi'an) Co., Ltd. The company has a production base in Shanxi, China. Apple and pear are their main products.
来自Gloria Farming 的Tina Tian 女士(右)。公司在中国陕西有种植基地,主要产品包括苹果和鲜梨。
Mrs Tina Tian (right) from Gloria Farming (Xi'an) Co., Ltd. The company has a production base in Shanxi, China. Apple and pear are their main products.
来自继斌果业有限公司的李成先生。公司主要的产品为陕西合阳红富士苹果。Mr Licheng from Jibin Fruit Co., Ltd. Heyang apple is their main product.
Mr Licheng from Jibin Fruit Co., Ltd. Heyang apple is their main product.
Fruit jam, products of Bubble Gum International Ltd.
Fruit jam, products of Bubble Gum International Ltd.
Mr Jim NG (left) of Bubble Gum International Ltd and his Japanese suppliers. The company imports fruit jam, strawberries, tomatoes, peaches, frozen blueberries and apples from Japan.
Mr Jim NG (left) of Bubble Gum International Ltd and his Japanese suppliers. The company imports fruit jam, strawberries, tomatoes, peaches, frozen blueberries and apples from Japan.
Main products from Tokyo Seika Co., Ltd including high-quality melons, peaches, oranges and grapes from Japan.
Main products from Tokyo Seika Co., Ltd including high-quality melons, peaches, oranges and grapes from Japan.
Mr Rodman Liew from TRL SDN BHD TROPICAL RESOURCES (ASIA) LIMITED. The company supplies a variety of tropical fruits from Malaysia, such as durian and dragon fruits.
Mr Rodman Liew from TRL SDN BHD TROPICAL RESOURCES (ASIA) LIMITED. The company supplies a variety of tropical fruits from Malaysia, such as durian and dragon fruits.
Mrs Kim Dong-Ha (left) from Kiss Kiwi. The company supplies a variety of kiwi fruits from South Korea.
Mrs Kim Dong-Ha (left) from Kiss Kiwi. The company supplies a variety of kiwi fruits from South Korea.
Mr T.M. MAK of Makatas Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd. The company supplies a variety of tropical fruits from Malaysia, including durian, watermelon and pineapples.
Mr T.M. MAK of Makatas Marketing (M) Sdn Bhd. The company supplies a variety of tropical fruits from Malaysia, including durian, watermelon and pineapples.
Mr Richard Ng (left) and Mr M. Kaliyannan (right) from Melon Master Sdn.Bhd. The company supplies watermelons from Malaysia.
Mr Richard Ng (left) and Mr M. Kaliyannan (right) from Melon Master Sdn.Bhd. The company supplies watermelons from Malaysia.
Representatives of Melon Master Sdn.Bhd are receiving visitors at the booth.
Representatives of Melon Master Sdn.Bhd are receiving visitors at the booth.
Mr Iwata Masahiro from FUNASHO GROUP. The company supplies a wide range of fruits and vegetables from Japan, including peaches, melons, apples and grapes.
Mr Iwata Masahiro from FUNASHO GROUP. The company supplies a wide range of fruits and vegetables from Japan, including peaches, melons, apples and grapes.
A sales representative from Daikin, the company provides the ultimate solution for maintaining product freshness.
A sales representative from Daikin, the company provides the ultimate solution for maintaining product freshness.
A sales representative from TFF ThaiFarm Fresh. The company supplies a wide range of exotic fruits from Thailand, including coconut, dragon fruit and mango.
A sales representative from TFF ThaiFarm Fresh. The company supplies a wide range of exotic fruits from Thailand, including coconut, dragon fruit and mango.
Mrs Kate Ro (left) and her colleague is presenting NH Trading. The company supplies fresh pears from South Korea.
Mrs Kate Ro (left) and her colleague is presenting NH Trading. The company supplies fresh pears from South Korea.
Mr Dong Ho Chang is presenting ASER FARM, the company supplies pears, grapes and strawberries from South Korea.
Mr Dong Ho Chang is presenting ASER FARM, the company supplies pears, grapes and strawberries from South Korea.
Mr Piao Renhao is receiving visitors at the booth. The company supplies a wide range of fresh fruits from South Korea.
Mr Piao Renhao is receiving visitors at the booth. The company supplies a wide range of fresh fruits from South Korea.
Mr Piao Renhao and his colleague are presenting the company at the booth.
Mr Piao Renhao and his colleague are presenting the company at the booth.
Mrs Kim Seoyeon is representing Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation. The company supplies a wide variety of South Korean fruits and vegetables.
Mrs Kim Seoyeon is representing Korea Agro-Fisheries & Food Trade Corporation. The company supplies a wide variety of South Korean fruits and vegetables.
PearlFoods International, Inc. is a Philippian company that supplies processed fruit products such as banana chips and mango juice. Mrs Mary Angelette Gozo is in the picture.
PearlFoods International, Inc. is a Philippian company that supplies processed fruit products such as banana chips and mango juice. Mrs Mary Angelette Gozo is in the picture.
Mr Hideo Obori and his team from Aomori Trading Co., Ltd. The company supplies a wide variety of apples from Japan.
Mr Hideo Obori and his team from Aomori Trading Co., Ltd. The company supplies a wide variety of apples from Japan.
Doxo International trading supplies different types of fruits from the Philippines. Their main products including bananas, pineapples and mangos. Mrs Marichu R. Edrrlin is presenting the team at the booth.
Doxo International trading supplies different types of fruits from the Philippines. Their main products including bananas, pineapples and mangos. Mrs Marichu R. Edrrlin is presenting the team at the booth.
Good Morning Korea Co., Ltd is a South Korean company that supplies different types of mushrooms.
Good Morning Korea Co., Ltd is a South Korean company that supplies different types of mushrooms.
NongHyup supplies a wide variety of South Korean fruits and vegetables including kiwi fruits, grapes, melons, paprika and tomatoes.
NongHyup supplies a wide variety of South Korean fruits and vegetables including kiwi fruits, grapes, melons, paprika and tomatoes.
Jeju Citrus Grower’s Agricultural Cooperatives Trading Office is a South Korean company that supplies kiwifruit and mandarin.
Jeju Citrus Grower’s Agricultural Cooperatives Trading Office is a South Korean company that supplies kiwifruit and mandarin.
A group of South Korean companies is presented at the exhibition under the name SFTA.
A group of South Korean companies is presented at the exhibition under the name SFTA.
A representative from SFTA is receiving a visitor at the booth.
A representative from SFTA is receiving a visitor at the booth.
Evergood corporation supplies a wide variety of South Korean fruits including grapes, strawberries, peaches and apples. Mr Kim is presenting the company at the booth.
Evergood corporation supplies a wide variety of South Korean fruits including grapes, strawberries, peaches and apples. Mr Kim is presenting the company at the booth.
Mrs Rachel Lee is presenting Rompin Integrated Pineapple Industries Sdn. Bhd. The company supplies fresh MD2 pineapple and processed pineapple products from Malaysia.
Mrs Rachel Lee is presenting Rompin Integrated Pineapple Industries Sdn. Bhd. The company supplies fresh MD2 pineapple and processed pineapple products from Malaysia.
Kittidej Tanadumrongsakd and his colleagues are presenting TT Inter Fruit co., Ltd at the booth. Their main products including durian, pineapple, longan, and lychee.
Kittidej Tanadumrongsakd and his colleagues are presenting TT Inter Fruit co., Ltd at the booth. Their main products including durian, pineapple, longan, and lychee.
Mr Paibgon Wongehotsa Thij and Mrs Ubolwan Wongehotsathit were presenting OP FRUIT CO., LTD. The company supplies a variety of Thai fruits including durian, coconuts and mangoes.
Mr Paibgon Wongehotsa Thij and Mrs Ubolwan Wongehotsathit were presenting OP FRUIT CO., LTD. The company supplies a variety of Thai fruits including durian, coconuts and mangoes.